

IDPs tracked

Displacement Movements

IDMC 2023

Data collection round

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IDP Population Trend

  • Administrative division with available number of displaced persons
  • Site assessed by DTM
  • Data not available
Current Donors
  • BHA
  • Canada
  • ECHO
  • FCDO
  • IOM Development Fund
  • Irish Embassy
    Mobility Impact due to COVID-19 in Mozambique

    To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

    For more advanced search results, please goto the Advanced report search page
    Mozambique — Emergency Tracking Tool Report — Movement Alert 129 (24 Feb 2025)

    Between 06 and 19 February 2025, escalating attacks and heightened fear of violence by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in Macomia and Meluco districts led to the displacement of approximately 6,780 individuals (1,963 households) as of 20 February 2025.

    Mozambique — Emergency Tracking Tool Report — Movement Alert 128 (17 Feb 2025)

    Between 06 and 10 February 2025, escalating attacks and heightened fear of violence by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in Macomia and Meluco districts led to the displacement of approximately 5,821 individuals (1,649 households) as of 14 February 2025.

    Mozambique — Emergency Tracking Tool Report — Movement Alert 127 (13 Feb 2025)

    Between 06 and 10 February 2025, escalating attacks and heightened fear of violence by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in Macomia and Meluco districts led to the displacement of approximately 3,498 individuals (982 households) as of 12 February 2025.

    Mozambique — Emergency Tracking Tool Report — Movement Alert 126 (13 Feb 2025)

    Between 06 and 08 February 2025, escalating attacks and heightened fear of violence by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in Chai, Macomia district, led to the displacement of approximately 1,163 individuals (405 households) as of 10 February 2025.

    Moçambique - Atualização das Deslocações devido à Seca do El-Nino - Gorongosa, Sofala (6 de Fevereiro de 2025)

    Estima-se que 1,8 milhão de pessoas em Moçambique enfrentam insegurança alimentar aguda (IPC Fase 3+), incluindo 510.000 em condições de emergência (IPC Fase 4), devido à seca prolongada agravada pelo fenômeno El Niño.

    Mozambique - El-Nino Drought Displacements Update - Gorongosa, Sofala (6 Feb 2025)

    An estimated 1.8 million people in Mozambique are facing acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3+), including 510,000 in emergency conditions (IPC Phase 4), driven by prolonged drought exacerbated by the El Niño phenomenon.

    OIM Moçambique - Tempestade Tropical Dikeledi - 27 de Janeiro de 2025_Flash Update_No.3_Versão Portuguesa

    O ciclone tropical DiIKELEDI atingiu Moçambique em 13 de janeiro de 2025, causando necessidades humanitárias generalizadas em toda a província de Nampula.

    IOM Mozambique Tropical Storm Dikeledi Flash Update No.3 - English Version (27 January 2025)

    Tropical Cyclone Dikeledi made landfall in Mozambique on January 13, 2025, causing widespread humanitarian needs across Nampula Province.

    OIM Moçambique - Tempestade Tropical Dikeledi - 21 de Janeiro de 2025_Flash Update_No.2_Versão Portuguesa

    A 13 de Janeiro de 2025, o ciclone tropical Dikeledi atingiu Moçambique, causando necessidades humanitárias generalizadas em toda a província de Nampula.

    IOM Mozambique Tropical Storm Dikeledi Flash Update No.2 - English Version (21 January 2025)

    On January 13, 2025, Tropical Cyclone Dikeledi made landfall in Mozambique, causing widespread humanitarian needs across Nampula Province.

    OIM Moçambique - Tempestade tropical Dikeledi - 17 de Janeiro de 2025_Flash Update_No.1_Versão Portuguesa

    No dia 13 de janeiro de 2025, o Ciclone Tropical DIKELEDI atingiu a província de Nampula, causando impacto em várias áreas à medida que áreas enquanto atravessava a província.

