New Students
Welcome to UNC-Chapel Hill! The information below provides a snapshot of what you need to know regarding how the Office of the University Cashier (or Cashier’s Office) bills and collects student tuition, fees and other charges.
First Year Undergraduate Students
If you are a first year undergraduate student and have not registered for a full load (12 hours or more), your student account activity only reflects the tuition and fees for the hours enrolled.
Official billing statements will be emailed August 16 after registration is completed, and the bill will be due September 10.
Action Items
Please complete the following processes:
- Add Authorized User and Proxy access for anyone that you would like to be able to view your account and discuss it with the Cashier’s Office. You may want to give them both Authorized User and Proxy access:
- Authorized Users can view the billing statements and make payments online. They cannot access the 1098T form.
- Proxies with Student Financials access can view 1098T forms and student account information in ConnectCarolina. They cannot access the billing statements or make payments online.
- Sign up for Electronic Refund so that any refunds related to your student account can be directed to your bank account.
- The payment portal (TouchNet) displays anticipated aid until the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid disburses aid, so it will not match ConnectCarolina until aid disburses.
- A negative balance means that you should get a refund once the aid pays toward your charges.
- Make sure all items on your To-Do list in ConnectCarolina are complete. Loans must be accepted, all required documents submitted, and related tasks completed at least a week before the To-Do item is marked completed in ConnectCarolina.
- Waive out of mandatory student health insurance if you have existing coverage under another health plan and do not want the insurance provided through UNC-CH. To avoid charges for health insurance, waivers must be submitted by September 10 in Fall and January 31 in Spring. It takes approximately one week for the charge to be removed once the waiver is processed.
- If you have Financial Aid:
- Authorize the Cashier’s Office to apply your Title IV financial aid to your other student account charges. Otherwise, we will have to issue a refund, and you will have to pay the non-Title IV charges to us.
- Contact the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid if you have specific questions about your financial aid.
- If you have scholarships from outside the university, please see the Outside Scholarship page of the Student Aid website for detailed information on submitting award information and payments.
- Please refer to the Estimated Disbursement Dates for the EARLIEST date to expect a Financial Aid disbursement for your classification– may be later if student has not fulfilled all requirements necessary to receive aid. Aid disburses overnight and refunds for any credit balance are set up the next morning. It takes 3-5 business days from the date of the refund for the funds to show in the bank account receiving electronic refunds.
- View and become familiar with the Important Dates for each semester.
- These include billing and due dates along with drop, add and withdrawal information and deadlines.
- Log in to your student account through ConnectCarolina and pay your bills by the due date. If you have pending financial aid, you can defer (extend the due date) the first bill of the semester. Deferments must be submitted by the due date listed on the bill.
Official billing statements will be emailed August 16 after registration is completed, and the bill will be due September 10.
For more details, please visit the Billing page of our website.
For more details, please visit the Billing page of our website.
- Cost of Attendance is an estimate from the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid for the cost of a full academic year at UNC-Chapel Hill.
- Check your University email account for billing notification emails from our office.
- Students and Authorized Users are sent the monthly billing notification email.
- Please make sure the authorized user email address is up to date.
- Tuition charges are based on number of registered credit hours and residency information.
- View housing rates for different housing options on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus.
- Granville Towers is not billed through your student account.
- The UNC One Card office manages Convenience Accounts, Dining Flex Plans, and Meal Plans.
- Textbooks may be charged to your student account if you have financial aid.
- Campus Health Services will transfer their charges not covered by insurance to your student account.
For more details, please visit the Payment Options section of our website.
- Online: Students and Authorized Users can pay online with a U.S. checking account or a credit card.
- Payment Plan: If you would like to pay for Fall or Spring semester in installments, you can sign up for a payment plan through Nelnet. The student must register with Nelnet and then add an Authorized Payer. Payments for the Fall five-payment plan begin in June so that payments are completed prior to Spring registration. Please use our estimated budget to set up your payment plan and then adjust it as needed after we bill in mid-July.
- International students can pay through Flywire: either in installments, or one-time payments.
- Cost of Attendance is an estimate from the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid for the cost of a full academic year at UNC-Chapel Hill.
- Tuition charges are based on number of credit hours and Residency Information.
- Housing Rates for different housing options on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus. Granville Towers is not billed through your student account.
- One Card Office manages Convenience Accounts, Dining Flex Plans, and Meal Plans.
- Textbooks may be charged to your student account if you have financial aid.
- Campus Health Services will transfer their charges not covered by insurance to your student account. These charges will be listed as “Campus Health INV” along with the claim number. The date of the charge indicates when it was placed on your student account, not the date of the service at Campus Health.