
KDE e.V. has a certain budget to grant travel subsidies up to 80% of your costs. Since we cannot support all developers we implement the following order:

  • Delegates with an accepted paper, no or low income and a residence outside of Europe.
  • Delegates with an accepted paper and no or low income.
  • Delegates who are KDE e.V. members or have applied for membership, with no income and a residence outside of Europe.
  • Delegates who are KDE e.V. members or have applied for membership, with no income.
  • Delegates who are KDE e.V. members or have applied for membership with a residence outside of Europe.
  • Delegates who are KDE e.V. members or have applied for membership.
If you are in need of a subsidy, please provide the KDE e.V. board ([email protected]) with the following information:
  • Who you are, where you are from and where in KDE you are involved
  • Why you need a subsidy
  • What are your costs and how much should your subsidy be