    IOM Mozambique Tropical Storm Dikeledi Flash Update No.1 - English Version (17 January 2025)

    On January 13, 2025, Tropical Cyclone DIKELEDI made landfall in Nampula province, impacting several areas as it tracked across the province.

    Mozambique 2024 post-election cross-border movements

    In October 2024, Mozambique held presidential elections, which were followed by several weeks of election-related protests and unrest in Maputo and surrounding areas.

    Moçambique — Chuva Intensa Actualização - Lago, Província do Niassa (31 Dezembro de 2024)

    No dia 30 de Dezembro de 2024, o Posto Administrativo de Metangula, no Distrito do Lago, Província do Niassa, foi severamente afectado por ventos fortes e chuvas intensas, resultando em necessidades humanitárias significativas.

    Mozambique - Flash Update - Matengula, Lago Heavy Rains (31 Dec 2024)

    On 30 December 2024, the Administrative Post of Metangula in Lago District, Niassa Province, was severely impacted by strong winds and heavy rainfall, resulting in significant humanitarian needs.

    Moçambique - Ciclone Tropical Chido | Atualização Rápida (31 de Dezembro de 2024)

    O ciclone tropical Chido atingiu Moçambique a 15 de Dezembro de 2024, dando origem a necessidades humanitárias generalizadas nas províncias de Cabo Delgado, Nampula e Niassa.

    Mozambique — ETT Movement Alert Report —125 - Muidumbe (06 January 2025)

    Between 13 and 26 December 2024, escalating attacks and heightened fear of violence by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in Miengueleua, Muidumbe district, led to the displacement of approximately 6,885 individuals (2,563 households) as of 3rd January 2025.

    Mozambique - Tropical Cyclone Chido | Flash Update (31 December 2024)

    Tropical Cyclone Chido made landfall in Mozambique on 15 December 2024, resulting in widespread humanitarian needs across Cabo Delgado, Nampula, and Niassa provinces.

    Mozambique — ETT Movement Alert Report —124 - Muidumbe ( 27 December 2024)

    Between 13 and 26 December 2024, escalating attacks and heightened fear of violence by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in Miengueleua, Muidumbe district, led to the displacement of approximately 5,347 individuals (1,959 households) as of 26 December 2024.

    Mozambique — ETT Movement Alert Report —123 - Muidumbe ( 23 December 2024)

    Between 13 and 14 December 2024, escalating attacks and heightened fear of violence by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in Miengueleua, Muidumbe district, led to the displacement of approximately 4,254 individuals (1,096 households) as of 22 December 2024.

    Mozambique — ETT Movement Alert Report —122 - Muidumbe ( 20 December 2024)

    Between 13 and 14 December 2024, escalating attacks and widespread fear of violence by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in Miengueleua, Muidumbe district, triggered the displacement of approximately 2,099 individuals (531 households) seeking safety in Muidumbe sede, Macomia and Mocimboa da Praia di

    Mozambique — ETT Movement Alert Report —121 - Muidumbe ( 19 December 2024)

    Between 13 and 14 December 2024, escalating attacks and widespread fear of violence by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in Miengueleua, Muidumbe district, triggered the displacement of approximately 1,825 individuals (489 households) seeking safety in Muidumbe sede.

    Moçambique - Ciclone Tropical Chido | Atualização Rápida 1 - Cabo Delgado (19 de dezembro de 2024)

    O ciclone tropical Chido, que atingiu a costa a 15 de dezembro de 2024, trouxe ventos intensos e chuvas fortes a Moçambique, afectando particularmente as províncias de Cabo Delgado, Nampula e Niassa.

    Mozambique - Tropical Cyclone Chido | Flash Update 1 - Cabo Delgado (19 December 2024)

    Tropical Cyclone Chido, which made landfall on 15 December 2024, brought intense winds and heavy rainfall to Mozambique, particularly impacting Cabo Delgado, Nampula, and Niassa provinces.

