
DNREC Public Notices

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control publishes notices in Delaware newspapers to make the public aware of applications, permitting and regulatory decisions, enforcement actions, plans for cleanups, and other actions.

These notices may be required by state law or regulations, or may be traditional communication tools for regulatory and other programs. The Department also publishes them here, as part of its continuing effort to increase transparency.

Learn more in A Brief Guide to Delaware’s Environmental Permitting Process.

This page, and its associated archive pages, contain public notices published in the last year. DNREC also offers pages that collect those notices that have been published en Español and an Kreyòl Ayisyen.

Recent Public Notices

The most recent public notices from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control.

Notice of Public Hearing: Weatherization Assistance Program Federal Funding Application (2/16/2025) - The DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy will conduct a public hearing on March 13, 2025, to consider comments from the public on the annual Weatherization Assistance Program federal funding application.
Application for a Permit for Construction Seaward of the DNREC Building Line (2/16/2025) - Maria Vershel has applied for a permit to lower the crest elevation of a dune on lots 21 and 22 in Sandpiper Village, in Sussex County.
Proposed Plan of Remedial Action for the Hamilton Park/Pyles Lane Site – Operable Units 52, 53, 54, and 55 (DE-1284) (2/16/2025) - The DNREC Remediation Section invites public comment on a proposal to clean-up four properties that are part of the Hamilton Park/Pyles Lane Site, located within a residential neighborhood in New Castle.
Propuesta de Plan de Acción Correctiva para la Sitio de Hamilton Park/Pyles Lane – Unidades Operativas 52, 53, 54 y 55 (DE-1284) (2/16/2025) - La Sección de Remediación del DNREC invita al público a comentar sobre una propuesta para limpiar cuatro propiedades dentro de un vecindario residencial ubicado en New Castle.
Agricultural Utilization Permit – Request for Renewal – Proximity Malt, LLC. (2/12/2025) - Proximity Malt, a malt generation facility located in Laurel, Delaware, has requested renewal of their existing Agricultural Utilization permit.
Permiso de Uso Agrícola – Solicitud de Renovación – Proximity Malt, LLC. (2/12/2025) - Proximity Malt, una planta de generación de malta ubicada en Laurel, Delaware, ha solicitado la renovación de su permiso existente de Uso Agrícola.
Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporters Permit: City of Rehoboth Beach (2/12/2025) - The City of Rehoboth Beach has applied to for the renewal of a permit to transport municipal or industrial Biosolids to be disposed of at the Inland Bays Regional Wastewater Facility.
Kent County Central Septage Receiving Station WPCC 3008/25 (2/12/2025) - Kent County Levy Court proposes to install septage treatment facility, pump station and sanitary sewer force main on West Dennys Road that will connect to existing force main.
Operating Permit for Nolls Mobile Home Community (2/12/2025) - Realty Assets, LLC has applied for renewal of an existing permit to operate an on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system for the Nolls Mobile Home Community.
Operating Permit for United Parcel Service – Harrington (2/12/2025) - United Parcel Service has applied for renewal of a permit to operate an on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system for an existing commercial facility at 15994 South DuPont Highway, in Harrington.
Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste Transporters Permit: McGovern Environmental LLC (2/12/2025) - McGovern Environmental LLC has applied for renewal of a permit to transport non-hazardous liquid waste to be disposed of at Delcora and New Castle County Wastewater Facilities.
Notification of Public Comment for a Brownfield Development Agreement for 104 A Street Site (DE-1892) (2/12/2025) - The DNREC Remediation Section has negotiated a Brownfield Development Agreement with 100 A Street LLC regarding a site located at 104 A Street, in Wilmington.
Federal Consistency Certification: Silver Run Expansion Project (2025.0010) (2/12/2025) - Silver Run Electric, LLC, proposes to use a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit to install our new electric transmission cables in Delaware State waters (the Delaware River).
Wetlands and Waterways Permit Applications (2/12/2025) - A listing of recent applications submitted to the DNREC Wetlands and Waterways Section.
Solicitudes de permiso de pantanos y canales (2/12/2025) - Una lista de solicitudes recientes presentadas a la Sección de Humedales y Vías Navegables del DNREC.
Aplikasyon Pèmi pou Zòn ki Imid ak Wout Dlo (2/12/2025) - Una lista de solicitudes recientes presentadas a la Sección de Humedales y Vías Navegables del DNREC.
Second Notice: Availability of Delaware Bay Shellfish Grounds for LeasingSecond Notice: (2/10/2025) - DNREC is informing interested parties that shellfish grounds are available for lease, located in the Delaware Bay.
Federal Consistency Determination: NOAA Amendment 25/Adjustment 69 to the Northeast Multispecies FMP (2025.0015) (2/9/2025) - Amendment 25 to the fisheries management plan would revise the current Atlantic cod stock management units to ensure that the plan reflects the best scientific information available for stocks in need of conservation and management.
Determinación de Constancia Federal: Enmienda de NOAA 25/Ajuste 69 a la FMP de Especies Múltiples del Noreste (2025.0015) (2/9/2025) - La enmienda 25 al plan de gestión pesquera revisaría las actuales unidades de gestión de las poblaciones de bacalao del Atlántico para garantizar que el plan refleje la mejor información científica disponible para las poblaciones que necesitan conservación y gestión.
Detèminasyon Konsistans Federal: NOAA Amendment 25/Adjustment 69 to the Northeast Multispecies FMP (2025.0015) (2/9/2025) - Amannman 25 nan plan jesyon lapèch la ta revize aktyèl inite jesyon stock mori Atlantik la pou asire ke plan an reflete pi bon enfòmasyon syantifik ki disponib pou stock ki bezwen konsèvasyon ak jesyon.
7 DE Admin. Code 1102 Natural Minor Permit Applications: Mountaire Farms of Delaware, Inc. (2/9/2025) - Mountaire Farms of Delaware, Inc., requests a permit to replace existing grain receiving equipment at their facility located at 402 Main Street, in Townsend.
Pending Hazardous and/or Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Transporter Permits (2/9/2025) - A listing of recent applications to the DNREC Div. of Waste and Hazardous Substances for permits to transport hazardous and/or non-hazardous solid wastes in, out of, or through the State of Delaware.
Final Plan of Remedial Action for Jackson Inn Site (DE-1845) (2/5/2025) - The DNREC Remediation Section has adopted a final plan of remedial action regarding the clean-up of the Jackson Inn Site, located at 101-103 N Dupont Road in Wilmington.
Plan Final de Acción Correctiva para el Sitio de Jackson Inn (DE-1845) (2/5/2025) - La Sección de Remediación de DNREC ha adoptado un plan final de acción correctiva con respecto a la limpieza del Sitio Jackson Inn ubicado en 101-103 N Dupont Road en Wilmington.
