Daily Haskell: Download and analyse logs, then generate sparklines

This is the first post in a series of “Daily Haskell” posts, about getting those everyday tasks done in Haskell by gluing together libraries on Hackage. It is a series about Haskell as glue, with a tour of the libraries thrown in. Today, a quick reflection on what brought Haskell into this “glue” phase of its existence, and the first “daily Haskell” program: hackage-sparks, a script to produce sparklines: . First, an overview of how we got here, for new Haskellers.

The practice of Hackage programming has shifted dramatically in the past 12 months. It used to be that you had to roll your own HTTP client, or log file parser, or graph generator, using libraries like Parsec or Arrows to make things clean and elegant. But by 2008 the daily practice of Haskell programming is dominated primarily by glue: combining existing libraries in new ways, using cabal-install to gather the components, and letting your simply and quickly get your work done.

Three key developments brought about this shift, and I want to quickly go over them (all aspiring Haskellers should know these tools!).

A single, common build system: Cabal

The first key development started in 2004, when Isaac Potoczny-Jones , (now my boss here at Galois) saw a chronic lack of a single Haskell build system. The few and the brave were rolling their own library archives with Makefiles and autoconf, but there was no way to check if other Haskell dependencies were around, and no agreed upon way to construct the build system. Everybody did their own thing, and all were broken in some way.

Isaac started hacking, quickly getting code out to the community. Things built from there, and now, 4 years later, we’ve a grand solution: Cabal, the common platform for building Haskell applications and libraries. By writing a simple, declarative specification for what your Haskell code provides, Cabal is able to abstract out all the nitty gritty of actually preprocessing, compiling, optimising, linking and installing your apps and tools. Now even Haskell newbies can construct perfect libraries and apps, and crucially, they can simply and correctly reuse the libraries of others, with all dependencies checked and satisifed. The type system enforces that the glue is of the appropriate strength for what we’re combining, and purity ensures libraries we import don’t monkey around in code we’ve already written. How simple, modular, scalable programming should be.

Centralised library repository: Hackage

The second big step really took off in March last year, after the Oxford Haskell Hackathon, when Hackage went live. Like CPAN before it, this provides a single, centralised repository of all the Haskell code fit to package. Dependencies are described, a standard interface is presented, and key, for developers, online, cross-referenced documentation of all the library APIs is provided. In this way, developers can contribute their libraries to the central API pool, and have it integrated and documented with others work.

The online documentation is crucial for spreading knowledge of library APIs, because, as this is a purely functional, strongly typed language, once you see the type signature for a library function, you’ve all the information you need to integrate it safely in your code, and start using it. Just check the function types — they tell you everything you need to know about how to use it.

Since it went live we’ve had over 550 libraries and tools uploaded to Hackage, with everything from XML parsers, GUIs, databases, to 3D shooter games, bioinformatics software, midi synthesises and perl 6 implementations now easily available. Almost everything you might need for your daily work is now there in one form or another, and if its not, it is a small matter of rolling an FFI binding and uploading your cabalised package to add to the pile. Please do so!

One stop Haskell installation: cabal install

The final piece of the build, host and distribution puzzle fell into place in June, with the release of cabal install, an apt or pacman like tool that automated all dependency resolution, downloading and building of libraries and applications. From a single command, for example:

    $ cabal install hackage-sparks

The tool will chase down, build and install everything needed for your application.

The centre of the Haskell universe is now focused on Hackage, with projects adding the code base, combinging libraries into new forms, packaging up, and downloading from, this wealth of code. If you’re not yet using it, run, don’t walk, to Hackage, get cabal-install, and get coding! If you’re a user of a distro with good Haskell support, like, say, Gentoo, or Arch Linux, you’ll already have cabal-install in native packaged form.

Daily Haskell: Sparlkines, Log files and Tagsoup

Down to work. With all these uploads happening on Hackage, late Friday I wanted to summarise somehow how active month-by-month, and day-by-day Hackage is, in a concise format, suitable for presentation on the front page of haskell.org.

One nice way to do this is via sparklines, simple, concise, dense graphics that fit inside a sentence. I’d like to condense the hackage log files into such graphs, and have them available on Hackage, thanks to Hitesh Jasani. Some examples or and you get the idea.

