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Control Wiki

The Vending Machine, identical in appearance to those used by the Federal Bureau of Control, is an Altered Item discovered by the Bureau on May 11, 2017 and now contained in the Investigations Sector of the Oldest House.


A response team of the Federal Bureau of Control went to intervene after a local resident in Alberta, Canada had called a news station to report unusual ("magic" as she called it) items sold by a vending machine in a nursing home. The assumption made by the news team was that the operators of the machine simply were stocking the machine with distinctive objects to rise the home's residents' spirits. The FBC team supported this story while confiscating the vending machine due to it being an Altered Item, producing the unusual items by itself. Tests suggested the machine would be able to react to the mind of people nearby and would adjust the objects being sold to their individual, subconscious wishes.

See also Vending Machine Procedures


The Vending Machine was brought to the Oldest House's Investigations Sector to determine containment procedures. The investigation ended without results, due to the sector being sealed off after the escape of Emil Hartman shortly after the Item's acquisition.

During the Hiss invasion in 2019, Jesse Faden could encounter the Vending Machine at various locations throughout the sector. Apparently, the Altered Item had developed a yet undocumented altered effect of moving by its own efforts while emitting a red glow; similar to other corrupted Altered Items like the Rubber Duck, the Red Light or the Moving Letters. It was using this ability to disguise as one of the Bureau's standard vending machines, as well as trying to escape its discovery with remarkable speed.

Achievements and trophies[]

A secret achievement and trophy can be unlocked if Jesse is able to destroy four of five instances of the Altered Vending Machine. Almost any vending machine in the Investigations Sector can be one of these instances, a regular one is replaced with the Altered version when Jesse travels to or enters a location of the sector. On first glance, the Altered version is indistinguishable from the normal machines – it only reveals itself by trying to flee if damaged. Which ones of the many instances are Altered ones is defined randomly and varies from arrival to arrival at the area.

Icon Achievement/trophy Score Rank
Vending Spree
Destroy 80% of the Altered Vending Machine instances
15 Bronze

In addition to the achievement, a Vending Machine will drop 1,100 Source, twenty-four uncommon Materials, as well as three rare, four prime and four absolute Mods while being hunted down and destroyed.


  • It may be an homage to SCP-294, which is a coffee vending machine that similarly produces anything wanted by the user.

