New Jersey 2021 ballot measures

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In 2021, two statewide ballot measures were on the ballot in New Jersey on November 2. Public Question 1 was defeated. Public Question 2 was approved. Both were constitutional amendments.

  • Voters decided a constitutional amendment to expand sports betting to college games held or the state or involving state-based teams.
  • As of July 2021, 30 states and D.C. allowed sports betting, and of those states, 17 allowed betting on in-state college sports.
  • On the ballot

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Public Question 1 Gambling Allows wagering on postseason college sport competitions held in N.J. and competitions in which a N.J.-based college team participates
    LRCA Public Question 2 Gambling Allows organizations to use raffle money to raise money for their own organization

    Getting measures on the ballot


    In New Jersey, citizens do not have the power to initiate statewide initiatives or referendums. As of 2021, voters of New Jersey had never voted on a ballot measure to authorize a statewide initiative and referendum process.


    The New Jersey State Legislature can refer statewide ballot measures, in the form of constitutional amendments and state statutes, to the ballot in odd-numbered years and even-numbered years. In New Jersey, the most common form of referred statute is the bond issue.

    The New Jersey Constitution provides two legislative methods for referring a constitutional amendment to the ballot. First, the legislature can refer an amendment to the ballot through a 60 percent vote of both chambers during one legislative session. Second, the legislature can refer an amendment through a simple majority vote (50%+1) in each legislative chamber during two successive legislative sessions. The governor's signature is not needed to refer an amendment.

    Referring a state statute requires a simple majority vote of each legislative chamber and the governor's signature.

    Referral of 2021 ballot measures

    The following table illustrates the vote requirements for the legislative referrals certified for the ballot, the votes that the referrals received, and how Democrats and Republicans voted on the referrals in each legislative chamber:

    New Jersey Public Question 1, Sports Betting on State College Athletics AmendmentDemocratsRepublicans
    Senate:Required: 24Yes votes: 36 (90.00%)No votes: 1 (2.50%)Yes: 22; No: 0Yes: 14; No: 1
    House:Required: 48Yes votes: 70 (87.50%)No votes: 4 (5.00%)Yes: 48; No: 0Yes: 22; No: 4
    New Jersey Public Question 2, Raffle Money for Organizations AmendmentDemocratsRepublicans
    Senate:Required: 24Yes votes: 38 (95.00%)No votes: 0 (0.00%)Yes: 23; No: 0Yes: 15; No: 0
    House:Required: 48Yes votes: 71 (88.75%)No votes: 0 (0.00%)Yes: 47; No: 0Yes: 24; No: 0

    Historical facts

    See also: List of New Jersey ballot measures

    Between 1995 and 2020, the following occurred in New Jersey:

    • Ballots featured 49 ballot measures.
    • An average of two measures appeared on odd-year statewide ballots.
    • Voters approved 91.8 percent (45 of 49) and rejected 8.2 percent (4 of 49) of the total ballot measures.
    • Voters approved 91.4 percent (32 of 35) and rejected 8.6 percent (3 of 35) of the constitutional amendments.
    • Voters approved 92.9 percent (13 of 14) and rejected 7.1 percent (1 of 14) of the bond issues.
    Ballot measures in New Jersey, 1995-2020
    Type Total number Approved Percent approved Defeated Percent defeated Odd-year average Odd-year median Odd-year minimum Odd-year maximum
    All measures 49 45 91.84% 4 8.16% 2.00 2.00 0 4
    Amendments 35 32 91.43% 3 8.57% 1.23 1.00 0 3
    Bond issues 14 13 92.86% 1 7.14% 0.8 1.0 0 3

    See also

    New Jersey

    External links