We have a few domains that are subscribed with operator@ and unfortunately one of my colleagues unsubscribed to the renewal emails this morning.

Because of the vast number of subs - we can't simply change the email address. Would it be posisble to remove us from a blacklist to ensure we receive these emails again please.

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Welcome to the Let's Encrypt Community! :slightly_smiling_face:

You can just resubscribe and put "+whatever" before the @ sign in the email address. Let's Encrypt will treat this "plus address" as a different email address even though it will be delivered to the same email box. Your email provider might deliver these emails to a "whatever" folder under your inbox.


That's not a Let's Encrypt thing, just a feature of many, but not all, email services. (My personal postfix/dovecot are configured to use - rather than +, and I don't think the Exchange/Hosted Outlook ecosystem has an equivalent at all, last I checked.) Email services that don't support it will just see operator+whatever@ as a mailbox that doesn't exist.


Then some email testing/verification would be in order prior to making any change.
Send to:

See if any get to your inbox.


Just echoed the advice from here: :wink:


Oh, I know. that page just says "many common email services treat" it that way, whereas the way you phrased it sounded to me like Let's Encrypt might strip off the +whatever when sending email, which I don't think that they actually do.


I tried adding +whatever but it didn't make any changes



Sorry guys, I thought this can only be done by Let's Encrypt Support but we've decided to wait a year to get resubsribed.

It was on one of our customer's system - we use certifytheweb for them but it didn't help

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