Tortuga, also known as Isla Tortuga, is a location in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. Tortuga became a major center for Piracy in the 17th century. The island appeared to be free of governing reach and was generally a lawless place, and one of the only places a pirate considered to be "free" with the expansion of the East India Trading Company.
Tortuga was located in the North American continent, somewhere in the Caribbean Sea. Exclusively, the real life Tortuga was located north of mainland Haiti.
The Curse of the Black Pearl[]
Years ago, Tortuga was a pirate haven for pirates to hang out so that Jack Sparrow could assemble a crew for a voyage to Isla de Muerta as he and Will Turner arrive there. Jack and Will encounter a sleeping Gibbs by some pigs to which Jack recruits him to be on his crew. At the tavern, Gibbs discusses with Jack explaining that he is going after the Black Pearl under command by Captain Barbossa just as Jack explains to Gibbs that Will Turner is the son of Bootstrap Bill Turner.
Dead Man's Chest[]
Jack and his crew return to Tortuga to recruit more pirates to settle his debt with Davy Jones. At Tortuga, James Norrington is transformed into a pirate so that he could settle his debt. With the pirates recruited, Jack returns to Jones to settle the debt.
At World's End[]
After the battle at the maelstrom after freeing Calypso, the Black Pearl arrived at Tortuga and Barbossa commandeered the Pearl just as Jack Sparrow plans to seek the Fountain of Youth.
Disney Parks[]
Disney Springs Marketplace Co-Op[]
A flight-board in the town of Disney Springs, Florida identifies Tortuga as having airlines connecting it to the town.
Tortuga Tavern[]
This establishment is themed to being a tavern run in Tortuga by Arabella Smith. In the restaurant's backstory, it was formerly the Faithful Bride tavern seen in Curse of the Black Pearl before being taken over by Arabella.
- Tortuga served as a pirate-haven in real-world history due to laws which allowed it to harbour ships that flew any flags of allegiance, including those of piracy. However, these laws ceased in the year 1680, roughly 40 years before the events of the first PotC film.
- As the films are based on the original attraction at the Disney Parks, numerous elements are alluded:
- Pirates shooting guns.
- Redd (Scarlett).
- A man playing the same role as the mayor being dunked into a well, which was in one of the deleted scenes in the first film. This scene was later used in Dead Man's Chest.
- A man sleeping with some pigs.
- A man drinking rum by the tap.
- Tortuga is Spanish for turtle.
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