Dog Man's House is a location in the Dog Man series. This is where Dog Man, Li'l Petey (on weekends), 80-HD and Petey live. It's located near the woods and near to a single tree. Relative to how it is as big as a doghouse on the outside, it is exponentially larger than a regular house in the inside, as Li'l Petey observed in Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties. It looks like an average doghouse from the outside but is actually much bigger on the inside.
- TV Room
- Bedroom
- Elevator
- Grand Ballroom
- Stairs
On the outside, it's a small red house that is labeled "Dog Man" on the top and a brown roof. The house's interior consists of colorful walls and a red floor.
- In the comic Book 'Em, Dog Man!, Dog Man can be seen reading on a striped red doghouse similar of that of Snoopy's from the Peanuts comics. According to the book itself, it is Dog Man's house. It's unknown what happened to it after the first book.