Environment and Natural Resources Committee, Minnesota State Senate (decommissioned)
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(Redirected from Environment and Natural Resources Committee, Minnesota State Senate)
The Environment and Natural Resources Committee was a standing committee of the Minnesota State Senate. It was decommissioned at the start of the 2013 session.
The members for this committee of the 2011-2012 Biennium 87th Legislature are:
- Satveer Chaudhary (D) Chair
- Dan Skogen (D) Vice Chair
- Patricia Pariseau (R) Ranking Minority Member
- LeRoy Stumpf (D)
- Tom Saxhaug (D)
- Lisa Fobbe (D)
- Jim Vickerman (D)
- Kathy Sheran (D)
- Katie Sieben (D)
- Scott Dibble (D)
- Ken Kelash (D)
- Ellen Anderson (D)
- Bill Ingebrigtsen (R)
- Steve Dille (R)
- Dennis Frederickson (R)