Dead Frontier features various Music for the different Weather Conditions, which can be heard while playing and is now also available here for listening and downloading. To listen to the Music, simply click the play button, to download it, right click the name of the Music Track and save it.
The Music Files provided here are high quality versions of the ones actually used in-game (64 kBit/s MP3), provided as Ogg Vorbis files at 500 kBit/s VBR.
Various weather conditions happen in the Inner City, changing the ambience as providing gameplay modifiers that can help or harm survivors.
Weather conditions are divided into 2 types. Only 1 of each condition type may be present at the same time:
Weather: Provides buffs/debuffs that may affect survivors or zombies, such as movement speed reduction or knockback resistance/vulnerability. May have different effects indoors.
Weather changes every 27-30 minutes. There is a small chance for a Weather condition to not appear at all (i.e. "calm weather").
Time of Day: Represented by a change in sunlight/moonlight. Affects the spawn rate of zombies and chance of hordes.
Time of Day rotates every 45-60 minutes, equivalent to 2 Weather change intervals. Time of Day follows the cycle of Morning -> Afternoon -> Evening -> Night.
Each of these conditions uses a sets of background music, which are played alternately. Furthermore, each set of music will differ in intensity, depending on current Aggro.
Low temperature and high moisture may lead to large amounts of vapor condensing near the ground, obscuring the vision of survivors and zombies alike. It's this blinding effect that has earned fog the title of "#1 Most Hated Weather Effect", according to surveys done by the Fairview CB Association.
Decreases infected sight range by -25%.
Cover minimap in a layer of fog.
Indoors: No effect.
The Red Fog from the SEZ seeps, driving zombies to a frenzy and strengthening their abilities. No quarter will be given, and no savior will come.
Increases infected sight range by +25%.
Increases infected hearing range by +25%.
Increases Horde rates by +25%.
Decreases knockback effects on infected by -25%.
Bouts of extreme heat and sunlight have various negative effects on living beings, such as heat cramps, heat rashs, and worst of all, heat syncope. Survivors are advised to wear head covering alongside light, breathable clothings, seek shades whenever possible, and rehydrate often.
Increases hunger levels for survivors by -25%.
A light drizzle is the perfect chance to laze around in your room or share an umbrella with your crush, but survivors rarely get the chance to do so. Regardless, rain is usually seen as a positive thing: It gives survivor clean water for drinking and planting, and the sound of raindrops can confuse zombies, mask the sound of gunfire, and make sneaking around much easier.
Decreases infected hearing range by -25%.
Indoors: Decreases infected hearing range by -15%.
Great rain comes with great thunder, which conveniently serves as an excellent zombie distractor. Thus, thunderstorms are unusually sacred in the minds of Fairview residents - a common children's story depicts Zeus as a benevolent god, who will help good people by smiting zombies from above with his lightning spears.
Decreases infected hearing range by -30%.
Indoors: Decreases infected hearing range by -20%.
Fairview is infamous for its snowsqualls, which may hit the city at any moment and cripples movement of humans and vehicles that are not normally equipped with winter gears. When facing this, consider building a snowman, start a campfire, or just enjoy the snow magic fantasy indoors.
Decreases movement speed of survivors by -10%.
Indoors: No effect.
Zombies have a poor sense of balance due to their decaying vestibular system, making them prone to moving erratically, falling over or getting blown away in strong winds. It's debatable if this is a good thing however, as many veterans have attested to almost losing their lives from such an unpredictable shift in zombie movement.
Increases knockback effects on infected by +25%.
Infected have swaying movement due to gusts of wind.
This track is heard at the main screen of the Inner City, where you can decide to go into Single or Multiplayer. Its pretty much the trademark theme of Dead Frontier.
This is the Air Raid Siren used by Nastya's Holdout to signalize that an Outpost Attack is going on to everyone who is able to defend it from the inside and to call back anyone who wants to support it from the Inner City.Note: This track is not a higher quality version of the in-game file as it was never made by the same artist who made the rest of the music and thus never among the supplied higher quality versions. However, it was still converted so the wiki accepts it as valid music file.
There are 4 different types of background music heard around the Inner City, which make up the majority of ambient music you will hear while fighting, looting or just exploring. The soundtracks are in certain zones: Soundtrack One: Grey Zone; Soundtrack Two: Purple Zone; Soundtrack Three: Red Zone; Soundtrack Four: Red Fat and Red Long-Armed Zones.
This is the background music for all types of buildings, a more silent yet creepy theme to let you focus more on the zombies lurking inside than whatever action may happen outside, as buildings are always a dangerous yet rewarding place to lurk and loot in.
Once you received enough attention from zombies and they start to move faster towards you as their next target for food, you can both feel and hear that your "Aggro" level raised to a rather dangerous level. This sounds strikingly similar to the soundtrack on the Nintendo game called Metroid Prime but this fact is completely irrelevant.
The deepest part of the Inner City in 2D, commonly called "Death Row", received its own special, eerie type of background music to indicate that this area is even more dangerous than the rest of Fairview.
This tune plays once you're at a dangerously low level of health, a warning and reminder to move and fight more carefully and better retreat and hide to heal up and get into a better fighting condition.