

About Poland


The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Poland gathers and analyzes data to disseminate critical multi layered information on mobility, vulnerabilities, and needs of Ukranian refugees and Third Country Nationals (TCNs) to enable decision makers and humanitarian actors to provide these populations with better and targeted assistance.

With the start of the war in Ukraine and the large cross border flows, DTM started to collect data at the border areas and the biggest cities of Poland where the largest group of people were arriving in. DTM collects data on entries to Poland and intentions future travel intentions, cross border movements to Ukraine, needs of the affected populations, and also profiling of reception centers/collective shelters to fulfil the information needs in the response that are being voiced by partners.


DTM in Poland currently conducts four different regular assessments which are Site Assessment, Return to Ukraine Survey, Needs Assessment, and Poland Entry and Intentions Survey.

  • Site Monitoring: To locate and map sites where the refugees are staying, to identify the current occupancy of the shelters, the maximum capacity, the length of time that the Ukrainians present intend to remain as well as the priority needs of the refugees. These sites include transit points/reception centres and collective shelters.
  • Crossings to Ukraine Survey: To collect information on the date when they and/or their families fled Ukraine, where they were living in Poland or Europe, where they are intending to go back to Ukraine, how long they intend to stay in Ukraine, are they crossing the border by themselves or with members of the family and a breakdown of push/pull factors that have affected this movement decision.
  • Needs Assessment: To identify the main assistance and services needs of the refugees. This tool also explores Ukrainians’ and TCNs’ demographic profile, journey they took, current situation and location, future intentions, main information channels they use to receive information, their access to work and some other socio-economic opportunities, and indicators on accountability to the affected populations.
  • Poland Entry and Intentions Survey: to understand the intentions of those crossing the border from Ukraine to Poland.
Mobility Impact due to COVID-19 in Poland

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

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Poland — Snapshot: Needs of Refugees in Małopolska Collective Sites — Accommodation (August - September 2024)

In August and September 2024, IOM Poland’s Data and Research Unit conducted a Needs Assessment Survey with refugees from Ukraine (n=313) living in collective sites across eight powiats (counties) in the Małopolskie Voivodeship (province).

Poland — Snapshot: Needs of Refugees in Małopolska Collective Sites — LMSI and MHPSS (August - September 2024)

In August and September 2024, IOM Poland’s Data and Research Unit conducted a Needs Assessment Survey with refugees from Ukraine (n=313) living in collective sites across eight powiats (counties) in the Małopolskie Voivodeship (province).

Poland — Snapshot: Needs of Refugees in Małopolska Collective Sites — Health Vulnerabilities (August - September 2024)

In August and September 2024, IOM Poland’s Data and Research Unit conducted a Needs Assessment Survey with 313 refugees from Ukraine residing in 59 collective sites across eight powiats (counties) in the Małopolskie Voivodeship (province).

Польща — Короткий Звіт: Зміни у сфері працевлаштування, житла та соціальної інтеграції біженців з України в Польщі

У березні 2023 року МОМ Польща розпочала інтеграційне опитування, щоб оцінити прогрес і потреби, пов'язані з економічною та соціальною інтеграцією біженців з України в Польщі.

Poland — Ukrainian Nationals Crossing Back to Ukraine (April - June 2024)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) collected data on Ukrainian nationals and Third-Country Nationals (TCNs) who crossed back to Ukraine from Poland, either for a temporary stay or permanent return after a period of displacement abroad.

Poland — Integration Snapshot: Changes in employment, accommodation,and social integration for Refugees from Ukraine (July 2024)

In March of 2023, IOM Poland launched its Integration Survey to assess the progress and needs relating to the economic and social integration of refugees from Ukraine in Poland.

Polska — Migranci a Policja Polska: Badanie percepcji, wyzwań i sposobów wzmocnienia relacji (grudzień 2023 - kwiecień 2024)

Niniejsze badanie ma na celu zapewnienie wglądu w interakcje, postrzeganie i potencjalne obszary poprawy w relacjach między migrantami spoza Ukrainy w Polsce a polskimi organami porządku publicznego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Polskiej Policji.

