"A Billion Sorrys" is a original song from High School Musical: The Musical: The Series. The song is performed by Matt Cornett as E.J. Caswell in the episode The Wonderstudies.
After stealing Nini's (Olivia Rodrigo) phone, E.J. asks his cousin, Ashlyn (Julia Lester) to help him write an apology song.
Before you go you and make that face
You make when you're mad at me
So mad at me
Let me say it's not my place
Going through your voicemail and your history
And if this were a TV show
You know I'd have to go and plead insanity
'Cause the lying and spying and prying
Isn't really my personality
I'm an idiot for taking your phone
This is my fault
My bad
If I said a million sorrys
How about a billion sorrys
You shine just like the stars
And I'm not even a night light
'Cause what I did wasn't so bright
I'm really sorry
Girl, girl, you know I was scared that this would end
That's why I checked your DMs
This has been so hard for me keeping this secret
From you and our friends
But given the chance, I would definitely do it again
No wait that's not right, I mean that I wouldn't do it again
This is my fault, my bad
If I said a million sorrys
How about a billion sorrys?
Can't we just start again?
Once upon a time I'm sorry
Nothing else to rhyme with sorry
(I'm really sorry)
Not so great at sayin' sorry
Hope you know I'm really sorry