フリーな辞書プロジェクト「Wiktionary」の英語版。英語で解説された英英辞典です。 出典 Wiktionary URL http://en.wiktionary.org/ |
Wiktionary英語版 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- H
- HA
- HB
- HC
- HD
- HE
- HF
- HG
- HH
- HI
- HJ
- HK
- HL
- HM
- HN
- HO
- HP
- HQ
- HR
- HS
- HT
- HU
- HV
- HW
- HX
- HY
- HZ
- H(50音)
- H(タイ文字)
- H(数字)
- H(記号)
- heart-balm
- heart-blood
- heart-breaking
- heart-breakingly
- heart-burn
- heart-failure
- heart-felt
- heart-healthy
- heart-leaf
- heart-lung machine
- heart-pounding
- heart-rending
- heart-rendingly
- heart-spent
- heart-stopper
- heart-stopping
- heart-to-heart
- heart-warmer
- heart-whole
- heartbalm
- heartbeatlike
- heartbeats
- Heartbleed
- heartbond
- Heartbreak Hotel
- heartbreakers
- heartbreakingly
- heartbrokenly
- heartburned
- heartedly
- heartedness
- hearten
- heartening
- hearteningly
- heartfelt
- heartfully
- hearthful
- hearthless
- hearthrug
- hearths
- hearthside
- heartical
- heartland
- heartlander
- heartlessly
- heartlessness
- heartline
- heartling
- heartlings
- heartly
- heartmate
- heartpea
- heartquake
- heartrate
- heartrates
- heartrendingly
- Hearts
- hearts and flowers
- hearts and minds
- hearts beat as one
- heartsearching
- heartseed
- heartshaped
- heartsick
- heartsickness
- heartsome
- heartsong
- heartstopper
- heartstopping
- heartstricken
- heartswelling
- heartthrob
- heartwarmer
- heartwarming
- heartwater
- heartwhole
- heartwise
- heartworm
- heartworthy
- heartwrenching
- heat capacities
- heat conductivity
- heat death of the universe
- heat detector
- heat dump
- heat exchange
- heat exchanger
- heat exchangers
- heat exhaustion
- heat gun
- heat intolerance
- heat island
- heat islands
- heat lamp
- heat of fusion
- heat of reaction
- heat of vaporization
- heat pumps
- heat rash