英検2級のライティングについて添削お願いします。翻訳等は一切使わず自分の知識のみでやったためへんてこりんな英語が多数使われていると思います。 また最後の締めのThat is whyも使い方があっているのか不安です。中学時代英検3級を受験した時に塾の先生から文字数が稼げるからおすすめといわれたので、つかっています。 ※語数は条件内を満たしています。 Topic Today, some more companies have online interviews for people who apply for jobs. Do you think is a good idea? I think some more companies have online interviews for people who apply for jobs is a good idea. I have two reasons. First, it is convenience for both companies and people who apply for jobs because it takes less time online interviews than face−to−face interviews. Second, it is not so nervous as face−to−face.In my case, when I am nervous, I can't be good at speaking. That is why I think some more companies have online interviews for people who apply for jobs is a good idea.