DinoTrux Wikia

Ore is, as the name says, a type of ore that serves as the main food for most species of dinotrux and tools. It can be easily found by the head of a T-trux and is "buried" in layers close to the surface.

Types of Ore:[]

  • Metal ore (The most commonly found type of ore.)
  • Speckled ore (A type of ore which causes Trux and Tools alike to backfire, with much more powerful results for the latter.)
  • Volcanic Ore (A delicious type of ore made possibly by intense heat, irresistable by some Trux, and cleverly used as bait by Desert Scraptors; often dubbed the most delicious kind of ore.)
  • Meteorite ore (An ore similar in taste to volcanic ore, but comes down to earth in the form of meteorites)
  • Green Ore (A delicious type of ore, it has bluish-green spots and belongs to the Gluphosaurs)
  • Woodland Ore (A ore that is found under trees and is sought after by Sawmetradons)
  • Magnetic Ore (A rare and magnetic non-edible variation of Ore)
  • Arctic ore (A form of ore with which water has invaded crevices and froze, in result having frozen crunchier ore. It has an acquired taste)
  • Sea ore (A type of ore that can be found at bottom of the sea and where Scrapadactyls, Aquadons and supposedly Crabcavators eat.)
  • Helium Ore (Also referred to as purple ore, is a form of ore that resembles a cluster of small spheres and can be found embedded within rocks. It is the favorite food of the Dreadtrux and is implied by a hungry Ton Ton that other Dinotrux may be able to consume it as well. Other than food, it also doubles as a helium source for aerial builds, like zeppelins)
  • Explosive Ore (A black, spiky, non-edible variation of ore that can be found in arid regions. It is extremely volatile and needs to be handled with care when it’s collected. Can be used for builds like jet packs)
  • Pollen Ore (Ore that’s been covered in pollen by pollinating Grease Bees. It can cause trux to lose their voices when consumed, and can only be cured by drinking grease produced by the same bees.



  • Salt can also be eaten by any type of Trux, but does not bring the same flavor or nutrients as regular ore.
  • Grease is also apparently edible. Though it’s unknown if the trux only consume it for the purpose of curing the effects of Pollen Ore or as an arbitrary snack.