In a Heartbeat is a Disney Channel Original Series inspired by real life EMT squads, the cast consisting of high school students from all over the country. The show premiered in 2000 and ran from 2000-2001. The series follows the lives of several teenagers who volunteer as part-time EMTs while going to school and who try to maintain their lives as normal teenagers. In Canada, the series was aired on Family, while in the United States, it was aired on the Disney Channel. The series is based on Post 53, a real EMT emergency response program run by high school students in Darien, CT.
The EMT squad is made up of Hank Beecham (Danso Gordon) who manages playing football with the high school team as well as being the EMT-Intermediate of the group, Val Lanier (Reagan Pasternak) who is noted for being a good student and cheerleader, Tyler Connell (Shawn Ashmore), a football player and Hank's best friend, and Jamie Waite (Christopher Ralph), the newest member of the squad initially there not by his own choice but as a result of a new program to help troubled teens get their life together by becoming EMTs. Jamie is seen as the rebel of the group.
Other regulars in the show are Brooke Lanier (Lauren Collins), Val’s twelve-year-old sister who volunteers with the squad after school and whose main job consists of managing the paperwork, and Caitie Roth (Jackie Rosenbaum), Val's best friend who is known for her dark clothes and purple-streaked hair. Caitie is also a good friend of Jamie's, and it is implied that they may have become romantically involved had the show continued.
- Danso Gordon as Hank Beecham
- Reagan Pasternak as Val Lanier
- Shawn Ashmore as Tyler Connell
- Christopher Ralph as Jamie Waite
- Lauren Collins as Brooke Lanier
- Jackie Rosenbaum as Caitie Roth
Episode # | Original Air Date |
Episode Title |
1 | August 26, 2000 | Pilot (1) |
2 | August 26, 2000 | Pilot (2) |
3 | September 2, 2000 | Things That Go Bump in the Night |
4 | September 9, 2000 | The Adventures of Super Val |
5 | September 16, 2000 | Changing Times |
6 | September 23, 2000 | Cinderella Syndrome |
7 | September 30, 2000 | Go Team |
8 | October 7, 2000 | And the Winner Is |
9 | October 14, 2000 | New Kid in Town |
10 | November 17, 2000 | You Say It's Your Birthday |
11 | December 8, 2000 | Four EMTs and a Kid |
12 | December 15, 2000 | Friends Don't Let Friends... |
13 | February 4, 2001 | Power to the Pathetic |
14 | February 11, 2001 | Race of a Lifetime |
15 | February 18, 2001 | Star Struck |
16 | February 25, 2001 | Hero |
17 | March 4, 2001 | The Boy's No Good |
18 | March 11, 2001 | Be True to Your School |
19 | March 18, 2001 | Read My Lips |
20 | March 25, 2001 | Time's Up |
External links[]
This page uses content from the English Wikipedia page In a Heartbeat. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. Text from Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. |