Wife and Husband

Chloe and I dated for six years. For three years*, we were long-distance. For five years, starting five months in, I was spelling out W-I-L-L-Y-O-U-U-M-A-R-R-R-Y-M-E* encoded in the love letters I was writing her for use in my Surprise Ultimate Romantic Proposal Resulting In Sobbing Engagement. On June 22, we wedded, and it went better-than-perfectly. The wedding site Chloe and I built together has details and some photos. The two-week honeymoon in China was not for the faint of heart, weak of stomach, or narrow of eye, so we had a great time.
I am even happier than expected to be married. Chloe and I keep clinking our rings together as if activating some marriage superpower. I am all over the parenting books reading about optimal lifestyle and nutrition before pregnancy in preparation for producing experimental super-infants. Book, parenting, and marriage recommendations are all welcome.
I don't know which things I will put on this blog. Usually I just make new pages on nickwinter.net for everything I want to either share or record for myself. We'll see how the blogging approach of presenting content compares.
* "Three years and nine months!" she counted vengefully.
* Sometimes I couldn't remember whether I had written a love letter for a particular proposal letter, so I wrote redundant letters.