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A bot is an automated software application that performs repetitive tasks over a network. It follows specific instructions to imitate human behavior but is faster and more accurate. A bot can also run independently without human intervention. For example, bots can interact with websites, chat with site visitors, or scan through content. While most bots are useful, outside parties design some bots with malicious intent. Organizations secure their systems from malicious bots and use helpful bots for increased operational efficiency.","id":"seo-faq-pairs#what-is-a-bot","customSort":"1"},"metadata":{"tags":[{"id":"seo-faq-pairs#faq-collections#bot","name":"bot","namespaceId":"seo-faq-pairs#faq-collections","description":"

A bot is an automated software application that performs repetitive tasks over a network. It follows specific instructions to imitate human behavior but is faster and more accurate. A bot is an automated software application that performs repetitive tasks over a network. It follows specific instructions to imitate human behavior but is faster and more accurate.","metadata":{}}]}},{"fields":{"faqQuestion":"How do good bots benefit businesses? ","faqAnswer":"

Good bots help companies scale operations, improve customer engagement, and increase conversion. For example, companies use customer service bots to respond promptly to customer complaints. Citibot uses AWS to develop chatbots. By integrating Amazon Lex and Amazon Kendra, their chatbots reduce call center wait times by up to 90%.  \n

Bots benefit businesses in many ways: \n

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