Press Resources

Jump to: Press contacts, press releases, coverage by the KDE Press Team or coverage in developers' blogs.


Press Contacts

If you have a press enquiry related to aKademy, please direct it to the aKademy team: [email protected]. Alternatively, you can contact the following representatives:

KDE Project
Antonio Larrosa
Phone +34-620-037-506
Linux New Media AG
Ms. Rosemarie Schuster
Phone: +49-89-9934-0

Press Releases

September 2nd, 2005 Leading Open Source Desktop, Holds Conference in Malaga, Spain
(in English)
March 21st, 2005 Call for Papers for the aKademy 2005
(in English)
February 25th, 2005 aKademy 2005 Logo Contest Launched
(in English)
February 1st, 2005 Málaga Named as Location for 2005 KDE Conference
(in English)

Coverage in Developer's Blogs

You can read what developers are saying about aKademy (and other KDE matters) on Planet KDE, an aggregation of personal weblogs written by contributors to KDE.