Reptools, or just Tools for short are creatures that are part smaller reptile (lizard/iguana) and part utility device. Unlike most Dinotrux, members of different species end up interacting with each other on an almost regular basis. Though they might sometimes be jelaous of their larger counterparts, they can still do certain tasks bigger creatures like them would otherwise be unable to do and many are skilled builders. Most of them live in Ravines, which are deemed a safe place from the outside world by a majority of Reptools.
Known Species of Tools[]
- Rotilian Reptools: Part Chamaeleonidae Lacertilia and part rotary power drill and tape measure.
- Wrenchtools: Part Urodela and part crescent or pipe wrench.
- Hex Wrenchtools: Part Pleurodelinae and part hex key/Allen wrench.
- Scraptools: Part Chamaeleonidae and part switchblade, folding pocketknife and blowtorch.
- Tortools: Part Testudines or Testudinidae and part buffer, automobile jack and paint sprayer.
- Towaconstrictors: Part Serpentes and part tow cable.
- Slamtools: Part Lacertilia and part claw hammer.
- Picktools: Part Lacertilia and part ice axe.
- Junktools: Part Compsognathus and part needle-nosed pliers.