To do all this we’ll need to do three things:

  1. Download the log file
  2. Analyse and group the logs by date into months and days
  3. Spit out .png files containg rendered graphs

The libraries we’ll use for this are:

  1. tagsoup
  2. parsedate
  3. hsparklines

The upload logs are on http://hackage.haskell.org, and have the form:

    Mon Jun 23 09:03:05 PDT 2008 AudreyTang Pugs
    Mon Jun 23 09:34:07 PDT 2008 UweSchmidt hxt 8.1.0
    Mon Jun 23 11:50:45 PDT 2008 JeremyShaw AGI 1.1.1

The code is straight forward, and shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to write. Just a quick script. First, import the libs we want.

    -- Some basics
    import Data.List
    import Data.Maybe

    -- Time and locale handling
    import System.Time
    import System.Locale

    -- Diretory and filepaths
    import System.Directory
    import System.FilePath

    -- Parsers for time strings
    import System.Time.Parse

    -- Easy HTTP downloads
    import Text.HTML.Download

    -- Sparkline graphcss
    import Graphics.Rendering.HSparklines

This is how Haskell as glue works. Pull in everything, and roll some list glue between components. Now, some constants:

    -- Where our log files live
    url = "http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/log"

    -- Filenames of our generated graphs
    png1 = "hackage-monthly.png"
    png2 = "hackage-daily.png"

Yeah, no type declarations. Type inference for just getting the job done.

Visiting hackage, and look at the API for hsparkslines, we see it is possible to define a custom graph style for our sparklines, so let’s define a bar graph with a grey background:.

    graph = barSpark { bgColor = rgb 0xEE 0xEE 0xEE }

Now, our script proper. Grab the pwd, and download the log file:

    main = do
        pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
        src <- openURL url

Yeah, that’s how you download a page of the internets. Easy.

Now, we start the glue logic. Break the log file into lines, parse them into proper dates, using this API, and sort them by date, ignoring any parse failures:

        let dates = catMaybes . sort . map parse . lines $ src

Cool, we got a lot done there. Now, find today’s date, and use the list groupBy to cluster our individual uploads into groups of days and months:

        let today     = last dates
            permonth  = groupBy month dates
            thismonth = groupBy day . filter (month today) $ dates

We defined some helper functions here to let us compare by year and month, and year, month, day, at the bottom of ‘main’:

        parse = parseCalendarTime defaultTimeLocale "%c"

        month a b = ctYear a == ctYear b && ctMonth a == ctMonth b
        day   a b = month a b && ctDay a == ctDay b

‘month’ is nice, as it can be passed to both groupBy, and filter, letting us group on months, or filter things that match today.

Almost done, now count the number of uploads in each month or day group, converting the lengths into Floats ready for graphing,

        monthlies = map genericLength permonth
        dailies   = map genericLength thismonth

Now, we just use the ‘make’ function from hssparklines, which takes a graph style and a list of points in the columns. The result is an Image value, which can be immediately written to disk:

        graph1 <- make graph monthlies
        graph2 <- make (graph { limits = (0,20) }) dailies

        savePngFile png1 graph1
        savePngFile png2 graph2

Done! Now tell the user what we wrote:

        putStrLn $ "Wrote: " ++ pwd </> png1
        putStrLn $ "Wrote: " ++ pwd </> png2

And that’s it. Haskell logic gluing together network code pulling in online logs, analysing them, and graphing the results. Simple, and all strongly typed, pure glue.

Running this in ghci, or from the command line:

    $ hackagesparks
    Wrote: /home/dons/dons/src/hackage-sparks/hackage-monthly.png
    Wrote: /home/dons/dons/src/hackage-sparks/hackage-daily.png

The last step is to construct a .cabal file for the program, and upload it to hackage, specifying the program and its deps:

    name:                hackage-sparks
    version:             0.1
    homepage:            http://code.haskell.org/~dons/code/hackage-sparks
    license:             BSD3
    license-file:        LICENSE
    author:              Don Stewart
    maintainer:          [email protected]
    category:            Graphics
    synopsis:            Generate sparkline graphs of hackage statistics
    description:         Generate sparkline graphs of hackage statistics
    cabal-version:       >= 1.2
    build-type:          Simple

    executable hackagesparks
        main-is:         Main.hs
        build-depends:   base >= 3, old-locale, old-time, directory,
                         hsparklines, tagsoup, parsedate, filepath

Bundling up the .cabal file and the source, I uploaded this script to Hackage, so you can get it via cabal-install. The cabal file you can generate these using mkcabal.

