Category:Solar System
the Sun, its planets and their moons | |||||
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العربية: المجموعة الشمسية هو الاسم الذي يُطلق عادة على النظام الكوكبي الذي يتكون من الشمس وجميع ما يَدور حولها من أجرام بما في ذلك الأرض والكواكب الأخرى.
Deutsch: Sonnensystem ist der Eigenname des gravitativen Systems der Sonne.
English: The Solar System consists of the Sun and the other celestial objects gravitationally bound to it.
Français : Le système solaire, en astronomie, est le nom donné au système planétaire composé du Soleil et des objets célestes gravitant autour de lui.
Italiano: Il sistema solare è un sistema stellare composto dal Sole e dai corpi celesti che vi orbitano attorno.
Galego: O Sistema Solar é o conxunto de corpos celestes na galaxia chamada Vía Láctea, que desenvolven os seus movementos entorno ao Sol.
日本語: 太陽系(たいようけい) に関するカテゴリ
Nederlands: Het Zonnestelsel omvat de zon en de daaraan door zwaartekracht gebonden objecten: de planeten en hun manen, dwergplaneten, planetoïden etc.
Македонски: Сончевиот систем се состои од Сонцето и други небесни тела што се гравитациски врзани за него.
Slovenščina: Sončni sistem ali osončje.
This category has the following 33 subcategories, out of 33 total.
Media in category "Solar System"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 328 total.
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1 wiki megalomania.png 800 × 502; 748 KB
12 Sunsistemo.svg 512 × 512; 4 KB
14. Path of moon among the stars, Feb. 20-26, 1926 (22759305901).jpg 1,832 × 1,267; 102 KB
16. Path of sun among the stars, May 15 to July 14 (22126981533).jpg 1,802 × 1,497; 130 KB
2 Solar System (ELitU)-fr.png 2,953 × 2,953; 2.91 MB
2006 SF6-orbit.png 903 × 603; 50 KB
2021 - My Space Odyssey (180 MP) (51789033514).png 17,775 × 10,000; 146.25 MB
490 Our Solar System.jpg 1,024 × 576; 92 KB
AGV 2aa.jpg 1,012 × 767; 183 KB
Alignement des planètes.jpg 13,678 × 3,847; 18.94 MB
An Eclipse and a Comet.jpg 1,366 × 768; 569 KB
An Epitome of Astronomy or a Compendious View of our Solar System RMG PT3462.tiff 3,448 × 4,800; 47.35 MB
Anomalies.PNG 718 × 627; 81 KB
Aplotoftheoutersolarssystemwithcentaursandsdos.png 2,048 × 2,048; 44 KB
Astronomical Diagrams RMG L1073-006.tiff 3,984 × 4,800; 54.71 MB
Astronomical Diagrams RMG L1073-011.tiff 4,800 × 4,030; 55.34 MB
Astronomical Diagrams RMG L1075-004.tiff 3,847 × 4,800; 52.83 MB
Aurinkokunnan planeetat.svg 512 × 288; 98 KB
Beyond the Kuiper Belt Edge (noaoann16012a).jpg 1,714 × 1,000; 348 KB
Beyond the Kuiper Belt Edge (noaoann16012a).tiff 1,714 × 1,000; 1.44 MB
Brahmamkkate Parabrahmamokkate.jpg 2,536 × 3,943; 2.34 MB
Cartoon solar system.png 960 × 540; 483 KB
Cechy geologiczne planet.png 1,312 × 962; 103 KB
Celestia Sol.jpg 1,280 × 1,024; 490 KB
Celestial body size comparison vertical.png 1,500 × 4,300; 4.71 MB
Centaur 29P Outgassing (NIRSpec) (centaur29p).jpg 16,001 × 12,085; 11.39 MB