Poland — Migrants and Polish Police: Exploring perceptions, challenges and avenues for relationship-strengthening (December 2023 - April 2024)

This study aims to provide insights into interactions, perceptions, and potential areas for improvement in the relationship between non-Ukrainian migrants in Poland and Polish law enforcement with a specific focus on the Polish Police.

Poland — Ukrainian Nationals Crossing Back to Ukraine (January - March 2024)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) collected data on Ukrainian nationals and Third-Country Nationals (TCNs) who crossed back to Ukraine from Poland, either for a temporary stay or permanent return after a period of displacement abroad.

Polska — Migawka integracyjna: Potrzeby i wyzwania związane z zakwaterowaniem prywatnym (Październik 2023 - Styczeń 2024)

W marcu 2023 r. IOM Polska przeprowadziła Ankietę Integracyjną, aby ocenić postępy i potrzeby związane z integracją ekonomiczną i społeczną uchodźców z Ukrainy w Polsce.

Poland — Integration Snapshot: Private Accommodation Needs and Challenges (October 2023 - January 2024)

In March of 2023, IOM Poland launched its Integration Survey to assess the progress and needs relating to economic and social integration of refugees from Ukraine in Poland.


Według stanu na grudzień 2023 r. ponad 6 mln uchodźców z Ukrainy uciekło do innych krajów z powodu wojny, która rozpoczęła się w lutym 2022 r. Ponad 950 000 z tych uchodźców żyje w Polsce.

Ukrainian Refugees and Polish Municipal Police: Exploring Perceptions, Challenges and Avenues for Relationship-Strengthening

As of December 2023, more than 6 million refugees from Ukraine have fled to other countries because of the war which began in February 2022. More than 950,000 of these refugees are living in neighboring Poland.

Польща - Інтеграційний звіт (Грудень 2023)

У березні 2023 року МОМ розпочала Інтеграційне опитування для оцінки розвитку та потреб, пов'язаних із трудовою та соціальною інтеграцією біженців з України в Польщі.​

Polska - Migawka Integracyjna (Grudzień 2023)

W marcu 2023 roku zespół IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) przeprowadził badanie integracyjne mające na celu ocenę postępów i potrzeb związanych z integracją zawodową i społeczną uchodźców z Ukrainy w Polsce.​

Poland — Integration Snaptshot (December 2023)

In March of 2023, IOM Poland launched its Integration Survey to assess the progress and needs relating to labour and social integration of refugees from&nbs

Poland – Crossing Back Surveys with Ukrainian Nationals (July - September 2023)

Since 24 February 2022, refugees from Ukraine and Third Country Nationals (TCNs) have been fleeing to neighboring countries as a result of the war.

Польща – Короткий звіт: Регіональний огляд Вроцлава (Жовтень 2023)

З 24 вересня по 5 жовтня 2023 року польові команди DTM збирали дані в регіоні Нижня Сілезія, щоб оцінити ситуацію українських біженців, які проживають у регіоні, та отримати інформацію про потреби в працевлаштуванні, житлі, фінансовій стійкості, соціальній інтеграції, бар'єри в

Poland — Integration Snapshot: Wroclaw Regional Overview (October 2023)

From September 24th to October 5th, 2023, DTM field teams conducted data collection in Dolnoslaskie voivodeship to assess the situation of Ukrainian refugees living there and gain an understanding of the employment and housing needs, financial resilience, social cohesion, barrie

Польща — Короткий Звіт: Майбутні Наміри (Май - Серпень 2023)

У березні 2023 року програма МОМ Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) розпочала збір даних у рамках Інтеграційного опитування для оцінки прогресу та потреб, пов'язаних із професійною та соціальною інтеграцією українських біженців у Польщі.

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