And that’s it. Job done. Sparklines for the uploads are visible on the haskell.org frontpage.

I hope you get a sense for how, with the build and distrubtion infrastructure of cabal, and the wealth of libs on hackage, it’s cheap to roll Haskell solutions to your everyday scripting problems, yielding rock solid, native-code compiled, strongly typed scripts that just work. No fuss, no mess, just getting the job done. In the coming weeks I hope to post more of these daily Haskell scripts, covering more and more of Hackage, and giving an insight into what Haskell for the working programmer is like.

Roll your own IRC bot

This tutorial is designed as a practical guide to writing real world code in Haskell and hopes to intuitively motivate and introduce some of the advanced features of Haskell to the novice programmer. Our goal is to write a concise, robust and elegant IRC bot in Haskell.

Getting started

You’ll need a reasonably recent version of GHC or Hugs. Our first step is to get on the network. So let’s start by importing the Network package, and the standard IO library and defining a server to connect to.

import Network
import System.IO

server = "irc.freenode.org"
port   = 6667

main = do
    h <- connectTo server (PortNumber (fromIntegral port))
    hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
    t <- hGetContents h
    print t

The key here is the main function. This is the entry point to a Haskell program. We first connect to the server, then set the buffering on the socket off. Once we’ve got a socket, we can then just read and print any data we receive.

Put this code in the module 1.hs and we can then run it. Use whichever system you like:

Using runhaskell:

   $ runhaskell 1.hs
   "NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...rnNOTICE AUTH :***
   Checking identrnNOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostnamern ...

Or we can just compile it to an executable with GHC:

   $ ghc --make 1.hs -o tutbot
   Chasing modules from: 1.hs
   Compiling Main             ( 1.hs, 1.o )
   Linking ...
   $ ./tutbot
   "NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...rnNOTICE AUTH :***
   Checking identrnNOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostnamern ...

Or using GHCi:

   $ ghci 1.hs
   *Main> main
   "NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...rnNOTICE AUTH :***
   Checking identrnNOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostnamern ...

Or in Hugs:

   $ runhugs 1.hs
   "NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...rnNOTICE AUTH :***
   Checking identrnNOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostnamern ...

Great! We’re on the network.

Talking IRC

Now we’re listening to the server, we better start sending some information back. Three details are important: the nick, the user name, and a channel to join. So let’s send those.

import Network
import System.IO
import Text.Printf

server = "irc.freenode.org"
port   = 6667
chan   = "#tutbot-testing"
nick   = "tutbot"

main = do
    h <- connectTo server (PortNumber (fromIntegral port))
    hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
    write h "NICK" nick
    write h "USER" (nick++" 0 * :tutorial bot")
    write h "JOIN" chan
    listen h

write :: Handle -> String -> String -> IO ()
write h s t = do
    hPrintf h "%s %srn" s t
    printf    "> %s %sn" s t

listen :: Handle -> IO ()
listen h = forever $ do
    s <- hGetLine h
    putStrLn s
    forever a = do a; forever a

Now, we’ve done quite a few things here. Firstly, we import Text.Printf, which will be useful. We also set up a channel name and bot nickname. The main function has been extended to send messages back to the IRC server using a write function. Let’s look at that a bit more closely:

write :: Handle -> String -> String -> IO ()
write h s t = do
    hPrintf h "%s %srn" s t
    printf    "> %s %sn" s t

We’ve given write an explicit type to help document it, and we’ll use explicit types signatures from now on, as they’re just good practice (though of course not required, as Haskell uses type inference to work out the types anyway).

The write function takes 3 arguments; a handle (our socket), and then two strings representing an IRC protocol action, and any arguments it takes. write then uses hPrintf to build an IRC message and write it over the wire to the server. For debugging purposes we also print to standard output the message we send.

