
Energy Efficiency Investment Fund

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) administers Energy Efficiency Investment Fund (EEIF) rebates to support non-residential facilities in replacing aging and inefficient equipment and systems with energy efficient alternatives.

Improving the energy efficiency of a business helps to decrease operating costs, reduce energy consumption and improve environmental performance.

Energy Efficiency Investment Fund rebates are available to perform energy assessments, to make general energy improvements and to implement custom, site-specific improvements for either new or existing buildings.

Eligible Projects

Program participants must be non-residential facilities located in the State of Delaware. Projects that merely bring a building up to minimum energy code requirements will not be accepted.

Complete program details can be found in the Program Guidelines.

Featured EEIF-Funded Project

Front view of a new, modern-looking building.

Eco-Friendly Triumph: Faithful Friends Secures DNREC Grant for Energy-Efficient Animal Center

With help from the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Faithful Friends Animal Society has a new shelter in New Castle.

Read More from DNREC’s Outdoor Delaware Online Magazine

Rebate Pathways

Energy Assessment rebates support both targeted and comprehensive energy audits designed to help facilities receive technical evaluations for appropriate, cost-effective energy efficiency improvements, specific to each building’s needs.

Prescriptive Improvement rebates cover three types of common energy efficiency projects:

  1. Lighting
  2. HVAC and water heating
  3. Appliances and food service equipment

Custom Improvements rebates apply to more complex or one-of-a-kind measures that go beyond the equipment funded by Prescriptive Improvement rebates. Custom incentives mitigate a significant portion of the project costs for high efficiency equipment. The projects qualifying under this program are generally more complex and include aggressive measures that permanently raise the efficiency levels of standard equipment.

Combined Heat and Power rebates include five types of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems: microturbines, reciprocating engines, gas turbines, steam turbines and fuel cells. Systems must meet the minimum 60% annual system efficiency requirement, and produce 1.0 MMbtu/hour of useful thermal output. The CHP pathway is ideal for facilities with high annual hours of operation and a high thermal load.

Getting Started

To ensure your rebate is submitted accurately and to avoid unnecessary delay, please be sure to review the Program Guidelines, the Questions and Answers and the Application Checklist for more information.

Step 1

Register in the online application portal.

Step 2

Submit for pre-approval prior to construction.
Note: Energy Assessments and Prescriptive project applicants may choose to forego pre-approval and apply for rebate funds within 30 days of the invoice date. Applicants who do not secure pre-approval assume the full risk of project ineligibility or lack of funds.

Step 3

Register as a “supplier” with the state of Delaware using the Division of Accounting eSupplier Portal. (Find more information in the New Supplier Registration Guide or view this instructional video)
Note: If you have previously registered as a Supplier, you do not need to complete this step.

Step 4

Submit for final approval upon construction completion.

Step 5

Wait 8 to12 weeks to receive your rebate.

Contractors Familiar With EEIF

DNREC maintains a list of participating contractors to make it easier for customers to find professionals to develop and complete their projects. The list is always evolving to ensure you receive the best help at the best time.

Participating contractors receive regular program newsletters and can participate in periodic training sessions to learn more about the program and stay up to date with the latest program guidelines and opportunities.

To be considered as an EEIF Participating Contractor, firms must complete, sign, and submit an application form with information about their area(s) of expertise and required attachments to document Delaware and professional licensing and insurance. Applications must be submitted to [email protected] for approval.

Additional Assistance

DNREC offers multiple rebate programs and low-rate loans to non-residential facilities in a state-wide effort to increase energy efficiency.

The Revolving Loan Fund is a low-interest loan that can be used to supplement an EEIF rebate project.

The Cool Switch Low Impact Refrigerant Program is a rebate program for installing refrigerant systems with low GWP that may be used in conjunction with an EEIF rebate project.

The Green Energy Program is a rebate program for installing renewable energy systems.

Note: To receive support from both the EEIF and the Green Energy Program, applicants must first go through EEIF in order to be eligible for both rebates.

