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"Pair of Sneakers" is the twenty-first episode of the animated short series, Descendants: Wicked World. It premiered on November 4, 2016 and is the third episode in the second season.


Mal proceeds with her plan in returning to the Isle of the Lost in hopes of finding her Birthright Jewel. In order to cross the sea and pass through the magical barrier, she hijacks a limo parked outside the Tourney Team field, passing an unsuspecting Jay and Carlos. As she gets into the driver's seat and puts on her seat belt, she is caught by Freddie, who has been following her and wants to accompany her in her little venture. Mal is unable to talk her out of it and so they drive off together to the Isle of the Lost.

Upon arriving on the isle, Mal and Freddie return to the shop owned by Freddie's father. Freddie believes they might find Mal's jewel among the items in the shop, since he was known to hide things from just about anyone. They plan to go in, find the jewel, and get out before anyone sees them. Little did they know that a mysterious figure was tailing them from the shadows. Mal and Freddie enter the store and begin the search. Throughout the shop they find lots of stuff; Statues, dusty books, hats, potion bottles, and lots of skulls, but no Jewel. Pretty soon they make a lot of mess as they went on with their search. Still they cannot find Mal's birthright jewel and they decide to call it a day. Freddie is sorry that they could not find it and gives her some kind of necklace to cheer her up. Then they decide to call it a day and head back to Auradon. However, before Mal catches up with Freddie, the necklace that she was given begins to glow. Then Mal's eyes begin to glow green and suddenly starts to show an evil smirk and a chuckle.



  • In the shop a lot more items representing different Disney Villains and Disney films are seen.
  • It is revealed in this episode that Mal knows how to drive.
    • The limo that Mal "borrows" is the one that brought Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay to Auradon in the film as she used the button to remove the barrier.
  • A new, mysterious figure is tailing Mal and Freddie. 


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Descendants Logo
Films: Descendants (soundtrack) • Descendants 2 (soundtrack) • Descendants 3 (soundtrack) • Descendants: The Royal WeddingDescendants: The Rise of Red (soundtrack) • Descendants 5

Shorts: Under The Sea: A Descendants StoryAudrey's Royal Return: A Descendants Short StoryWicked Woods: A Descendants Halloween StoryWickedly Sweet: A Descendants Short Story
Shows: School of SecretsDescendants: Wicked WorldChibi Tiny TalesThe Planning of the Royal Wedding
Video Games: Descendants: Isle of the Lost RushDisney All-Star RacersDisney All-Star Party
Books: Disney Descendants: School of Secrets
Descendants Novels: The Isle of the LostReturn to the Isle of the LostRise of the Isle of the LostEscape from the Isle of the LostBeyond the Isle of the Lost

Descendants: MalJayEvieCarlos De VilBenAudreyLonnieJaneChad CharmingDougBelleBeastFairy GodmotherQueen LeahMaleficentJafarThe Evil QueenCruella De VilCoach JenkinsMr. DeleyDude

Descendants 2: UmaHarry HookGilDizzy Tremaine
Descendants 3: Dr. FacilierCelia FacilierSqueaky & Squirmy SmeeHadesLady Tremaine
Descendants: The Rise of Red: RedChloe CharmingUlianaMaddox HatterMorgieCinderellaKing CharmingBridget/Queen of HeartsMerlinAladdinJasmineCaptain Hook
Descendants 5: Pink
Descendants: Wicked World: JordanFreddie FacilierAllyCJ HookZevonRuby

Season One: "Evie's Explosion of Taste" • "Mal's Digi-Image Problem" • "Audrey's New Do? New Don't!" • "Careful What You Wish For" • "Voodoo? You Do" • "Lamp Sweet Lamp" • "Genie Chic" • "Puffed Deliciousness" • "Good is the New Bad" • "Spirit Day" • "I'm Your Girl" • "Mash It Up" • "All Hail the New Q.N.L.B." • "Mad for Tea" • "Carpet Jacked" • "The Night is Young" • "Neon Lights Out" • "Hooked On Ben"

Season Two: "Slumber Party" • "Odd Mal Out" • "Pair of Sneakers" • "Wild Rehearsal" • "Chemical Reaction" • "Talking Heads" • "Steal Away" • "Evil Among Us" • "Options Are Shrinking" • "Party Crashers" • "Mal-lone" • "Trapped" • "Face to Face" • "United We Stand" • "Celebration"

Mal's Spell BookMagic WandSpinning WheelMagic MirrorJafar's Snake StaffHeart BoxMagic CarpetMaleficent's Staff Birthright JewelsJordan's LampUrsula's NecklaceGenie of Agrabah's Genie's LampCinderella's Glass SlipperHades' EmberPocket WatchLooking GlassGolden Pelydryn of LlyrSorcerer's Cookbook
Descendants: Rotten to the CoreEvil Like MeDid I MentionIf OnlyBe Our GuestSet It OffBelieve

Descendants: Wicked World: Night Is YoungGood is the New BadI'm Your GirlRather Be With YouEvilBetter Together
Descendants 2: Ways to Be WickedWhat's My NameChillin' Like a VillainSpace BetweenIt's Goin' DownYou and MePoor Unfortunate SoulsKiss the Girl
Descendants 3: Good to Be BadQueen of MeanDo What You Gotta DoNight FallsOne Kiss My Once Upon a TimeBreak This DownDig a Little Deeper
Descendants: The Rise of Red: RedSo This Is LoveLove Ain't ItWhat's My Name (Red Version)Fight of Our LivesLife Is SweeterPerfect RevengeShuffle of LoveGet Your Hands DirtyBad Reputation
Miscellaneous: Genie in a BottleAudrey's Christmas RewindFeeling the LoveRed Christmas

Isle of the LostDragon HallAuradon PrepAuradonNeverlandUrsula's Fish and ChipsLady Tremaine's Curl Up and DyeHades' CaveWonderland
See Also
Anti-Heroes ClubList of characters in Descendants