Centaur 29P Outgassing (NIRSpec) (centaur29p).tiff 16,001 × 12,085; 55.05 MB
Comparison of the size of Sgr* A and the Sun.png 1,662 × 1,662; 766 KB
Configuracion Aristarco1.jpg 595 × 288; 29 KB
Configuracion Aristarco2.jpg 523 × 243; 14 KB
ConjonctionVénusJupiterMarsOctobre2015.png 305 × 587; 67 KB
Constelation (2826370698).jpg 1,280 × 960; 275 KB
DA solen - jorden.PNG 248 × 155; 2 KB
Das Sonnensystem.svg 512 × 194; 713 KB
Dating Planetary Core Formation.png 1,920 × 1,080; 159 KB
DD Galaxy.jpg 478 × 416; 74 KB
Diagram Anomalies Kepler orbit.svg 390 × 390; 7 KB
Diagrama fases de venus.svg 641 × 434; 7 KB
Diagramma amore.jpg 1,890 × 952; 290 KB
Diagramme pression-température eau planètes telluriques.jpg 1,222 × 779; 182 KB
Distance moyenne des objets céléstes par rapport au soleil en UA.pdf 1,754 × 1,239; 26 KB
Dwarf planets in the solar system graphic by NASA.png 548 × 233; 76 KB
Earth - Pluto Comparison (19509102346).jpg 2,880 × 1,620; 1.94 MB
Earth's Location in the Universe SMALLER (JPEG) uk.jpg 4,999 × 2,500; 6.02 MB
EarthMinute 01Mission Twitter FB (15121338412).jpg 1,200 × 602; 139 KB
EarthMoonSun.JPG 800 × 600; 44 KB
Eight Planets.svg 395 × 21; 11 KB
EightTNOs.jpg 800 × 580; 232 KB
El Sistema Solar.svg 512 × 194; 720 KB
Elementos Orbitales. Datos.png 875 × 281; 372 KB
Estimated extent of the Solar Systems habitable zone.png 335 × 267; 22 KB
Euler diagram of solar system bodies-de.svg 635 × 490; 18 KB
Evening Sunset 1424.jpg 1,800 × 4,000; 1.86 MB
Evolucion dau Sistèma Solar.png 856 × 1,966; 591 KB
EvolutionSystèmeSolaire-fragment1.png 3,000 × 600; 1.21 MB
EvolutionSystèmeSolaire-fragment2.png 3,000 × 600; 1.55 MB
EvolutionSystèmeSolaire-fragment3.png 3,000 × 600; 1.36 MB
EvolutionSystèmeSolaire-fragment4.png 3,000 × 600; 2.06 MB
EvolutionSystèmeSolaire-fragment5.png 3,000 × 600; 1.04 MB
EvolutionSystèmeSolaire.png 6,000 × 270; 1.28 MB
Extended logarithmic universe illustration.png 2,400 × 2,400; 11.21 MB
External Solar System.jpg 960 × 720; 118 KB
Few Common Ancestors for Solar System Asteroids (noaoann18011a).jpg 1,778 × 1,000; 324 KB
Few Common Ancestors for Solar System Asteroids (noaoann18011a).tiff 1,778 × 1,000; 1.65 MB
Galaxie peinture.jpg 320 × 214; 10 KB
Galaxy.jpg 483 × 321; 69 KB
Gas giants.jpg 466 × 600; 27 KB
Gravitational lenses found in the DESI Legacy Survey data (noirlab2104a).tiff 3,840 × 3,840; 11.15 MB
Guericke - Six planets.png 591 × 833; 122 KB
Heliocentric solar system.png 247 × 83; 4 KB
Heliophysics Sentinels 2024 (SVS5443 - Sentinels2024 Earth2Voyager GSE AU clockSlate EarthTarget UHD3840 2160p30).webm 1 min 35 s, 3,840 × 2,160; 95.35 MB
Heliophysics Sentinels 2024 (SVS5443 - Sentinels2024 InnerSolarSystem GSE AU clockSlate EarthTarget UHD3840 2160p30).webm 1 min 25 s, 3,840 × 2,160; 51.41 MB
Heliophysics Sentinels 2024 (SVS5443 - Sentinels2024 L1Fleet GSE AU clockSlate CRTT UHD3840 2160p30).webm 25 s, 3,840 × 2,160; 21.95 MB
Heliophysics Sentinels 2024 (SVS5443 - Sentinels2024 LunarFleet GSE AU clockSlate CRTT UHD3840 2160p30).webm 26 s, 3,840 × 2,160; 18.69 MB
