The Festival of Szeto is an important festival in the Fire Nation, honoring the life and accomplishments of Avatar Szeto.[1]
The culmination of the Camellia-Peony War occurred during the Festival of Szeto in 295 BG. Fire Lord Zoryu invited Avatar Kyoshi to the Fire Nation Royal Palace for the festival in hope of bolstering his dwindling popularity. The invitation did not have its desired effect, as Kyoshi mistook Chaejin for the Fire Lord.[2] Shortly after, Yun attacked the palace and held many nobles hostage, angering the Fire Lord's guests.[3]
Lady Huazo intended to celebrate the Festival of Szeto in North Chung-Ling, angering the Keohso clan by buying properties on their territory of Shuhon Island. The following day, an inflammatory message appeared in the melonyam fields, championing Chaejin as Fire Lord. This led to a fight between the Keohso and Saowon clansmen, with some of the younger fighters even breaking the prohibition on fighting with firebending.[4][5][6]
After the Saowon clan was arrested and disgraced, the festival's celebrations came to an end, as the capital was shocked by the act of treason. Shortly after, rain began to fall in the caldera, an auspicious omen for the Fire Lord.[7][8]
Lanterns are lit across the Fire Nation Capital, with lantern barges paddling across the famous lakes of Royal Caldera City.[9]
As it is a holiday, Agni Kais are banned during the festival, and it is considered a spiritual offense to burn another during the celebrations.[10]
Stalknose mushrooms are a traditional Festival of Szeto dish. They symbolize a good harvest due to growing on overcrowded ears of grain.[11]
Chronicles of the Avatar[]
- The Festival of Szeto is the earliest known festival to be held in honor of an Avatar, the others being Yangchen's Festival,[12] the Avatar Day festival, and Kyoshi Day.[13]