Experimental Analysis of Orphan Assembly Line Polyketide Synthases Affiliate Membership Chaitan Khosla - Wells H. Rauser and Harold M. Petiprin Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor of Chemical Engineering, of Chemistry, and (by courtesy) of Biochemistry Ron Davis - Professor of Biochemistry and of Genetics Supported Affiliate Project - 2013
Chaitan Khosla - Wells H. Rauser and Harold M. Petiprin Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor of Chemical Engineering, of Chemistry, and (by courtesy) of Biochemistry
Novel Approaches to Understand Complex Systems Affiliate Membership Markus Covert - Professor of Bioengineering and (by courtesy) of Chemical and Systems Biology Supported Affiliate Project - 2012
Elucidating the Genetic Basis of Preeclampsia in Populations Adapted to High Altitude Corporate Fellowships Patricia Ortiz-Tello Suma - Bio-X Bowes and Amgen Fellow Julie Baker - Associate Professor of Genetics Supported Fellowship Project - 2011
Development of a Novel Three-Dimensional High Resolution Imaging Technology to Investigate the Mechanism of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Development Corporate Fellowships Sanaz Saatchi - Bio-X Amgen Fellow Paul Yock - The Martha Meier Weiland Professor in the School of Medicine and Professor of Bioengineering, Cardiovascular Medicine, and (by courtesy) of Mechanical Engineering Supported Fellowship Project - 2009
Paul Yock - The Martha Meier Weiland Professor in the School of Medicine and Professor of Bioengineering, Cardiovascular Medicine, and (by courtesy) of Mechanical Engineering
Learning and memory with complex synapses Corporate Fellowships Subhaneil Lahiri - Bio-X Genentech Fellow Surya Ganguli - Associate Professor of Applied Physics, Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for HAI and Associate Professor (by courtesy) of Neurobiology and of Electrical Engineering Supported Fellowship Project - 2012
Surya Ganguli - Associate Professor of Applied Physics, Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for HAI and Associate Professor (by courtesy) of Neurobiology and of Electrical Engineering
The ERAD-L Pathway - From Recognition to Degradation of Misfolded Proteins Corporate Fellowships Shilpa Sambashivan - Bio-X Genentech Fellow Axel Brunger - Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, of Neurology & Neurological Sciences, of Photon Science, and (by courtesy) of Structural Biology Supported Fellowship Project - 2006
Axel Brunger - Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, of Neurology & Neurological Sciences, of Photon Science, and (by courtesy) of Structural Biology
Biophysics of Cellular Organization and Morphogenesis Corporate Fellowships Tristan Ursell - Bio-X Genentech Fellow Kerwyn Casey Huang - Professor of Bioengineering and of Microbiology & Immunology Supported Fellowship Project - 2009
The role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in white matter plasticity and regeneration Corporate Fellowships Anna Geraghty - Bio-X Genentech Fellow Michelle Monje - Associate Professor of Neurology and (by courtesy) of Neurosurgery, of Pediatrics, of Pathology and of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Supported Fellowship Project - 2015
Michelle Monje - Associate Professor of Neurology and (by courtesy) of Neurosurgery, of Pediatrics, of Pathology and of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Investigating pathogenic citrullinated autoantigens in rheumatoid arthritis Seed Grants Sponsored Research Collaborations William H. Robinson - Associate Professor of Medicine (Immunology and Rheumatology) Supported Sponsored Research Project - 2011
Matrix-induced alignment: effects on endothelial biology Seed Grants Gift Funding TIPP John Cooke - Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine), Emeritus Gerald Fuller - Fletcher Jones II Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor of Chemical Engineering Supported TIPP Gift Project - 2011
Gerald Fuller - Fletcher Jones II Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor of Chemical Engineering
Tele-robotic system for real-time soft-tissue image guidance of stereotactic body radiation therapy Seed Grants Gift Funding TIPP Dimitre Hristov - Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology J. Kenneth Salisbury - Professor (Research) of Computer Science, of Surgery (Anatomy), and (by courtesy) of Mechanical Engineering Daniel Chang - Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology (Radiation Therapy) Supported TIPP Gift Project - 2011