Our second function, listen, is as follows:

listen :: Handle -> IO ()
listen h = forever $ do
    s <- hGetLine h
    putStrLn s
    forever a = do a; forever a

This function takes a Handle argument, and sits in an infinite loop reading lines of text from the network and printing them. We take advantage of two powerful features; lazy evaluation and higher order functions to roll our own loop control structure, forever, as a normal function! forever takes a chunk of code as an argument, evaluates it and recurses – an infinite loop function. It is very common to roll our own control structures in Haskell this way, using higher order functions. No need to add new syntax to the language, lisp-like macros or meta programming – you just write a normal function to implement whatever control flow you wish. We can also avoid do-notation, and directly write: forever a = a >> forever a.

Let’s run this thing:

$ runhaskell 2.hs
> NICK tutbot
> USER tutbot 0 * :tutorial bot
> JOIN #tutbot-testing
NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname, welcome back
NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking ident
NOTICE AUTH :*** No identd (auth) response
:orwell.freenode.net 001 tutbot :Welcome to the freenode IRC Network tutbot
:orwell.freenode.net 002 tutbot :Your host is orwell.freenode.net
:[email protected] JOIN :#tutbot-testing
:orwell.freenode.net MODE #tutbot-testing +ns
:orwell.freenode.net 353 tutbot @ #tutbot-testing :@tutbot
:orwell.freenode.net 366 tutbot #tutbot-testing :End of /NAMES list.

And we’re in business! From an IRC client, we can watch the bot connect:

   15:02 -- tutbot [[email protected]] has joined #tutbot-testing
   15:02  dons> hello

And the bot logs to standard output:

   :[email protected] PRIVMSG #tutbot-testing :hello

We can now implement some commands.

A simple interpreter

Add these additional imports before changing the listen function.

import Data.List
import System.Exit
listen :: Handle -> IO ()
listen h = forever $ do
    t <- hGetLine h
    let s = init t
    if ping s then pong s else eval h (clean s)
    putStrLn s
    forever a = a >> forever a

    clean     = drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ':') . drop 1

    ping x    = "PING :" `isPrefixOf` x
    pong x    = write h "PONG" (':' : drop 6 x)

We add 3 features to the bot here by modifying listen. Firstly, it responds to PING messages: if ping s then pong s .... This is useful for servers that require pings to keep clients connected. Before we can process a command, remember the IRC protocol generates input lines of the form:

:[email protected] PRIVMSG #tutbot-testing :!id foo

so we need a clean function to simply drop the leading ‘:’ character, and then everything up to the next ‘:’, leaving just the actual command content. We then pass this cleaned up string to eval, which then dispatches bot commands.

eval :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
eval h    "!quit"                = write h "QUIT" ":Exiting" >> exitWith ExitSuccess
eval h x | "!id " `isPrefixOf` x = privmsg h (drop 4 x)
eval _   _                       = return () -- ignore everything else 

So, if the single string “!quit” is received, we inform the server and exit the program. If a string beginning with “!id” appears, we echo any argument string back to the server (id is the Haskell identity function, which just returns its argument). Finally, if no other matches occur, we do nothing.

We add the privmsg function – a useful wrapper over write for sending PRIVMSG lines to the server.

privmsg :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
privmsg h s = write h "PRIVMSG" (chan ++ " :" ++ s)

Here’s a transcript from our minimal bot running in channel:

   15:12 -- tutbot [[email protected]] has joined #tutbot-testing
   15:13  dons> !id hello, world!
   15:13  tutbot> hello, world!
   15:13  dons> !id very pleased to meet you.
   15:13  tutbot> very pleased to meet you.
   15:13  dons> !quit
   15:13 -- tutbot [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit]

Now, before we go further, let’s refactor the code a bit.

Roll your own monad

A small annoyance so far has been that we’ve had to thread around our socket to every function that needs to talk to the network. The socket is essentially immutable state, that could be treated as a global read only value in other languages. In Haskell, we can implement such a structure using a state monad. Monads are a very powerful abstraction, and we’ll only touch on them here. The interested reader is referred to All About Monads. We’ll be using a custom monad specifically to implement a read-only global state for our bot.

