The European Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) comprises representatives from all participating European Higher Education Area (EHEA) countries, the European Commission, bodies representing higher education establishments and various other relevant representative bodies. It is co-chaired by the country holding the Presidency of the European Council and a non-EU country, in six-monthly rotation and in alphabetical order.
The European Bologna Follow-Up Group
- The European Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) is chaired by the country holding the Presidency of the European Council, jointly with a non-EU country, in six-monthly rotation and in alphabetical order. When the European BFUG met in September 2018, Austria was co-chair with Switzerland.
- The European BFUG also has a board to assist it. The board is chaired according to the same rules as the European BFUG and comprises representatives of the European Council presidency troika (outgoing, incumbent and incoming presidents), the troika of the non-EU EHEA country chair, the European Commission, and higher education and other stakeholder associations.
- The Bologna Secretariat is responsible for administering the work plan and is always run by the host country for the following ministerial conference.
The national Bologna Follow-Up Group
From the very start, EHEA objectives have been implemented in Austria with the involvement of as many relevant stakeholders as possible. They are represented within the national Bologna Follow-Up Group (Nat. BFUG).
- Universities Austria (uniko)
- Association of all Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences (FHK)
- Austrian private universities association (ÖPUK) (in German only)
- Rectors’ Conference of Austrian University Colleges of Teacher Education (RÖPH) (in German only)
- Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH)
- ENIC NARIC AUSTRIA (National Academic Recognition Information Centre)
- National Agency for Erasmus+ Education at the OeAD (in German only)
- Austrian Bologna Service Point at the OeAD
- National Experts for the European Higher Education Area (in German only)
- Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria)
- Federation of Austrian Industries (IV)
- Workers’ and Employees’ Chamber (AK) (in German only)
- Austrian Chamber of Agriculture (LKÖ) (in German only)
- Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ) (in German only)
One of the national BFUG’s priority tasks lies in drafting the Austrian positions on the latest issues to arise at European level. Furthermore, this stakeholder group discusses these matters with the experts responsible for implementation at national level and works out solutions suggested the Group by the Austrian higher education institutions. BFUG members are also expected to ensure that information about developments within Europe is passed onto the groups and organisations it represents, in order to provide appropriate support for implementing the Bologna objectives.
EHEA at the BMBWF: national implementation and Bologna contact point
The Bologna contact point, i.e. department IV/11 of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, chairs and manages the national BFUG. Jointly with Department IV/4 – National Bologna Implementation, it acts as an interface between the national and European levels.
Austrian Bologna Service Point at the OeAD
The Bologna Service Point at the OeAD (the Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research) sees itself as a major independent, cross-sectional guidance and information centre for the whole Austrian higher education sector.
The national team of EHEA Experts
Transmitting the overall idea of creating a European Higher Education Area and breaking this down to the level of everyday higher education presents major challenges for all parties. These tasks call for experienced, empathetic and persuasive individuals who can investigate the organisational and communication processes within higher education institutions, look out for solutions from other institutions and enter into dialogue with their peers. The National Experts for the European Higher Education Area (EHEA Experts; in German only) are former Bologna experts who have performed this bridging function since 2005.
The Bologna Coordinators at Austria’s universities
The Bologna Coordinators within Austria’s various higher education establishments form the interface between the university sector and the implementation of the Bologna process objectives.
- Austrian Bologna Service Point at the OeAD
- The team of EHEA Experts (in German only)
- The Bologna Coordinators
Eva Uthe
Department IV/11 – European Higher Education Area, EU Education Programmes, Bologna Process and Mobility
Minoritenplatz 5, 1010 Vienna
T +43 53120 6515
[email protected]
Stephan De Pasqualin
Department IV/4 – National Implementation of the Bologna Process
Minoritenplatz 5, 1010 Vienna
T +43 53120 5670
[email protected]