Heliophysics Sentinels 2024 (SVS5443 - Sentinels2024 NearEarth GSE AU clockSlate CRTT UHD3840 2160p30).webm 1 min 21 s, 3,840 × 2,160; 57.34 MB
High School Earth Science Cover.jpg 2,550 × 2,024; 553 KB
Hill sphere of the planets af.png 642 × 429; 12 KB
Hill sphere of the planets.png 642 × 429; 13 KB
Historia definicji planety.png 3,520 × 2,240; 756 KB
Hubble Detects Ghostly Glow Surrounding Our Solar System (opo22050a).jpg 1,280 × 720; 201 KB
Hubble Detects Ghostly Glow Surrounding Our Solar System (opo22050a).tiff 1,280 × 720; 694 KB
Hubble Science- Planetary Missions, Fossils of our Solar System (SVS14267 PLANET VERT MP4 2).webm 2 min 28 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 19.29 MB
Hubble Science- Planetary Missions, Fossils of our Solar System (SVS14267).jpg 1,080 × 1,920; 148 KB
Hubble Science- Planetary Missions, Fossils of our Solar System (SVS14267).webm 2 min 31 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 19.81 MB
Hubble takes a grand tour of the Solar System (51688936521).jpg 4,800 × 2,700; 1.08 MB
Hệ mặt trời.jpg 600 × 300; 90 KB
Idea Dell' Universo.jpg 14,437 × 19,828; 57.08 MB
Inner Solar System.jpg 1,128 × 1,282; 148 KB
Interplanetary Superhighway.jpg 1,024 × 750; 429 KB
Interstellar probes (cropped) he.svg 2,506 × 1,653; 367 KB
Interstellar probes (cropped).jpg 2,005 × 1,322; 207 KB
Jupiter and moons.tif 1,920 × 1,080; 5.93 MB
Kanały socjalizacji koncepcji planety.png 1,320 × 500; 93 KB
Kinh độ Mặt Trời.png 349 × 321; 15 KB
La Sistema solar.pdf 3,895 × 1,475; 613 KB
Lagrangepunkte1und2.svg 719 × 536; 1.04 MB
Lagrangunkte1und2.svg 719 × 515; 1.03 MB
Lambert Fig1.png 1,069 × 1,069; 8 KB
Largest Solar System Objects by Diameter.jpg 2,600 × 1,250; 354 KB
Light-sun-to-earth-tamil.png 1,869 × 1,058; 225 KB
Logo mps 1024.png 1,024 × 420; 108 KB
LOS PLANETAS (Completar).jpg 2,000 × 1,414; 183 KB
LOS PLANETAS.jpg 2,000 × 1,414; 152 KB
Lunar phases.svg 512 × 82; 2 KB
Main solar system NASA.jpg 2,100 × 1,575; 79 KB
Mareas galileo.png 798 × 598; 60 KB
Mars in Deep Space.png 1,212 × 820; 1.19 MB
Minor planets bar.jpg 454 × 21; 2 KB
Model of the Solar System at the Cosmonauts Alley.jpg 5,456 × 3,064; 5.41 MB
Mondphasen.jpg 1,080 × 1,080; 198 KB
Moon (Letterschool Style).jpg 720 × 1,520; 189 KB
Moon earth distance fit planets.png 3,000 × 1,797; 2.53 MB
Moon modifications CuSee 2012-09-30.jpg 3,840 × 2,160; 1.77 MB
MovingJupiter (en).jpg 234 × 209; 9 KB
MovingJupiter cs.jpg 234 × 209; 9 KB
NASA Photojournal Home Page Graphic 2007.png 3,300 × 2,485; 4.9 MB
Nice cool.PNG 1,114 × 627; 84 KB
The Solar System (NYPL b13919861-5207390).tiff 10,326 × 7,758, 2 pages; 229.46 MB
Observable Universe Chinese Annotations.png 2,100 × 2,100; 7.81 MB
Observable Universe logarithmic illustration (circular layout english annotations).png 2,100 × 2,100; 7.76 MB
Oběžná dráha.jpg 960 × 720; 47 KB
Ogniwo fotowoltaiczne.jpg 2,244 × 700; 536 KB
