The Pink Flamingo is an Altered Item that was found by the FBC on August 12, 1997.
A plastic, pink flamingo lawn ornament. Two steel prongs extend from its underside. The item is suspected to influence atmospheric physics, altering meteorological phenomena in the area. This effect is currently unconfirmed.
Agents noticed a transient commonly found outside the entrance of the Bureau headquarters would carry the item and loudly claim to be responsible for the lack of inclement weather. The frequency of these claims attracted the personal interest of Dr. Darling. In interviews disguised as casual conversations, the transient reported that the item "gives me clouds when it's hot and sun when it's not." An event of note occurred during a heavy downpour when the vagrant was witnessed performing a possible ritual with the item. Dr. Darling reported a wait of unknown seconds before the rain stopped. The vagrant was seized the next day. After some time, he was found to possess no altered behavior or anything like that and was released. The item remains in Bureau custody under suspicion of altered status, though this still has not been proven. All known variations of Identification Formulas have failed to elicit a response from the item.
Containment Procedure[]
The following procedures for containment for the item in the Oldest House:
- No unique procedure required. Altered status is suspected, but unverified.
- In the first two Max Payne games, one can watch episodes of an in-universe TV show called "Address Unknown", some of which featured a pink flamingo speaking in reverse.