Java is popular because it has been designed for ease of use. Some reasons developers continue to choose Java over other programming languages include:
High quality learning resources
Java has been around for a long time, so many learning resources are available for new programmers. Detailed documentation, comprehensive books, and courses support developers through the learning curve. In addition, beginners can start writing code in Core Java before moving to Advanced Java.
Inbuilt functions and libraries
When using Java, developers don’t need to write every new function from scratch. Instead, Java provides a rich ecosystem of in-built functions and libraries to develop a range of applications.
Active community support
Java has many active users and a community that can support developers when they face coding challenges. The Java platform software is also maintained and updated regularly.
High-quality development tools
Java offers various tools to support automated editing, debugging, testing, deployment, and change management. These tools make Java programming time and cost-efficient.
Platform Independent
Java code can run on any underlying platform like Windows, Linux, iOS, or Android without rewriting. This makes it especially powerful in today’s environment, where we want to run applications on multiple devices.
Users can download untrusted Java code over a network and run it in a secure environment in which it cannot do any harm. Untrusted code cannot infect the host system with a virus nor can it read or write files from the hard drive. The security levels and restrictions in Java are also highly configurable.