Programmable Media

Programmable Media onboarding FAQ

Last updated: Nov-06-2024

This page provides quick answers to the most common questions that developers ask when evaluating or getting started with Cloudinary Programmable Media.

Enterprise customers should also see the Enterprise onboarding FAQ.

Signup and pricing


Some Enterprise or other Custom plans may be based on 'units', rather than 'credits'. If your plan works with units, contact your Customer Success Manager for details.

One credit can be used for:

  • 1000 transformations
    • Most image transformations, including complex chained transformations count as a single transformation.
    • Most video transformations are counted per second.
      (The number of transformations per second depends on the delivered video resolution).
    • Some advanced transformations or formats that require sophisticated processing have special transformation counting rules.
  • 1 GB of managed storage
    • Storage includes your main asset storage, a cached copy of each derived asset (from delivered transformations), and any revisions backed up to the Cloudinary backup storage.
  • 1 GB of delivered bandwidth

    • For images, the bandwidth is based on the delivered image file size.
    • For videos, 1 GB generally comes to ~500 seconds of delivered SD video or ~250 seconds of HD video)

    Or combined portions of each.

For example, suppose that in one 30-day period, you need:

  • 2 GB of image and video storage (2 credits)
  • 4 GB of delivery bandwidth (4 credits)
  • 4000 transformations (4 credits)

You'll use 10 credits during that period. In this case, the Free plan would be more than enough for you to use and to continue to add more Cloudinary functionality.

You can see your current credit usage and breakdowns in the Programmable Media Dashboard page of the Console.

If you find you're approaching the upper limit of your current plan, you can upgrade to another self-service plan using the Change plan option in the Accounts page of the Console Settings.

To upgrade to an Enterprise plan (or if you have any other questions about upgrading), contact our Enterprise support and sales team.
