![]() ![]() 「WordNet」および「日本語WordNet」による、言葉の意義ごとの定義や同義語などを記述した概念辞書です。 提供 情報通信研究機構 URL https://www.nict.go.jp/ |
- 絞込み
- T
- TA
- TB
- TC
- TD
- TE
- TF
- TG
- TH
- TI
- TJ
- TK
- TL
- TM
- TN
- TO
- TP
- TQ
- TR
- TS
- TT
- TU
- TV
- TW
- TX
- TY
- TZ
- T(50音)
- T(タイ文字)
- T(数字)
- T(記号)
- Tom Paine
- Tom Sawyer
- Tom Stoppard
- Tom Thumb
- tom turkey
- Tom Wolfe
- tom-tom
- tomahawk
- tomalley
- Tomas de Torquemada
- Tomasso Parentucelli
- tomatillo
- tomato
- tomato blight
- tomato concentrate
- tomato fruitworm
- tomato hornworm
- tomato juice
- tomato ketchup
- tomato paste
- tomato plant
- tomato sauce
- tomato streak
- tomato worm
- tomato yellows
- tomb
- tombac
- tombak
- Tombaugh
- tombigbee
- tombigbee river
- tombola
- tomboy
- tomboyish
- tomboyishness
- tombstone
- tomcat
- tome
- tomentose
- tomentous
- tomentum
- tomentum cerebri
- tomfool
- tomfoolery
- tomistoma
- tomistoma schlegeli
- tommy gun
- tommyrot
- tomograph
- tomography
- tomorrow
- tompion
- tomtate
- tomtit
- ton
- tonal
- tonal language
- tonal pattern
- tonal system
- tonality
- tone
- tone arm
- tone deafness
- tone down
- tone ending
- tone language
- tone of voice
- tone poem
- tone system
- tone up
- tone-beginning
- tone-deaf
- toned
- Tonegawa Susumu
- toneless
- tonelessly
- toner
- tong ho
- tonga
- tongan
- tongan monetary unit
- tongs
- tongue
- tongue and groove joint
- tongue depressor
- tongue fern
- tongue tie
- tongue twister
- tongue worm
- tongue-fish
- tongue-flower
- tongue-in-cheek
- tongue-lashing
- tongue-shaped
- tongue-tie
- tongue-tied
- tongued
- tonguefish
- tongueflower
- tongueless