Jeffrey L. Schmehl

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Jeffrey L. Schmehl
Image of Jeffrey L. Schmehl
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

2013 - Present

Years in position




Dickinson College, 1977


University of Toledo Law, 1980

Reading, Pa.

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Jeffrey L. Schmehl is a judge on the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. He joined the court in 2013 after a nomination from President Barack Obama. At the time of nomination, he was a judge for the Berks County Court of Common Pleas in Pennsylvania.[1][2][3]

Early life and education

Schmehl attended Dickinson College, earning his B.A. in 1977. He went on to attend the University of Toledo School of Law, earning his J.D. in 1980.[4]

Professional career

Judicial nominee

Eastern District of Pennsylvania

Nomination Tracker
Nominee Information
Name: Jeffrey L. Schmehl
Court: Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Confirmed 198 days after nomination.
ApprovedANominated: November 27, 2012
ApprovedAABA Rating: Majority Well Qualified, Minority Qualified
Questionnaire: Questionnaire
ApprovedAHearing: February 13, 2013
QFRs: QFRs (Hover over QFRs to read more)
ApprovedAReported: March 7, 2013 
ApprovedAConfirmed: June 13, 2013
ApprovedAVote: 100-0

Schmehl was nominated on November 27, 2012 by Barack Obama to a seat on the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania vacated by Thomas Golden.[2] Obama commented on the nomination, stating:

These men and women have had distinguished legal careers and I am honored to ask them to continue their work as judges on the federal bench. They will serve the American people with integrity and an unwavering commitment to justice.[4][5]

Schmehl was rated Majority Well Qualified, Minority Qualified by the American Bar Association. He had a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on February 13, 2013 and you can find his Committee Questionnaire available here and his Questions for the Record available here.[6]

On June 13, 2013, the United States Senate confirmed Jeffrey L. Schmehl to an Article III post for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania with a vote of 100-0.[7][8]

2011 election

Schmehl was retained with a "yes" vote of 75.4%.[9]

See also: Pennsylvania judicial elections, 2011

See also

External links