J. Kenneth Salisbury - Professor (Research) of Computer Science, of Surgery (Anatomy), and (by courtesy) of Mechanical Engineering
Rapid viral identificiation device using nanochannel FET detectors Corporate Fellowships Denitsa Milanova - Bio-X Medtronic Fellow Annelise Barron - The W.M. Keck Associate Professor of Bioengineering and Associate Professor (by courtesy) of Chemical Engineering Juan Santiago - Professor of Mechanical Engineering Supported Fellowship Project - 2011
Annelise Barron - The W.M. Keck Associate Professor of Bioengineering and Associate Professor (by courtesy) of Chemical Engineering
Measurement and Control of Mitral Valve Material Properties in the Beating Heart Corporate Fellowships Gaurav Krishnamurthy - Bio-X Medtronic Fellow D. Craig Miller - Thelma and Henry Doelger Professor in Cardiovascular Surgery Drew Nelson - Professor of Mechanical Engineering Supported Fellowship Project - 2008
Mechanistic study of Novo Nordisk targets in rheumatoid arthritis, using single cell network profiling and mass cytometry Sponsored Research Collaborations Garry Nolan - Rachford and Carlota Harris Professor and Professor of Microbiology & Immunology Supported Sponsored Research Project - 2012
A compact optical sensor for parallel analysis of blood components Seed Grants Sponsored Research Collaborations BioSTAR James Harris - James and Elenor Chesebrough Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor of Electrical Engineering and (by courtesy) of Materials Science and Engineering and of Applied Physics James L. Zehnder - Professor of Pathology and of Medicine (Hematology) Supported BioSTAR Sponsored Research Project - 2011
James Harris - James and Elenor Chesebrough Professor in the School of Engineering and Professor of Electrical Engineering and (by courtesy) of Materials Science and Engineering and of Applied Physics
Rapid Laser-based Diagnostic Tool for Pulmonary Tuberculosis Seed Grants Sponsored Research Collaborations BioSTAR Robert Byer - The William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor and Professor of Applied Physics and of Photon Science Niaz Banaei - Associate Professor of Pathology and Medicine (Infectious Diseases) Supported BioSTAR Sponsored Research Project - 2011
Robert Byer - The William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor and Professor of Applied Physics and of Photon Science
Novel Silk Scaffolds for Pancreatic Islet Encapsulation Seed Grants Sponsored Research Collaborations BioSTAR Annelise Barron - The W.M. Keck Associate Professor of Bioengineering and Associate Professor (by courtesy) of Chemical Engineering Sara Michie - Professor of Pathology Supported BioSTAR Sponsored Research Project - 2011
Annelise Barron - The W.M. Keck Associate Professor of Bioengineering and Associate Professor (by courtesy) of Chemical Engineering
Protection of mitochondrial functions in neurons from patients with Huntington’s diseases Seed Grants Sponsored Research Collaborations BioSTAR Daria Mochly-Rosen - George D. Smith Professor of Translational Medicine Helen Bronte-Stewart - John E. Cahill Family Professor and Professor of Neurology & Neurological Sciences and (by courtesy) of Neurosurgery Supported BioSTAR Sponsored Research Project - 2011
Helen Bronte-Stewart - John E. Cahill Family Professor and Professor of Neurology & Neurological Sciences and (by courtesy) of Neurosurgery
Predicting human drug-induced liver toxicity using chimeric mice Sponsored Research Collaborations BioSTAR Gary Peltz - Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine Jeffrey S. Glenn - Professor of Medicine (Gastroenterology and Hepatology) and of Microbiology and Immunology Sara Michie - Professor of Pathology Supported BioSTAR Sponsored Research Project - 2013
Jeffrey S. Glenn - Professor of Medicine (Gastroenterology and Hepatology) and of Microbiology and Immunology
Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes for cardiac drug testing Sponsored Research Collaborations BioSTAR Joseph C. Wu - Director, Stanford Cardiovascular Institute, Simon H. Stertzer, MD, Professor and Professor of Radiology Russ Altman - Kenneth Fong Professor and Professor of Bioengineering, of Genetics, of Medicine (General Medical Discipline), and (by courtesy) of Computer Science Supported BioSTAR Sponsored Research Project - 2013
Joseph C. Wu - Director, Stanford Cardiovascular Institute, Simon H. Stertzer, MD, Professor and Professor of Radiology
Russ Altman - Kenneth Fong Professor and Professor of Bioengineering, of Genetics, of Medicine (General Medical Discipline), and (by courtesy) of Computer Science
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