Highland Dragons and Damsels
A sunny weekend in the Highlands (it does happen sometimes), which presented a good opportunity to go out and brush up on […]
It's wild out there, let's keep it that way
A sunny weekend in the Highlands (it does happen sometimes), which presented a good opportunity to go out and brush up on […]
Today is Bog Day ! Yes, there really is such a thing and its a day to celebrate the brilliance of bogs. I […]
Ronas Hill is the highest summit in the Shetland Isles, a bare dome of sub-arctic tundra. There is a chambered cairn by […]
Yesterday I was out near Glen Coe carrying out my last wintering bird survey of the year. There weren’t too many birds […]
Today started off as a normal day at work. Off up to a wind farm site near Inverness to carry out water […]
An early start today for a walk to the lochan below Sgurr Mor. This isn’t the traditional route up Sgurr Mor but […]
Meall Fuar-mhonaidh might not be the most recognisable mountain name in Scotland but if you have ever been along the Great Glen […]
Carrying out a wader and raptor survey on a wind farm site today and it’s been hot. Got some really good views […]
The common sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) is a summer visitor to the UK, found mainly in upland areas of North of England, Scotland, […]
Mountain hares are one of the few UK mammal species that change their coat in winter. This one was hiding in the […]
If someone said they were spending a “day at the office”, it would probably conjure up thoughts of desks, open plan seating […]
Ben Wyvis is a huge, bulky domed munro dominating the views in Easter Ross. If you live in Inverness, this is the […]
Muen is the best known mountain in Venabygdsfjellet, and is popular with hikers. The summit can be seen for many miles around […]
I was out undertaking a site walkover survey today in the Scottish Highlands not far from Carrbridge. The weather is OK but […]
Knockan Crag and its visitor centre is situated thirteen miles north of Ullapool. There is a decent sized car park and toilet […]
Carn Daimh is the highest point on the Speyside Way between Tomintoul and Glenlivet. On a good day, it offers some great […]
Ben Rinnes is the highest, free-standing mountain in Moray and offers great views across to the Cairngorms, Aberdeenshire and the Moray coast. […]
Today was one of those perfect winter’s day. Cold, clear and crisp, just right for a mountain walk. Ben Rinnes is the […]
The alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus), also known as the yellow-billed chough is a striking looking bird native to the high mountains of […]
I’m currently spending a few days down in Argyll carrying out bird surveys. Rather than stay in one of the local hotels […]
Sometimes you see something and wish you had your camera to capture it. Other times you have your camera but can’t manage […]
On a recent trip to Spain it was interesting to note how many butterflies there were near the tops of hills and […]