The key requirement is that we wish to be able to perform IO actions, as well as thread a small state value transparently through the program. As this is Haskell, we can take the extra step of partitioning our stateful code from all other program code, using a new type.

So let’s define a small state monad:

data Bot = Bot { socket :: Handle }

type Net = ReaderT Bot IO

Firstly, we define a data type for the global state. In this case, it is the Bot type, a simple struct storing our network socket. We then layer this data type over our existing IO code, with a monad transformer. This isn’t as scary as it sounds and the effect is that we can just treat the socket as a global read-only value anywhere we need it. We’ll call this new io + state structure the Net monad. ReaderT is a type constructor, essentially a type function, that takes 2 types as arguments, building a result type: the Net monad type.

We can now throw out all that socket threading and just grab the socket when we need it. The key steps are connecting to the server, followed by the initialisation of our new state monad and then to run the main bot loop with that state. We add a small function, which takes the intial bot state and evaluates the bot’s run loop “in” the Net monad, using the Reader monad’s runReaderT function:

loop st = runReaderT run st

where run is a small function to register the bot’s nick, join a channel, and start listening for commands.

While we’re here, we can tidy up the main function a little by using Control.Exception.bracket to explicitly delimit the connection, shutdown and main loop phases of the program – a useful technique. We can also make the code a bit more robust by wrapping the main loop in an exception handler using catch:

main :: IO ()
main = bracket connect disconnect loop
    disconnect = hClose . socket
    loop st    = catch (runReaderT run st) (const $ return ())

That is, the higher order function bracket takes 3 arguments: a function to connect to the server, a function to disconnect and a main loop to run in between. We can use bracket whenever we wish to run some code before and after a particular action – like forever, this is another control structure implemented as a normal Haskell function.

Rather than threading the socket around, we can now simply ask for it when needed. Note that the type of write changes – it is in the Net monad, which tells us that the bot must already by connected to a server (and thus it is ok to use the socket, as it is initialised).

-- Send a message out to the server we're currently connected to
write :: String -> String -> Net ()
write s t = do
    h <- asks socket
    io $ hPrintf h "%s %srn" s t
    io $ printf    "> %s %sn" s t

In order to use both state and IO, we use the small io function to lift an IO expression into the Net monad making that IO function available to code in the Net monad.

io :: IO a -> Net a
io = liftIO

Similarly, we can combine IO actions with pure functions by lifting them into the IO monad. We can therefore simplify our hGetLine call:

do t <- io (hGetLine h)
   let s = init t

by lifting init over IO:

do s <- init `fmap` io (hGetLine h)

The monadic, stateful, exception-handling bot in all its glory:

import Data.List
import Network
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Exception
import Text.Printf
import Prelude hiding (catch)

server = "irc.freenode.org"
port   = 6667
chan   = "#tutbot-testing"
nick   = "tutbot"

-- The 'Net' monad, a wrapper over IO, carrying the bot's immutable state.
type Net = ReaderT Bot IO
data Bot = Bot { socket :: Handle }

-- Set up actions to run on start and end, and run the main loop
main :: IO ()
main = bracket connect disconnect loop
    disconnect = hClose . socket
    loop st    = catch (runReaderT run st) (const $ return ())

-- Connect to the server and return the initial bot state
connect :: IO Bot
connect = notify $ do
    h <- connectTo server (PortNumber (fromIntegral port))
    hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
    return (Bot h)
    notify a = bracket_
        (printf "Connecting to %s ... " server >> hFlush stdout)
        (putStrLn "done.")

