Showing results for February 2019 - C++ Team Blog

Feb 27, 2019

CUDA 10.1 available now, with support for latest Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 versions

Ulzii Luvsanbat [MSFT]
Ulzii Luvsanbat [MSFT]

We are pleased to echo NVIDIA's announcement for CUDA 10.1 today, and are particularly excited about CUDA 10.1's continued compatibility for Visual Studio. CUDA 10.1 will work with RC, RTW and future updates of Visual Studio 2019. To stay committed to our promise for a Pain-free upgrade to any version of Visual Studio 2017 that also carries forward...

Feb 27, 2019

Open Existing CMake Caches in Visual Studio

Will Buik
Will Buik

Visual Studio typically manages all the details of CMake for you, under the hood, when you open a project. However, some development workflows require more fine-grained control over how CMake is invoked. The latest Visual Studio 2019 Preview lets you have complete control over CMake if your project needs more flexibility. You can now give your cust...

Feb 15, 2019

Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 Blog Rollup

Sy Brand
Sy Brand

Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 was a huge release for us, so we’ve written a host of articles to explore the changes in more detail. For the short version, see the Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 Release Notes. We’d love for you to download Visual Studio 2019 Preview, give it a try, and let us know how it’s w...

Feb 6, 2019

Using VS Code for C++ development with containers

Marc Goodner
Marc Goodner

This post builds on using multi-stage containers for C++ development. That post showed how to use a single Dockerfile to describe a build stage and a deployment stage resulting in a container optimized for deployment. It did not show you how to use a containers with your development environment. Here we will show how to use those containers with VS...

Feb 1, 2019

What’s New in CMake – Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2

Will Buik
Will Buik

We have made a bunch of improvements to Visual Studio’s CMake support in the latest preview of the IDE. Many of these changes are taking the first steps to close the gap between working with solutions generated by CMake and the IDE’s native support. Please try out the preview and let us know what you think. If you are new to CMake in Visual Stud...
