「WordNet」および「日本語WordNet」による、言葉の意義ごとの定義や同義語などを記述した概念辞書です。 提供 情報通信研究機構 URL https://www.nict.go.jp/ |
日本語WordNet(英和) のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- U
- UA
- UB
- UC
- UD
- UE
- UF
- UG
- UH
- UI
- UJ
- UK
- UL
- UM
- UN
- UO
- UP
- UQ
- UR
- US
- UT
- UU
- UV
- UW
- UX
- UY
- UZ
- U(50音)
- U(タイ文字)
- U(数字)
- U(記号)
- undoer
- undogmatic
- undogmatical
- undoing
- undomestic
- undomesticated
- undone
- undoubtedly
- undrained
- undramatic
- undramatically
- undrape
- undraped
- undrawn
- undreamed
- undreamed of
- undreamt
- undreamt of
- undress
- undressed
- undried
- undrinkable
- Undset
- undue
- undulant
- undulant fever
- undulate
- undulation
- undulatory
- undulatory theory
- unduly
- undutiful
- undutifulness
- undyed
- undying
- undynamic
- uneager
- unearned
- unearned income
- unearned increment
- unearned revenue
- unearned run
- unearth
- unearthly
- unease
- uneasily
- uneasiness
- uneasy
- uneatable
- uneconomic
- uneconomical
- unedifying
- unedited
- uneducated
- uneducated person
- uneffective
- unelaborate
- unelaborated
- unembarrassed
- unembellished
- unembodied
- unemotional
- unemotional person
- unemotionality
- unemotionally
- unemphatic
- unemployable
- unemployed
- unemployed people
- unemployed person
- unemployment
- unemployment compensation
- unemployment line
- unemployment rate
- unenclosed
- unencouraging
- unencumbered
- unended
- unending
- unendingly
- unendowed
- unendurable
- unenergetic
- unenergetically
- unenforceable
- unenforced
- unengaged
- unenlightened
- unenlightening
- unenlightenment
- unenlivened
- unenrgetic
- unenterprising
- unenthusiastic
- unenthusiastically
- unentitled
- unenviable
- unequal
- unequal to
- unequaled