April 11, 2023
The Fukushima Nuclear disaster will continue to affect the people on location and others, as well as our environment for many more years, I will not continue.
I have been following the Fukushima nuclear accident for the past 12 years, spending a lot of time in sharing those news, to the somehow detriment of my own personal life.
Unlike some other people I entered this activity without seeking to make money or gain fame, I am just a simple citizen living on my basic minimum retirement pension. I shared Fukushima news weekly for the past 12 years but on the other hand I was unable to go visit my daughter in Iwaki, Fukushima since June 2011, because my financial situation is very tight, and Japan is way too expensive, overpriced for my meager wallet.
That situation has been tearing apart, on one hand to share Fukushima news and on the other hand to be unable to visit my own daughter in Fukushima.
I cannot take it anymore, so I decided to end this situation, to stop sharing the Fukushima news, to stop my lttle Fukushima blog, to disengage myself from it all, and to finally concentrate only on my little personal life.
That attitude of the Japanese government is nothing new. They have always lack a sense of responsibility, hiding behind hypocritical denials and false excuses, lies and covering up.
The Japanese government has always faced accusations with duplicity when it comes to various events and issues that have marred their history. Some of these issues include the Nanjing massacre, Korean and Filipina sex slaves during World War II, the Minamata tragedy affecting thousands of lives, whale and dolphin fishing, the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and the dumping of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean.
One of the most controversial events in Japan’s history is the Nanjing massacre, which occurred in 1937 when Japanese forces invaded the Chinese city of Nanjing. During the six-week occupation, Japanese soldiers carried out a brutal campaign of murder, rape, and looting, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 300,000 Chinese civilians and prisoners of war. Despite overwhelming evidence of the massacre, the Japanese government has been accused of downplaying its significance and even denying that it occurred.
Another issue that has caused controversy is the use of Korean and Filipina women as sex slaves during World War II. These women, known as “comfort women,” were forced into sexual servitude by the Japanese military, with an estimated 200,000 women being subjected to this treatment. Despite numerous apologies and compensation payments made to some of the victims, the Japanese government has been accused of failing to fully acknowledge and take responsibility for this atrocity.
Minamata disease is a neurological disease caused by severe mercury poisoning. Signs and symptoms include ataxia, numbness in the hands and feet, general muscle weakness, loss of peripheral vision, and damage to hearing and speech. In extreme cases, insanity, paralysis, coma, and death follow within weeks of the onset of symptoms. A congenital form of the disease affects fetuses in the womb, causing microcephaly, extensive cerebral damage, and symptoms similar to those seen in cerebral palsy.
Minamata disease was first discovered in the city of Minamata, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, in 1956, hence its name. It was caused by the release of methylmercury in the industrial wastewater from a chemical factory owned by the Chisso Corporation, which continued from 1932 to 1968. It has also been suggested that some of the mercury sulfate in the wastewater was also metabolized to methylmercury by bacteria in the sediment. This highly toxic chemical bioaccumulated and biomagnified in shellfish and fish in Minamata Bay and the Shiranui Sea, which, when eaten by the local population, resulted in mercury poisoning. The poisoning and resulting deaths of both humans and animals continued for 36 years, while Chisso and the Kumamoto prefectural government did little to prevent the epidemic.
As of March 2001, 2,265 victims had been officially recognized as having Minamata disease and over 10,000 had received financial compensation from Chisso. By 2004, Chisso had paid $86 million in compensation, and in the same year was ordered to clean up its contamination. On March 29, 2010, a settlement was reached to compensate as-yet uncertified victims.
In addition to these human rights abuses, Japan has also faced criticism for its continued practice of whale and dolphin fishing. Despite a global ban on commercial whaling, Japan continues to hunt whales under the guise of “scientific research,” and dolphins are also hunted and captured for use in entertainment parks. Many animal rights activists and conservationists have called for an end to these practices, but the Japanese government has been accused of prioritizing economic interests over environmental concerns.
Another event that has caused significant controversy is the Fukushima nuclear disaster, which occurred in 2011 after a massive earthquake and tsunami struck Japan. The disaster resulted in a meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and the release of radioactive materials into the environment. While the Japanese government initially downplayed the severity of the disaster, it has since been accused of covering up information and failing to adequately respond to the crisis.
Perhaps one of the most recent controversies surrounding Japan involves the planned dumping of radioactive water from the Fukushima plant into the Pacific Ocean. Despite widespread opposition from environmental groups and neighboring countries, the Japanese government has defended the plan, claiming that the water will be treated and diluted before being released. However, many remain skeptical of these claims and fear the potential consequences of this decision.
In conclusion, the Japanese government has been accused of duplicity when it comes to a variety of issues that have marred their history and present-day actions. From human rights abuses to environmental disasters, the Japanese government has been criticized for downplaying or denying the severity of these events and failing to take responsibility for their actions. As such, it is imperative that the government is held accountable for its actions and takes concrete steps towards acknowledging and rectifying these issues.
