Programmable Media

Transformation URL API reference

Last updated: Feb-17-2025

The Transformation URL API enables you to deliver media assets, including a large variety of on-the-fly transformations through the use of URL parameters. This reference provides comprehensive coverage of all available URL transformation parameters, including syntax, value details, and examples.

See also:


The default Cloudinary asset delivery URL has the following structure:<cloud_name>/<asset_type>/<delivery_type>/<transformations>/<version>/<public_id_full_path>.<extension>

This reference covers the parameters and corresponding options and values that can be used in the <transformations> element of the URL. It also covers the <extension> element.

For information on other elements of the URL, see Transformation URL syntax.


The transformation names and syntax shown in this reference refer to the URL API.

Depending on the Cloudinary SDK you use, the names and syntax for the same transformation may be different. Therefore, all of the transformation examples in this reference also include the code for generating the example delivery URL from your chosen SDK.

The SDKs additionally provide a variety of helper methods to simplify the building of the transformation URL as well as other built-in capabilities. You can find more information about these in the relevant SDK guides.

Parameter types

There are two types of transformation parameters:

  • Action parameters: Parameters that perform a specific transformation on the asset.
  • Qualifier parameters: Parameters that do not perform an action on their own, but rather alter the default behavior or otherwise adjust the outcome of the corresponding action parameter.

See the Transformation Guide for additional guidelines and best practices regarding parameter types.

Visit the Transformation Center in your Cloudinary Console to explore and experiment with transformations across a variety of images and videos.



Although not a transformation parameter belonging to the <transformation> element of the URL, the extension of the URL can transform the format of the delivered asset, in the same way as f_<supported format>.

If f_<supported format> or f_<auto> are not specified in the URL, the format is determined by the extension. If no format or extension is specified, then the asset is delivered in its originally uploaded format.

  • If using an SDK to generate your URL, you can control the extension using the format parameter, or by adding the extension to the public ID.
  • If using a raw transformation, for example to define an eager or named transformation, you can specify the extension at the end of the transformation parameters, following a forward slash. For example, c_pad,h_300,w_300/jpg means that the delivery URL has transformation parameters of c_pad,h_300,w_300 and a .jpg extension. c_pad,h_300,w_300/ represents the same transformation parameters, but with no extension.

As the extension is considered to be part of the transformation, be careful when defining eager transformations and transformations that are allowed when strict transformations are enabled, as the delivery URL must exactly match the transformation, including the extension.
  • Deliver the image as a PNG by using the SDK format parameter, which sets the extension of the URL. Note that in contrast to f (fetch format), this is not a transformation parameter, but rather an SDK parameter that controls the file extension of the public ID in the resulting URL.

    Sheep image delivered as a PNG

  • Deliver the image in its originally uploaded format (no extension specified):

    Sheep image delivered in original format
  • a (angle)


    Rotates or flips an asset by the specified number of degrees or automatically according to its orientation or available metadata. Multiple modes can be applied by concatenating their values with a dot.

    Learn more: Rotating images | Rotating videos



    Rotates an asset by the specified angle.

    See also: Arithmetic expressions

    If either the width or height of an asset exceeds 3000 pixels, the asset is automatically downscaled first, and then rotated. This applies to the size of the asset that is the input to the rotation, whether that be the output of a previous chained transformation or the original asset size.