Meet Clark

Now I have two kids. So far, it's pretty similar to just having one kid. The time and energy needed to sustain double the lifeforms can be obtained almost entirely from further lowering of parenting standards. There are a lot of good jokes about this. You can see from this blog how it goes. Max got a post at one month announcing his existence and another at four months about parenting surprises. Clark? He's eight months now, and this is all he gets.

Anyway, behold how cute he is:

So far, baby Clark looks basically the same as baby Max did, except for a little more hair, to the point where sometimes we can't tell which is which in a photo:

But they're not quite identical. Here are Max and Clark at around six months:

Clark has been more chill the whole time. Sleeps better, eats better, is more relaxed. Must get it from his mom. Max loves Clark and thinks he's so cute and often wants to hug and kiss him and give him toys, but now that Clark has started crawling, Clark slimes Max's toys and Max is somehow surprised and distraught. "NO, Clark!" How could he? ... he's a baby, dude, and you left the slinky on the floor.

Like Max, we used our baby name generator algorithm web app thing, Bantling, to name Clark. Here we also used the Starbucks test to disqualify a name (if the barista gets the name wrong or asks you to repeat, the name is not obvious enough). There are no more boy names in existence that would satisfy both Chloe and me now, so we pretty much have to stop making children.

I aim to make a video that better expresses his personality when he turns one on July 29, like the ones for Max turning one and two, and to track his vocabulary acquisition up until two as well. No mind-controlled robot baby Roomba chariot, though.


Cofounded CodeCombat and Skritter. Wrote The Motivation Hacker. Currently focused on AI, especially making AI systems safe.

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