-- We're in the Net monad now, so we've connected successfully
-- Join a channel, and start processing commands
run :: Net ()
run = do
    write "NICK" nick
    write "USER" (nick++" 0 * :tutorial bot")
    write "JOIN" chan
    asks socket >>= listen

-- Process each line from the server
listen :: Handle -> Net ()
listen h = forever $ do
    s <- init `fmap` io (hGetLine h)
    io (putStrLn s)
    if ping s then pong s else eval (clean s)
    forever a = a >> forever a
    clean     = drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ':') . drop 1
    ping x    = "PING :" `isPrefixOf` x
    pong x    = write "PONG" (':' : drop 6 x)

-- Dispatch a command
eval :: String -> Net ()
eval     "!quit"               = write "QUIT" ":Exiting" >> io (exitWith ExitSuccess)
eval x | "!id " `isPrefixOf` x = privmsg (drop 4 x)
eval     _                     = return () -- ignore everything else

-- Send a privmsg to the current chan + server
privmsg :: String -> Net ()
privmsg s = write "PRIVMSG" (chan ++ " :" ++ s)

-- Send a message out to the server we're currently connected to
write :: String -> String -> Net ()
write s t = do
    h <- asks socket
    io $ hPrintf h "%s %srn" s t
    io $ printf    "> %s %sn" s t

-- Convenience.
io :: IO a -> Net a
io = liftIO

Note that we threw in a new control structure, notify, for fun. Now we’re almost done! Let’s run this bot. Using runhaskell:

   $ runhaskell 4.hs

or using GHC:

   $ ghc --make 4.hs -o tutbot
   Chasing modules from: 4.hs
   Compiling Main             ( 4.hs, 4.o )
   Linking ...
   $ ./tutbot

If you’re using Hugs, you’ll have to use the -98 flag:

   $ runhugs -98 4.hs

And from an IRC client we can watch it connect:

   15:26 -- tutbot [[email protected]] has joined #tutbot-testing
   15:28  dons> !id all good?
   15:28  tutbot> all good?
   15:28  dons> !quit
   15:28 -- tutbot [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit]

So we now have a bot with explicit read-only monadic state, error handling, and some basic IRC operations. If we wished to add read-write state, we need only change the ReaderT transformer to StateT.

Extending the bot

Let’s implement a basic new command: uptime tracking. Conceptually, we need to remember the time the bot starts. Then, if a user requests, we work out the total running time and print it as a string. A nice way to do this is to extend the bot’s state with a start time field:

import System.Time
data Bot = Bot { socket :: Handle, starttime :: ClockTime }

We can then modify the initial connect function to also set the start time.

connect :: IO Bot
connect = notify $ do
    t <- getClockTime
    h <- connectTo server (PortNumber (fromIntegral port))
    hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
    return (Bot h t)

We then add a new case to the eval function, to handle uptime requests:

eval "!uptime" = uptime >>= privmsg

This will just run the uptime function and send it back to the server. uptime itself is:

uptime :: Net String
uptime = do
    now  <- io getClockTime
    zero <- asks starttime
    return . pretty $ diffClockTimes now zero

That is, in the Net monad, find the current time and the start time, and then calculate the difference, returning that number as a string. Rather than use the normal representation for dates, we’ll write our own custom formatter for dates:

-- Pretty print the date in '1d 9h 9m 17s' format
pretty :: TimeDiff -> String
pretty td = join . intersperse " " . filter (not . null) . map f $
    [(years          ,"y") ,(months `mod` 12,"m")
    ,(days   `mod` 28,"d") ,(hours  `mod` 24,"h")
    ,(mins   `mod` 60,"m") ,(secs   `mod` 60,"s")]
    secs    = abs $ tdSec td  ; mins   = secs   `div` 60
    hours   = mins   `div` 60 ; days   = hours  `div` 24
    months  = days   `div` 28 ; years  = months `div` 12
    f (i,s) | i == 0    = []
            | otherwise = show i ++ s

And that’s it. Running the bot with this new command:

   16:03 -- tutbot [[email protected]] has joined #tutbot-testing
   16:03  dons> !uptime
   16:03  tutbot> 51s
   16:03  dons> !uptime
   16:03  tutbot> 1m 1s
   16:12  dons> !uptime
   16:12  tutbot> 9m 46s

Where to now?

This is just a flavour of application programming in Haskell, and only hints at the power of Haskell’s lazy evaluation, static typing, monadic effects and higher order functions. There is much, much more to be said on these topics. Some places to start:

Or take the bot home and hack! Some suggestions:

  • Use forkIO to add a command line interface, and you’ve got yourself an irc client with 4 more lines of code.
  • Port some commands from Lambdabot.