Showing results for December 2019 - C++ Team Blog

Dec 18, 2019

Debugging Linux CMake Projects with gdbserver

Erika Sweet
Erika Sweet

Update 2/20/20: We have addressed a bug which allows you to debug simple CMake projects using one level of CMakeLists.txt files with gdbserver in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 Preview 3. The example launch configuration has been updated below. Gdbserver is a program that allows you to remotely debug applications running on Linux. It is esp...

C++CMakeNew Feature
Dec 13, 2019

Build C++ Applications in a Linux Docker Container with Visual Studio

Erika Sweet
Erika Sweet

Docker containers provide a consistent development environment for building, testing, and deployment. The virtualized OS, file system, environment settings, libraries, and other dependencies are all encapsulated and shipped as one image that can be shared between developers and machines. This is especially useful for C++ cross-platform developers b...
