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This article is about the character Giselle from Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo. For other characters, see Giselle (disambiguation).

Giselle is Diane Darcy's 1976 Lancia Scorpion race car who appears in Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo and is Herbie's first love interest. Her name is never mentioned until the end of the film and is only referred to by her make name Lancia.

Role in the film[]

The romance of Paris struck Herbie when he saw Giselle move onto the starting grid. When he first saw her, he went crazy about her, so crazy that he went after her while she was in the middle of a race. The two cars danced across the track until her driver Diane angrily stopped. She had no clue that her car was alive like Herbie.

Herbie met up with Giselle again at a restaurant and took her out on a date around Paris. He also gave her a bouquet of flowers. They had a romantic drive through the park and took a boat ride on the river.

Herbie's relationship with Giselle was also distracting him from racing. Wheely Applegate succeeded in breaking them up after Giselle refused to get out on the grid while waiting for Herbie but did not know he was in protective custody. Wheely told her he left her for another car. Heartbroken by this, she started up and took off into the race like nothing was the matter.

Unfortunately, during the race, Giselle and Diane went off the road and into the river. Herbie, Jim Douglas, and Wheely passed them but thinking she dumped him, Herbie refused to help her until Jim told him the truth about Wheely's lies. After that, he turned around to rescue Giselle and Diane. Diane finally believed Giselle was alive when she watched Herbie pull Giselle out of the water and held doors together (like holding hands.) She is last seen watching the fireworks with Herbie in Monte Carlo.


  • Three Lancia Scorpions were used as Giselle in Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo, and it is believed that only one of them survived. The surviving car was repainted and sold to the general public after filming and used as a regular commuter. Discovered in the early 2000s with the telltale modifications and signs identifying it as Giselle, the Lancia was fully restored to its on-screen personality complete with the original roll bar and light blue racing livery.[1]



v - e - d
Herbie logo
Films: The Love Bug (video) • Herbie Rides Again (video) • Herbie Goes to Monte CarloHerbie Goes Bananas (video) • The Love Bug (1997)Herbie: Fully Loaded (soundtrack)

Television: Herbie, the Love Bug
Video Games: Herbie: Fully LoadedHerbie Rescue Rally
Books: Herbie's Special Friend

Disney Parks
Moteurs... Action! Stunt Show SpectacularDisney's All-Star Movies ResortDisney Movie Magic
The Love Bug: HerbieJim DouglasTennessee SteinmetzCarole BennetPeter Thorndyke

Herbie Rides Again: Willoughby WhitfieldNicole HarrisMrs. SteinmetzAlonzo Hawk
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo: Wheely ApplegateDiane DarcyGiselleBruno von StickleMax and QuincyInspector BouchetFontenoy
Herbie Goes Bananas: Pete StancheckDavy JohnsPacoPrindleQuinnShepardMelissa
The Love Bug (1997): Hank CooperSimon Moore IIIDr. Gustav StumpfelHorace
Herbie: Fully Loaded: Ray Peyton, Sr.Maggie PeytonTrip Murphy

The Love Bug Found a New FriendHerbie, My Best FriendBorn to Be WildFirst
The FirehouseSan FranciscoParisPanamaMexico
See Also
Thorndyke Special