Caillou's Promise is an episode from Season 2 of "Caillou".
While playing in a sandbox with his sister Rosie, Caillou becomes annoyed when his sister pours sand over his sandcastle and he says "Rosie, don't!". Angered, Caillou shouts for Doris, who’s on her way to work. Caillou insists he doesn’t want Rosie to play in the sandbox, Caillou accidentally gets sand in Rosie’s eyes and she starts crying. Doris explains that the sandbox is for both of them, and has Caillou reluctantly promise to let Rosie play in the sandbox with him.
After Doris leaves, Boris asks Caillou to help him wash the dishes. Caillou lets Gilbert outside, and begins playing in the sandbox by himself. When Boris arrives holding Rosie, Caillou is still unwilling to let Rosie play, but gives in when Boris reminds him of his promise to Doris and warns him of the consequences of breaking a promise to share a sandbox with Rosie. After the dishes are washed, Boris decides to take his children to the park.
There, Caillou meets up with twins Jason and Jeffrey, who tell Caillou that their mother will bring them to the circus after lunch. They ask Caillou if he is going to the circus as well, and Caillou asks Boris if they can go. However, as Boris was unaware of the circus being in town, he tells his son that they cannot go that day, but promises to discuss a family trip to the circus with Doris when she returns home. The twins offer to take Caillou with them when they go to the circus, much to Caillou's delight. They explain that they must ask their mother for permission to bring Caillou with them, but they promise to do so. As the twins leave, Caillou is excited at the prospect of going to the circus with the twins.
Back home, Caillou eats his lunch quickly to prepare for Jason and Jeffrey's arrival. When Caillou explains to Boris that the twins invited him to join them at the circus, Boris is skeptical as the twins' mother had not discussed the circus trip with him at the park. He tells Caillou that he does not expect him to go to the circus that day, and an upset Caillou heads to his bedroom in tears, unable to see why the twins would not keep their promise to him.
Boris follows Caillou upstairs and explains that although the twins likely forgot about their promise, they are still his friends and would have wanted Caillou to join them, and assures his son that they will eventually go to the circus. When the doorbell rings, Caillou rushes downstairs, expecting it to be Jason and Jeffrey, but is disappointed when he sees it is only Doris returning home from work. Doris tells Caillou that she saw the circus tent being set up on her way home, and when Caillou tells her that he kept his promise to let Rosie play in the sandbox, she offers to take the family to the circus, making Caillou very happy.
- This is the second time Caillou cries about the circus, the first was "Caillou Joins the Circus."
- This is the second time Rosie and Caillou cry in the same episode. The first was "Caillou is a Clown."
- This episode was banned because Caillou accidentally threw sand in Rosie's eyes, causing her to cry and him having his bad behavior, which is unacceptable behavior. Despite this, the episode is still shown on the "Caillou At His Best" VHS and airs on Cartoonito.
- There are 2 morals in this episode:
- It's important to not break a promise
- Don't promise something you can't deliver.
- When Mommy says "No buts", she's wearing her normal clothes.
- Gilbert meows with his low voice as Sarah's cat, Ollie.