When Dad works from home, Nancy becomes his assistant.
Nancy teaches JoJo about the proper cereal manners, but she still slurps it before playing with Frenchy. Doug appears, and states that this time of year, he works on Saturdays. Frank is still working on the leak in the sink. Doug then takes a call, revealing that the power is out at the office. Nancy sees this as a time to play with him, but Doug still has to work. So, she'll be his assistant, as she's an expert at helping.
Doug finds the dining room as a quiet place for him to work. He sees the room a mess, and the living room is occupied by JoJo and Frenchy. Nancy mentions the parlor, and since it's still busy there, Doug decides to work in his bedroom. Nancy will help him get some papers called tax returns ready to mail. They head to the bedroom just as Frank brings out the pliers. Nancy sees a perfect place for Doug to work, her playhouse.
Once there, Doug assumes that it will work just fine, and thanks Nancy. She is then given the rest of the day off, to which she refuses, as she'll be at her desk. She then has her coffee break, and decides for Doug to have the same. However, she spills the coffee on Doug's computer just as she picks up the phone, revealed to be Mrs. Singh calling. However, she hung up on her, and Doug decides to call her back. Meanwhile, Nancy is tasked to seal and mail the envelopes. JoJo wants to play, and Nancy tells her about the job she needs to do. She then promotes JoJo to an assistant to the assistant. JoJo then licks the envelopes while Nancy stamps them.
Nancy and JoJo then go to stamp the envelopes in Nancy's room. They get everything ready, and Nancy makes a stamp more fancy while JoJo makes stamps over her arm. Nancy decides to make the letters even fancier by adding some glitter and sparkles. Soon, the envelopes look great, and Nancy and JoJo arrive to the playhouse as Doug continues talking with Mrs. Singh. Nancy and JoJo then mail the envelopes just as Doug calls them for more assisting.
After a truck arrives, Nancy states that she mailed the envelopes in the mailbox, and did everything she was told to, except for the stamps. As Nancy and Doug see that the mailman took the envelopes already, JoJo quits. Doug isn't mad at Nancy for that, and contacts Mrs. Singh again. Nancy then goes to the mailman and brings back the envelopes. She apologizes for messing up the stamps, but she was trying to help, which is what matters. After all of the envelopes are stamped, Claire and Frank finish fixing the leak in the sink. Nancy and Doug then finish their job, and after they take the envelopes to the post office, they will play together.
Add a Little Fancy • When You Can Fly Again • Ooh La La Spa • J'Adore Paris • Sleepover Survival Kit • Friendship Pas de Deux • The Marvelous Vanity • Trust In Me • Pink Ploop Ting • Café Parfait • An Exceptional Halloween • Grown Up Like Me • Ice Skater Extraordinaire • The Blub Blub Lullaby • What Makes Christmas Fancy? • Best Friends You and Me • It's a Gift • Valentine's Day Card • Stick to the Steps • Who Needs to Win? • Have I Got A Deal For You • Dazzle Girl • The Nancy Way • My Paris • I've Got Two Sides • We've Got Rapport