Campaign finance agencies in Louisiana

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In Louisiana, there is one primary agency involved in campaign finance regulation: the Louisiana Ethics Administration Program. The agency administers and enforces Louisiana's Campaign Finance Disclosure Act.[1]

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Louisiana

Louisiana Ethics Administration Program


The Louisiana Ethics Administration Program administers and enforces the state's campaign finance law. The agency "prepares and distributes forms, receives reports and makes them available to the public, enforces the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act (CFDA), and issues advisory opinions interpreting the CFDA."[2][3]

The agency is authorized to assess civil penalties against individuals or groups that violate the law. If the agency determines that a criminal violation of the law has occurred, the agency must report this to the attorney general. The attorney general is responsible for prosecuting criminal violations of campaign finance law.[2][3]


The Louisiana Ethics Administration Program is governed by the Louisiana Board of Ethics and the Supervisory Committee on Campaign Finance. The board comprises eleven members. Members serve staggered four-year terms. These members are appointed as follows:[4]

  1. Seven members are appointed by the governor. There must be at least one appointee from each of the state's congressional districts. All gubernatorial appointees to the board must be confirmed by the Louisiana State Senate. At least of three of the seven gubernatorial appointees must "have been licensed to practice law in [Louisiana] for at least eight years" at the time of appointment.
  2. Two members are appointed by the Louisiana House of Representatives.
  3. Two members are appointed by the Louisiana State Senate.

Appointments are made from a list of nominees. This list of nominees is prepared by representatives of Louisiana's higher education institutions.[4]

Day-to-day agency operations are conducted by a professional staff. The table below lists board members as of August 2015.

Louisiana Board of Ethics and the Supervisory Committee on Campaign Finance—members as of August 2015
Name Position Location
M. Blake Monrose Chairman Lafayette
Julie E. Blewer Vice Chairman Shreveport
Jean Ingrassia Member Gonzales
Rev. Jose I. Lavastida Member New Orleans
Bob McAnelly Member Baton Rouge
Ashley Kennedy Shelton Member Baton Rouge
Charles Emile “Peppi” Bruneau, Jr. Member New Orleans
William J. Larzelere Jr. Member Metairie
Dr. Louis Leggio Member Baton Rouge
Kay H. Michiels Member Alexandria
Vacancy N/A N/A
Source: Louisiana Ethics Administration Program, "The Louisiana Board of Ethics and the Supervisory Committee for Campaign Finance," accessed August 5, 2015

Electronic reporting system

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Louisiana

Candidates for state-level and district offices must file campaign finance reports electronically. The online filing system can be accessed here. The public can view filed reports here.[5]

Agency budget, 2014

In fiscal year 2014, general fund spending for the Louisiana Ethics Administration Program totaled approximately $3.8 million. See the table below for further details.[6]

Louisiana Ethics Administration Program—agency general fund spending in fiscal year 2014
Budget allocation Actual spending Variance
$4,025,000 $3,765,000 $260,000
Source: Louisiana Division of Administration, "Suppementary Information to the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2014," accessed August 5, 2015

Contact information

Louisiana Ethics Administration Program

617 North Third Street
LaSalle Building, Suite 10-36
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
Telephone: 225-219-5600
Fax: 225-381-7271

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance Louisiana. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
