"Vardavar!" is the second segment of the fifty-sixth episode of Mickey Mouse Funhouse. It premiered on March 1, 2024 alongside "The Trail Less Traveled" and is the second segment of the second episode of the third season.
Minnie wears the wrong outfit to celebrate Vardavar, and is aided by the Armenian Goddess Little Star who gifts her a traditional dress and taraz headdress.
The episode begins inside the Funhouse with Funny attempting to use Fan-y to cool off the Funhouse Friends on a hot day, and Minnie receives a package containing her new buttons and bows dress, however the gang tells Minnie she would get hot in that humongous dress and she should change out of it. Funny receives a call from Care-a-Belle who invites them to the Land of Myth and Legend to celebrate Vardavar and meet the Armenian Goddess, Astłik (Little Star).
The event is also attended by Pete the Mighty and Saiya. However, Minnie arrives wearing her buttons and bows dress and says she couldn't resist wearing it she is worried it will get wet. Astghik understands that Minnie doesn't want the water to ruin her new dress While noting that Vardavar was not the day to wear her new dress, Minnie tries to keep cool until she is accidentally splashed by Pete the Mighty causing Astghik to come to Minnie's aid and rectify her plight.
Astghik turns Minnie's buttons and bows dress into a traditional Vardavar dress and taraz headdress, which was a better outfit for Minnie to get splashed and celebrate Vardavar. Mickey and his friends go back to the Funhouse to hang up their backpacks except Donald, who goes down the slide. Minnie learns that she can have more fun when she wears the right outfit for the right event. The episode ends with the gang leaving the Funhouse and Mickey and Minnie waving goodbye to the viewers.