The Japanese government as learned nothing from this nuclear tragedy, which they have conveniently sweeped under the carpet. Economics in their eyes always more important than people’s lives, PM Kishida promoting as of today the rebirth of nuclear full blast, wheras the consequences of the Fukushima nuclear disater have neither been yet adressed nor solved.
Best wishes to you,
Your friend Hervé
There is a lot of melted fuel at fukushima
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It is too bad you are doing this dun. Many people love you. It has been hard for you, these years, i know. I hope you are ok. It is all very heart breaking. I hope your daughter is ok. You are a very good man. It is hard to blog. Its hard to blog about fuku. Fuku much worse than anything . Even minamata. I am afraid of the govt, where i am. I wish there was something i could do for you. Thanks for so much!
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Thank you for your appreciation and your care. Be safe.
Even if half the people of japan, just up and died tomorrow, from various forms of radionuclide poisoning, the japanese government would go ahead, with its nuclear push. There is so much heart attacks, cancers, strokes, birth defects, premature deaths its sickening in japan. Its from the massive spread of the worst radionuclide poisons, all over japan.
They are as brain damaged and messed up as ukraine. The usa’s answer to mass radionuclide contamination w birth defects and cancer, is to have a country like ukraine or japan, fight a proxy war for it. So the radionuclide poisoned-hell country of japan , will fight a proxy war in taiwan against china for the most evil empire in history.
I am afraid of the usa. It is evil beyond belief. It started the nuclear nightmare. It destroyed my family. It made my life a living hell.
Dont quit herve.
I dont see it all going on, so much longer. All the nuclear waste , bombs, reactors, catastrophes like fukushima. There is climate change. There are all the wars.
The psychotic monsters in the usa clamoring for more wars. They are so predictable, that you can see many more nuclear disasters and some nuclear exchange in the next few years. It is depressing
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You can get edetate and succimer to get mercury, radionuclides and lead out of your body. Two of my relatives have died in japan, since fukushima. It breaks my heart, to think of you and your daughter. I dont have much. If i can help you, in any way mr courtois. Please keep some remnant up. I may die soon. I live in poverty. Nothing. My country is being consumed by poverty, mass shootings, inflation, homelessness, everyone being jailed, hopelessness, greed and fascism. Please keep blog up. I will die soon. It is one of few things i have left
The govt. Of the usa jails or kills people who try to say anything. They kill us outright or kill us slowly
Another light goes out. Humanity is spiralling into death and darkness. It is taking the earth with it. I had some good memories. I read this blog. Now i will die. Not because im a coward. It is because hell has burned me mostly up
The west is a sievehole of the worst imaginable toxic waste and garbage. The fact that sites like fukushima 311 is going down, is because people are in denial. It will be to everyones detriment, as things get worse
There are millions affected by fukushima. Even as bad as the methylmercury poisoning was, what the government is lying about and covering up from fukushima, is a million times worse. It is enough to drive me to madness. I have followed fukushima since it happened. I have followed the blog all along. Me and my families in the usa and japan have been badly damaged, by nuclear shit. My life has been a nightmare. Leukema as a small child in a uranium area, that also had nuclear testing fallout. I dont have no life anymore. No hope. No nothing. I know your daughter feels so alone. I feel so sorry, for both of you. I feel empathy because i know what it is like. How can people lie to themselves so easily. How can the japanese gove let tepco get away w mass murder and torture
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Bonjour Hervé, grand merci pour ce travail d’information sur la catastrophe de Fukushima durant 12 ans pleins. Prends soin de toi, de ta santé et de ta famille !
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Bonjour Hervé, tu as fait un travail de recherche, d’information et de partage de la vérité (sur cette saloperie de nucléaire) remarquable, continu, extraordinaire depuis déjà douze ans. Merci ! Peu de gens peuvent le faire et pourtant nous savons que c’est une goutte d’eau dans la mer mais sans cela c’est le vide sidéral, c’est donc nécessaire…Je souhaite que tu ne nous quittes pas trop longtemps, on a besoin de toi ❤ reviens-nous quand tu pourras. Tu vas me manquer. Mais si tel est ton choix, je te souhaite une belle année, pour commencer…
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Merci Hervé pour cet immense travail accompli. Tu nous as littéralement informés nuit et jour sans relâche en français, en anglais, faisant toujours passer ta vie personnelle au second plan. C’est absolument normal de prendre maintenant un repos plus que mérité et de mener ta vie en pensant un peu plus à toi et à ceux qui te sont chers. Il y a des choses qu’on ne peut plus, à un certain point dans la vie, remettre à plus tard. Je reste pour toujours ton amie, prête à t’aider autant que je le peux, et t’envoie mille pensées positives.
Porte-toi bien, du mieux que tu peux.
Nous sommes frère et sœur de combat pour la vie !
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