Comments for Fukushima 311 Watchdogs Tue, 17 Oct 2023 11:25:34 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Radiation levels in one Fukushima reactor high enough to kill a human in two minutes by betwon <![CDATA[betwon]]> Tue, 17 Oct 2023 11:25:34 +0000 <![CDATA[What a fantastic post! You have a very original and innovative approach to this subject. Your posts are always fresh and exciting. You have a lot of knowledge and expertise in this field. You have given me a lot of new ideas and insights that I will definitely try out.]]> <![CDATA[

What a fantastic post! You have a very original and innovative approach to this subject. Your posts are always fresh and exciting. You have a lot of knowledge and expertise in this field. You have given me a lot of new ideas and insights that I will definitely try out.

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Comment on Fukushima, the Hidden Side of the Story by Terry <![CDATA[Terry]]> Sat, 05 Aug 2023 23:25:50 +0000 <![CDATA[Cannot escape it. Why do these criminals, continue to make radionuclides. Radionuclides are the strongest dna and chromosome destroying poisons, in the universe. The world is flooded with the most genotoxic substances, in the universe by the nucleoapes.  They are so smug that some of them are eugenecists. The nucleoapes, Could not conceive, that their smug gonads, have traces of radionuclides in them. Radionuclides, that are mutating their sperm every second of every minute of every hour, every day. Their big brains cannot understand, that through teratogenicity and genontoxicity many elements of their fragile genome ahave been damaged and are damaged in their chromosomes, from even the mostminute traces of radionuclides, in their bodies. They are so smart, yet they cannot get it through their heads, that their chomosome structures have been weekened and damaged, from the mulltiplicity of racionuclides, that have gone through them and are still in them. They are in denial that they had radionuclide induced chromosome damage from the getgo. Damage from Radionuclides,  emitting dna, breaking gamma alpha and beta rays 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.  Imagine how much of the human genome is riddled and damaged in all human beings, from the spectrum of radionuclides in the environment now  ]]> <![CDATA[

Cannot escape it. Why do these criminals, continue to make radionuclides. Radionuclides are the strongest dna and chromosome destroying poisons, in the universe. The world is flooded with the most genotoxic substances, in the universe by the nucleoapes.  They are so smug that some of them are eugenecists. The nucleoapes, Could not conceive, that their smug gonads, have traces of radionuclides in them. Radionuclides, that are mutating their sperm every second of every minute of every hour, every day.
Their big brains cannot understand, that through teratogenicity and genontoxicity many elements of their fragile genome ahave been damaged and are damaged in their chromosomes, from even the mostminute traces of radionuclides, in their bodies. They are so smart, yet they cannot get it through their heads, that their chomosome structures have been weekened and damaged, from the mulltiplicity of racionuclides, that have gone through them and are still in them. They are in denial that they had radionuclide induced chromosome damage from the getgo. Damage from Radionuclides,  emitting dna, breaking gamma alpha and beta rays 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.  Imagine how much of the human genome is riddled and damaged in all human beings, from the spectrum of radionuclides in the environment now


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Comment on Nuclear Contaminated Water Dumping: IAEA Concludes ‘Absolute Safety of Nuclear Contaminated Water’ with Japanese Government Money? by Ordo <![CDATA[Ordo]]> Sun, 30 Jul 2023 13:24:00 +0000 <![CDATA[Hello old friend. My niece, 3 of my friends kids, all millenialls cannot have healthy kids in this stinking nuclear ad chemical shithole caled usa. Infant and mother mortaity 10 times what it was last year. They not only rob us for war and nukes , they have made it so people cannot have healthy children]]> <![CDATA[

Hello old friend. My niece, 3 of my friends kids, all millenialls cannot have healthy kids in this stinking nuclear ad chemical shithole caled usa. Infant and mother mortaity 10 times what it was last year. They not only rob us for war and nukes , they have made it so people cannot have healthy children