Orbite terrestre pour equation du temps.svg 448 × 388; 27 KB
Our solar system.jpg 4,420 × 2,804; 1.22 MB
Outer solar system.jpg 1,012 × 660; 86 KB
PBB Planeten-Bewegungs-Bild-Saturn2 Planet-Movement-Picture Saturn2.jpg 400 × 400; 107 KB
PBB Planeten-Bewegungs-Bild-Venus1 Planet-Movement-Picture.jpg 400 × 400; 206 KB
PBB Planeten-Bewegungs-Bild-Venus2 Planet-Movement-Picture.jpg 400 × 400; 181 KB
PIA22921-Voyager2-Position-20181210.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 316 KB
Planet candidates in the Solar System -artist's impression- (iau0601c).jpg 2,144 × 1,488; 339 KB
Planet candidates in the Solar System -artist's impression- (iau0601c).tiff 2,144 × 1,488; 2.17 MB
Planet candidates in the Solar System -unannotated- (iau0601f).jpg 2,144 × 1,488; 294 KB
Planet candidates in the Solar System -unannotated- (iau0601f).tiff 2,144 × 1,488; 2.13 MB
Planet distances.svg 1,368 × 815; 112 KB
Planet signature.svg 454 × 21; 12 KB
Planetas del sistema solar.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 4 pages; 156 KB
Planets Imagemap image (Latin).png 5,760 × 600; 2.26 MB
Planets Imagemap image (no text).png 5,760 × 600; 2.23 MB
Planets Imagemap image.png 5,760 × 600; 2.26 MB
Planets to scale.png 800 × 940; 848 KB
Plano-rayuela.gif 256 × 450; 17 KB
Point Light Demo (9349266239).jpg 1,451 × 764; 181 KB
Protoplanetary disk.jpg 800 × 534; 32 KB
Protoplanetary-disk.jpg 576 × 312; 33 KB
Protoplanetary-disk2.jpg 509 × 307; 35 KB
Puzzle 1000 elementów układ słoneczny - kwiecień 2019 - 1.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.49 MB
Puzzle 1000 elementów układ słoneczny - kwiecień 2019 - 2.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.98 MB
Puzzle 1000 elementów układ słoneczny - kwiecień 2019 - 3.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.85 MB
Puzzle 200 Układ Słoneczny - lipiec 2018.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.67 MB
Released to Public Solar System Montage (NASA) (420390416).jpg 517 × 644; 25 KB
Released to Public Voyager Montage by NASA (NASA) (291707648).jpg 3,907 × 3,071; 3.41 MB
Retrogradacion.svg 505 × 255; 40 KB
Retrograde Motion.bjb.svg 320 × 230; 46 KB
Sample osAstro TF question for Chapter 7.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 2 pages; 334 KB
Satellitenorbit.jpg 825 × 969; 98 KB
Scale model of Solar System 10 billion to 1.svg 653 × 878; 2.92 MB
Semimajoraxis.png 120 × 69; 3 KB
Semimajoraxis.svg 138 × 87; 4 KB
Sfere pitagoriche.jpg 3,984 × 1,840; 2.71 MB
SIG Photo.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 4.63 MB
Simulated view from Voyager 1 looking toward the Sun (EOSS).jpg 884 × 679; 104 KB
Sistema solar - Sitchin.jpg 1,779 × 1,245; 160 KB
Sistema solar.png 445 × 21; 10 KB
Sistema solar.svg 1,052 × 744; 175 KB
Sistema Solare- posizione di dissipazione di Io.jpg 531 × 347; 40 KB
Sistema Solare- posizione di non dissipazione di Io.jpg 532 × 347; 37 KB
Sistema solare.png 16,167 × 6,123; 6.94 MB