    For more advanced search results, please goto the Advanced dataset search page
    Mozambique — Flash Update - Cyclone Chido - Nampula Niassa — N° 2

    <p>Tropical Cyclone Chido made landfall in Mozambique on 15 December 2024, bringing intense winds and heavy rainfall that caused widespread destruction of housing, livelihoods, and critical infrastructure across Cabo Delgado, Nampula, and Niassa provinces. This report presents preliminary…

    Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
    Mozambique — Flash Update - Cyclone Chido - Nampula Niassa — N° 1

    <p>This dataset provides preliminary findings from six affected districts (Mongicual, Erati, Lalaua, Mecuburi, Nacala Porto, Memba) in Nampula and four affected districts (Majuni, Metarica, Nipepe, Maua) in Niassa provinces. Data collection is still ongoing in several districts, including…

    Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
    Mozambique — Multi-sectorial Location Assessment Dataset — Round 13 (Dec 2023)

    <p>This Multi-Sectorial Location Assessment Round 13 assessment aims to enhance understanding of the extent of internal displacements and the needs of the displaced population affected by conflict and natural disaster in eight provinces of Mozambique. In total, <strong>317,224</…

    Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment, Baseline Assessment
    Mozambique Crisis - Mobility Tracking Assessment Dataset Round 20 - Public Dataset

    <p>This dataset is the 20th round of Mobility Tracking Assessments conducted across Mozambique through key-informant assessments and group interviews at the location level in December 2023. Mobility Tracking assessments estimate the presence of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and…

    Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
    Mozambique — Multi-sectorial Location Assessment Dataset — Round 12 (Aug 2023)

    A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

    Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
    North and Central Mozambique Crisis - Mobility Tracking Assessment Dataset Round 19 - Public Dataset

    This summary presents findings of the 19th round of Mobility Tracking Assessments (previously known as Baseline Assessments) conducted across Northern and Central Mozambique through key-informant assessments and group interviews at location level between July and August 2023. Mobility Tracking…

    Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
    Progress Towards Achieving Durable Solutions, Sofala (November 2023)

    The assessment aimed at informing targeted interventions in key areas of concern and provides initial evidence for programming which can be catalytic to move towards local integration of displaced communities in central Mozambique. By integrating a quantitative and qualitative approach, the report…

    Survey, Community Perception
    Northern Mozambique Crisis - Mobility Tracking Assessment Dataset Round 18 - Public Dataset

    <p>This summary presents findings of the 18th round of Mobility Tracking Assessments (previously known as Baseline Assessments) conducted across Northern Mozambique through key-informant assessments and group interviews at district and location-level in March 2023. Mobility Tracking…

    Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
    Mozambique — Multi-sectorial Location Assessment Dataset — Round 11 (April 2023)

    A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

    Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
    Mozambique – Accommodation Centres List - April 2023

    Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
    Northern Mozambique Crisis - Mobility Tracking Assessment Dataset Round 17 - Public Dataset

    A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

    Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
    Mozambique — Multi-sectorial Location Assessment Dataset — Round 10

    A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

    Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
    Northern Mozambique Crisis — Multi-sectorial Location Assessment Dataset — Cabo Delgado — Nampula — Niassa — Round 9 (August 2022)

    A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

    Survey, Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
    Northern Mozambique Crisis - Baseline Assessment Dataset Round 16 - Public Dataset

    A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

    Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
    Central Mozambique - Multi-Sectorial Location Assessment Dataset - Round 22 - Public Dataset

    A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

    Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
    Northern Mozambique Crisis - Baseline Assessment Dataset Round 15 - Public Dataset

    A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

    Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
    Northern Mozambique Crisis — Multi-sectorial Location Assessment Dataset — Cabo Delgado — Nampula — Niassa — Round 8 (February 2022)

    A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

    Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
    Northern Mozambique Crisis — Multi-sectorial Location Assessment Dataset — Cabo Delgado — Nampula — Niassa — Round 7 (November 2022)

    A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

    Site Assessment, Mobility Tracking

    For more advanced search results, please goto the Advanced map search page
    Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking