IT infrastructure is everything you need to build and run software applications in an organization. It includes hardware, networking components, your operating system, data storage, and various software that an organization uses to deliver IT services and run internal software solutions. Traditionally, IT infrastructure management was complex thanks to self-purchase requirements and heavy upfront investment. It also had the complexities of maintenance and upgrades that had to be done internally. However, we now have cloud computing, and third-party cloud providers can fully manage most IT infrastructure requirements. Organizations have the flexibility to choose the infrastructure components they want to purchase and the ones they want to use as a service.","sortDate":"2023-09-07","headlineUrl":"","id":"faq-hub#what-is-it-infrastructure","category":"Developer Tools","primaryCTA":"","headline":"What is IT Infrastructure?"},"metadata":{"tags":[{"id":"GLOBAL#tech-category#devtools","name":"Developer Tools","namespaceId":"GLOBAL#tech-category","description":"Developer Tools","metadata":{}}]}}]},"metadata":{"auth":{},"testAttributes":{}},"context":{"page":{"pageUrl":""},"environment":{"stage":"prod","region":"us-east-1"},"sdkVersion":"1.0.129"},"refMap":{"manifest.js":"289765ed09","what-is-header.js":"2e0d22c000","what-is-header.rtl.css":"ccf4035484","what-is-header.css":"ce47058367","what-is-header.css.js":"004a4704e8","what-is-header.rtl.css.js":"f687973e4f"},"settings":{"templateMappings":{"category":"category","headline":"headline","primaryCTA":"primaryCTA","primaryCTAText":"primaryCTAText","primaryBreadcrumbText":"primaryBreadcrumbText","primaryBreadcrumbURL":"primaryBreadcrumbURL"}}}

IT infrastructure is everything you need to build and run software applications in an organization. It includes hardware, networking components, your operating system, data storage, and various software that an organization uses to deliver IT services and run internal software solutions. Traditionally, IT infrastructure management was complex thanks to self-purchase requirements and heavy upfront investment. It also had the complexities of maintenance and upgrades that had to be done internally. However, we now have cloud computing, and third-party cloud providers can fully manage most IT infrastructure requirements. Organizations have the flexibility to choose the infrastructure components they want to purchase and the ones they want to use as a service.","id":"seo-faq-pairs#what-is-it-infrastructure","customSort":"1"},"metadata":{"tags":[{"id":"seo-faq-pairs#faq-collections#it-infrastructure","name":"it-infrastructure","namespaceId":"seo-faq-pairs#faq-collections","description":"

it-infrastructure","metadata":{}}]}},{"fields":{"faqQuestion":"What are the components of IT infrastructure?","faqAnswer":"

IT infrastructure is the collection of all software, hardware, networks, and connected services that make up an organization’s IT environment. Each component of IT infrastructure provides distinct services and adds to the overall system's efficiency. There’s a wide range of components that make up the entire IT infrastructure system. \n

IT hardware \n

IT hardware refers to all the physical machines and devices an organization uses in its IT environment. Storage devices and the servers that provide a business with network resources are parts of IT hardware. Endpoint devices like computers, phones, and tablets all fall into this category. \n

IT software \n

Software IT infrastructure includes these: \n

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