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Wan Raptor Network Emulator
RDS-Plus, Data Link Simulator
PDS-1/10G Portable Delay Simulator

Network Emulator Testing
10 / 100 / 1000, 10G, 25G & 40G

RDS-PLUS, Data Link Simulator

RDS-Plus, Data Link Simulator
Latency Emulator & BERT
Testing for Serial Data and Telcon Interfaces


Network Impairment testing
Latency, Loss, Jitter & Re-Ordering

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Products for Global Networks

Manufacturing Network latency Emulators, IP Traffic
Generators and Data Communication Equipment since 1994.

About East Coast Datacom, Inc

East Coast Datacom, Inc. is a customer oriented, high technology enterprise which was formed in 1994 to design, manufacture and support Wide Area Network Equipment. We manufacture the broadest line of Network Emulators in the network test equipment market supporting over 18 different interfaces for Serial, Telco and Ethernet.

For Ethernet, the WanRaptor™ Network Emulator allows users to test and stage critical network equipment adding network latency, loss, Jitter and re-ordering impairments. For Serial data and Telco the RDS-PLUS delay simulator is a modular, network link error and delay emulator that provides a realistic simulation of physical network behavior with respect to time delays and bit errors.

We also manufacture an extensive line of legacy network equipment critical to the military, government and Fortune 500 companies. These include data broadcast splitters, digital sharing devices, interface converters and many other network adapters. Our highly respected Sync2IP Converter is a unique solution for Sync data to IP conversion as we support any sync data protocol.

We hope you enjoy our collection of products we present on our web site. Keep in mind we can modify or design a new solution for your unique application.

Our Featured Products

Select a category you are interested in and explore what we have to offer you. We manufacture a full line of data communication equipment and network latency simulators.

Network Emulators

Application Performance Testing
Network Latency Simulators

Serial Network Adapters

Converts Sync Serial Data to IP Transport
Serial Network Adapters

Data Broadcast Units

Simplex Data Broadcast for RS-232 or V.11
Data Broadcast Units

East Coast Datacom, Inc. is a customer oriented, high technology enterprise which was formed in 1994 to design, manufacture and support Data Communication and WAN Delay Emulators.

We manufacture one of the broadest line of Network Latency Emulators in the network test equipment market. Our WanRaptor™ Network Emulator supports 1/10/25 and 40GbE is a single economical enclosure.

The WanRaptor™ Network Latency Emulator allows users to test and stage critical network equipment adding network latency and network impairments. The WanRaptor™ is an excellent choice for emulating wide area network delays, satellite delay emulation, stress testing network software development, conversion of legacy serial networks to IP Networks and new technologies such as MPLS latency testing prior to deployment.

The United States Military and leading Defense companies rely on the RDS-PLUS delay simulator as a modular, network link error and delay emulator that provides a realistic simulation of physical network behavior with respect to time delays and bit errors. The RDS-PLUS supports a wide range of serial interface types and speeds, ranging from 1200bps to over 50Mbps. The unit also supports TELCO Line Simulation such as T1, E1, DS3, STS-1, HSSI and EIA-644 LVDS for high speed CRYPTO network delays.

Network stress testing is equally important prior to network deployment and the ECD STG-10G Stateful Traffic Generator® may be utilized with the Network Delay Emulator. The STG-10G is capable of producing IPv4 and IPv6 traffic by accurately replicating the workload of current Internet or typical user applications. The platform supports 8-Ports 10/100/1000 and 2-Ports of 10GbE traffic generation managed via the easy to use GUI.

Our growing product range consists of over 130 unique products that include WAN Delay Emulators, IP Traffic Generators, Data Broadcast Units, Digital Sharing Devices, Interface Converters, Modem Eliminators, Serial Adapters for Async to Sync, Sync to IP Converters, FIFO Buffers and A/B Switches for legacy networks.