Comment on Will this whistleblower be heard by anyone? by Will this whistleblower be heard by anyone? | Nuclear Information <![CDATA[Will this whistleblower be heard by anyone? | Nuclear Information]]> Sat, 08 Jul 2023 12:02:25 +0000 <![CDATA[[…] Date: June 28, 2023, Author: dunrenard, […]]]> <![CDATA[

[…] Date: June 28, 2023, Author: dunrenard, […]

Liked by 1 person

Comment on Nuclear Contaminated Water Dumping: IAEA Concludes ‘Absolute Safety of Nuclear Contaminated Water’ with Japanese Government Money? by Nuclear Contaminated Water Dumping: IAEA Concludes ‘Absolute Safety of Nuclear Contaminated Water’ – with Japanese Government Money? « Antinuclear <![CDATA[Nuclear Contaminated Water Dumping: IAEA Concludes ‘Absolute Safety of Nuclear Contaminated Water’ – with Japanese Government Money? « Antinuclear]]> Fri, 07 Jul 2023 06:04:40 +0000 <![CDATA[[…] Date: June 29, 2023 Author: dunrenard FUKUSHIMA 311 WATCHDOGS […]]]> <![CDATA[

[…] Date: June 29, 2023 Author: dunrenard FUKUSHIMA 311 WATCHDOGS […]

Liked by 1 person

Comment on Nuclear Contaminated Water Dumping: IAEA Concludes ‘Absolute Safety of Nuclear Contaminated Water’ with Japanese Government Money? by Nuclear Contaminated Water Dumping: IAEA Concludes ‘Absolute Safety of Nuclear Contaminated Water’ – with Japanese Government Money? « nuclear-news <![CDATA[Nuclear Contaminated Water Dumping: IAEA Concludes ‘Absolute Safety of Nuclear Contaminated Water’ – with Japanese Government Money? « nuclear-news]]> Fri, 07 Jul 2023 05:04:13 +0000 <![CDATA[[…] Date: June 29, 2023 Author: dunrenard FUKUSHIMA 311 WATCHDOGS […]]]> <![CDATA[

[…] Date: June 29, 2023 Author: dunrenard FUKUSHIMA 311 WATCHDOGS […]

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Comment on Will this whistleblower be heard by anyone? by International Atomic Energy Agency Colludes with Japan to Dump Radioactive Fukushima Waste Into the Pacific | The Most Revolutionary Act <![CDATA[International Atomic Energy Agency Colludes with Japan to Dump Radioactive Fukushima Waste Into the Pacific | The Most Revolutionary Act]]> Wed, 05 Jul 2023 20:52:53 +0000 <![CDATA[[…] […]]]> <![CDATA[

[…] […]

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Comment on Will this whistleblower be heard by anyone? by Expose from Nuclear Free Local Authorities on Fukushima’s Radioactive Water Dump Plan to Poison the Pacific – RADIATION FREE LAKELAND <![CDATA[Expose from Nuclear Free Local Authorities on Fukushima’s Radioactive Water Dump Plan to Poison the Pacific – RADIATION FREE LAKELAND]]> Tue, 04 Jul 2023 13:15:11 +0000 <![CDATA[[…] 1. […]]]> <![CDATA[

[…] 1. […]


Comment on Will this whistleblower be heard by anyone? by Will this whistleblower be heard by anyone? « Antinuclear <![CDATA[Will this whistleblower be heard by anyone? « Antinuclear]]> Tue, 04 Jul 2023 07:37:04 +0000 <![CDATA[[…] Date: June 28, 2023, Author: dunrenard, […]]]> <![CDATA[

[…] Date: June 28, 2023, Author: dunrenard, […]

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Comment on About by Christina Macpherson <![CDATA[Christina Macpherson]]> Tue, 04 Jul 2023 00:33:49 +0000 <![CDATA[In reply to <a href="">Mary Jane Williams</a>. Finally found this excellent website]]> <![CDATA[

In reply to Mary Jane Williams.

Finally found this excellent website

