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I Traveled to 46 States in America This Summer. Here’s Why Trump Won.

By Frank S. Zhou

By Ezekiel A. Wells

Ezekiel A. Wells ’27 is a Double Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in Eliot House. He spent last summer traveling to 46 American states conducting interviews for his YouTube series, “Crossroads America.

3 days ago

A week after Democrats’ election loss, accusations have flown in every direction within their Party. Some fault President Joe Biden for an egoistic refusal to drop out of the race earlier. Some blame the Harris campaign for failing to serve key demographics and communicate a clear vision for the country. And some blame Americans, claiming that racism and sexism drove voters toward Trump.

These factors certainly exist, but we’re missing a larger piece of the picture.

Over the summer, I traveled to 46 states in the U.S., creating a YouTube series highlighting slices of life across the country. In conversations from my nearly three-month road trip, I spoke with Republicans who were certain that inflation is entirely Biden’s fault and Democrats who, despite their frustrations with corporate profits and desires for universal healthcare, hoped for a more moderate candidate. From supporters of all candidates, I heard a shocking amount of misinformation.

After combing through hundreds of hours of interview footage from swing state Trump voters, I am certain that, as much as other factors influenced the outcome of the election, our crumbling media landscape — which has caused a rift in our democracy — is most to blame.

In the postwar period, news was dominated by three main channels, and because of the Fairness Doctrine, each station reported the same stories and covered multiple sides of each issue. Viewers picked which channels they watched mainly based on their preferences for news anchors’ personalities. Of course, this model had its problems, but, at the end of the day, it meant that Americans worked with a shared set of facts.

A shared set of facts is not the world we live in today.

Throughout my interviews, conspiracy theories were rampant, and on at least five separate occasions across separate states, I was told that Bill Gates tampers with our food, adding plastic to our fruits and vegetables to make his medical investments more profitable.

In conversations with voters, neither side seemed able to name many specific policy issues they cared about; everyone just seemed to repeat the words of their favorite pundits, podcast hosts, and internet personalities.

Although this behavior is harmful, I don’t blame everyday Americans. Blame falls on the media that has ostracized, disillusioned, and misinformed them.


I first saw this trend with low-wage workers in West Virginia, who — despite falling inflation rates — have seen stagnated salaries and clear increases in food costs. Channels like Fox News bred anger and resentment for many of them.

Take July of this summer, for example, when for the first time in his presidency, prices actually fell under the Biden administration. Traditional media establishments rushed to celebrate this victory, with one article from CNN declaring, “The White House can finally cross out ‘inflationon its list of presidential liabilities.” However, outside these bubbles, I observed many Americans held a different view.

In late July, I was welcomed at a massive family reunion in Tylertown, Mississippi, where one Trump voter — a middle-aged, Black, family man, pastor, and soul food enthusiast — made this clear.

“When I go in the grocery stores, and I gotta spend my last to get groceries, you mean to tell me I’m not gonna look and see who’s gonna vote to help me? I voted for Trump and I’d vote for him again, because he put money in our pocket,” he told me.

In their coverage, mainstream news organizations obsess over the Federal Reserve’s next rate cuts while failing to connect with people concerned with their next meals. With titles like “Vance: Young Americans ‘Are Becoming Paupers’ Due To Inflation, High Housing Costs,” sites like The Daily Wire had their fingers on the pulse of American sentiment, welcoming new readership from those who felt neglected by traditional media.

This problem was not just confined to the economy. While Biden’s mental state was deteriorating, liberal media outlets seemed to under-cover these stories, sheltering him from scrutiny of his declining capabilities, until the infamous presidential debate.

Formerly trusted networks slowly made themselves indigestible to the polarized American public, and in 2024, for the third year in a row, a Gallup poll found that more Americans indicated having “no trust” in the media than those who trust it a “great deal/fair amount”.

So where does the average American turn when the nation’s media cannot be trusted? For many people, it was YouTube talk shows, Newsmax, and podcasters such as Joe Rogan.

While Democrats seek to blame various internal factors for this election’s loss, I cannot help but think of Joe Rogan’s Trump endorsement, the many blind lies I heard from ordinary citizens across the country, and declining trust in American journalism.

As Harvard students and members of higher education institutions, we have a part to play in the problem. At Harvard’s Institute of Politics, those who denied the 2020 election results have been precluded from speaking at the JFK Jr. Forum. While the goal is understandable, it shields students from understanding the American viewpoints they represent.


There is a difference between platforming intentional and manipulative misinformation and listening to and learning about where people are and what they believe.

As a pipeline to mainstream media, Harvard, and its future journalists, have to consider the audience they lose when they stay inside of their bubble and ignore the issues of everyday Americans.

The disappearance of factual importance in our world is alarming and dangerous, but if we, as aspiring journalists, politicians, and engaged citizens, want to be taken seriously in communicating Trump’s threat to democracy, inflationary tariff policies, and so on, we owe American voters that seriousness, too.

Ezekiel A. Wells ’27 is a Double Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in Eliot House. He spent last summer traveling to 46 American states conducting interviews for his YouTube series, “Crossroads America."



まじ?紅白のTHE LAST ROCKSTARS見たときすげ~辛かったわ。戦犯YOSHIKIってことでhyde無罪なん?


PIZZICATO FIVE史上最も重要な「東京は夜の七時」10

TM NETWORK史上最も重要Get Wild 10




といういつものジャーゴンがついていたので、えっ、Get Wildときで聞き分けが出来ないの?じゃあ、こっちだとどうなんだろ、とおもって書いてみたGetWild増田です。

Pizzicato Fiveは本格的にファンになったのは95年ごろだけど、それ以前も周りの友人にファンがいたり、学校帰りに当時のHMVに通っていた渋谷系世代なので基本的な流れはだいたい抑えられているはず。


こちらも選考基準独断偏見だが、TMと違ってPizzicatoは再結成をしていないので、歴史的には解散以降の方が長くなるので、Pizzicato Fiveとしての音源フォローできるだけしておく。

Get Wildと違って1枚にまとまった作品集はないけど、検索すればそれなりに出てくると思うので、必要に応じて聞き比べを。





東京は夜の七時 (1993年

オリジナルバージョンはもともとフジテレビ系で始まった「ウゴウゴルーガ2号」のオープニングテーマとして作られた。曲名矢野顕子から引用小西康陽曰く「放送が7時からからこのタイトル引用した」とのこと。オリジナルバージョンは実は小西ではなく福富幸宏編曲によるハウスミュージックとはいえ、この時期のPizzicatoの諸作はマニュピレーターとして小西氏をサポートしていた福富氏なので、他の曲とがらっとバージョンが違うわけでもない。イントロピアノグリッサンドのようなアルペジオや「A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular」というサンプリングなど後々の小西氏のシグネチャーサウンドがちりばめられている。個人的にはこのバージョンのサビに使われるシンセの「テッテッテッテテーテ」という音が好きなのだが、意外と他のバージョンでは使われていない。


東京は夜の七時(talking toolbox mix)(1993年



東京は夜の七時(readymade mfsb mix)(1994年

ウゴウゴルーガピチカート・ファイヴ」が初出のリミックスバージョンmfsbというリミックス名がわかる通り、原曲ニューヨークハウスフィリーソウル風にアレンジ。一番生音っぽいバージョンなのとブラスストリングスの入り方など非常に華やかなバージョンなのでこれが一番好きな人が多いと思う。「デデッデデッ」というストリングスアタックが非常に気持ちよく、後々のカバーでも割と参照されている。原曲にもあったピアノグリッサンド風のアルペジオや「A New Stereophonic~」のサンプリングなども効果的に使われていてこっちが原曲だと思ってる人も多そうなくらいによい。一番人気のあるベスト盤Pizzicato Five JPNにもこのバージョンが収録されている。


東京は夜の七時(one year after)(1994年

実はこの前後で、Pizzicato Fiveは長年共にした高浪が離脱し、小西と野宮の二人になる。それを反映したアルバムOverdozeは結構シリアストーンであり、そこに収録された東京は夜の七時もその不安感を反映した10分超えのニューバージョンとなった。福富アレンジをしてるのは同じだが、なんかサウンドの取り方が日本90年代ハウスっぽくなってる。いや日本の曲なんだが。そしてここまで書いてこなかったが東京は夜の七時は華やかな曲調のわりに歌詞はかなり冷たい都会の不安感を表したような曲なのだが、それがさらクローズアップされたような歌詞に変更されている。正直、この曲名メロディにこんな不安定な歌詞ありかよと思わせる。今だったら大森靖子が書きそうな歌詞


東京は夜の七時 (the last episode)(2001年

2001年解散時にでたベスト盤 Pizzicato Five R.I.Pに収録されたニューミックスリミックス小西が当時使ってたDJよしお名義でリミックスしている。変則的ブレイクビーツ不安感のあるシンセパッドを使ってたり、当時を思い返すと、小西さん完全に解散したくてたまらなかったんだろうなと思わされるリミックス。途中途中で時報の声が入ったり不穏すぎる。なんか全体的にせわしない。


東京は夜の七時(the first cut) / 野本かりあ2006年

ここから解散後のカバーなど。小西氏がreadymade international運営に本格化していく中で、新たなミューズとなったのが野本かりあ、というか外部目線的には、小西は本当は野宮を首にして第4代目ボーカリストとして野本を起用したかったんだけど、Pizzicatoのパブリックイメージが野宮になっていたのでレーベルなどから拒否されたんじゃないかと思えてならない。これも世相に合わせて歌詞を変えている。アレンジは前のバージョンからかなりアップテンポの4つうちになってる。このバージョンのマニュピレーターは吉田哲人。野本はもともとテクノ好きだったらしく、その意思を汲んだのかけっこうハードテクノっぽいリズム小西はこのバージョンお気に入りらしく、自分DJするときはこれをかけることが多い。ちなみに故KAGAMIリミックスもある。この辺の東京テクノ人脈とreadymade周辺はもっと接近した方がよかったと後から思う。


東京は夜の七時(盆踊りversion) / 野宮真貴2016年

ソロ活動が割と自身渋谷系パブリックイメージ再生状態になっていたようにはたから見えていた野宮が「東京は夜の七時の盆踊りバージョンを出す」というニュースを聞いたときの、往年のファンの複雑な心境を想像してほしい。というかその企画小西はよく許可したなと思った人が大多数だろう。俺も思った。もともと、ケイタマルヤマの「おしゃれ盆踊り」という新宿伊勢丹屋上でやる盆踊り企画のために作られて、そこで披露されたらしい。いちおう振り付けもある。狂気か。Get Wildですら盆踊りはないぞ。まあそういったこともあるので、僕は全く聞く気が起きなかったのだが、今回の記事のためにはじめてちゃんと聞いてみるとこれはこれでよいのではという複雑な心境になってしまった。というかアレンジが良く出来すぎている。なんだこれ、モダン盆踊りの傑作かもしれない。しつこく入る「いよーっ」という掛け声が今の時代だとすゑひろがりず想像させすぎて勘弁してほしいが。


東京は夜の七時〜リオは朝の七時〜 / 浮雲2016年

2016年のリオパラリンピック閉会式披露され、ぼんやりTVを見ていた渋谷系好き中高年の度肝を抜いたカバーバージョン椎名林檎歌詞を大きく書き換え、編曲も行い歌は浮雲こと長岡亮介歌詞の変更は小西と何度もやり取りしたと言われてる(含みを持たせる言い方)。東京プレゼンテーション的な曲調になっていてかなり感動をさそう内容のプレゼンテーションだった。五輪関係権利が色々がんじがらめらしく正式音源リリースはない(※追記: そうだよね?配信されたという話もあるが見つからなかったので)。東京は夜の七時という曲をJ-POP史上にリプレゼンテーションした作品という点で、この曲のファン的には感謝したい。


東京は夜の七時 feat. Night Tempo / 野宮真貴2021年

小西2018年に久々に野宮とコラボした少林兄弟バージョンを入れようかと思ったが、個人的な好みでこちらを。韓国人シティポッププロデューサーNight Tempoを起用したバージョンPizzicato Fiveオリジナルバージョンをしっかりと参照したバージョンで正直複雑な心境になるくらいによい。ほとんどのカバーリミックスmfsbを参照していると思われるのに対し、原曲を参照しているというのが興味深い。Night Tempo言動シティポップをめぐるあれこれもあって、あまりよく思わない人が一定数いる、かつ、おそらく旧来のPizzicato ファンにはそういう人が多そうだが、この90年代ハウスな音は原曲への深い理解があると脱帽せざるを得ない。全東京は夜の七時の中ではトップ3に入るくらい好き。


東京は夜の七時 / 小西康陽プレイボーイズ (2019年

順序は前後するがなんとなくこれが最後がおさまりが良さそうなので。「井上順プレイボーイ講座12章」に収録されたジャズインストゥルメンタルバージョン。もともと「円楽プレイボーイ講座12章 / 前田憲男プレイボーイズ」というアルバムがあり、それの現代版として作られたアルバム井上順ナレーションが乗ってる。(いちおうナレーション無し版もある)軽音楽的なジャズインストクリーントーンのギターの音が良い。そして気づいた人も少ないかもしれないが東京オリンピックの閉会式で使われている。つまり浮雲版と対になってる作品である




個人的には東京は夜の七時はPizzicato Fiveの曲では好きな曲としては6位くらいなので、そこまで思い入れはないです。









Civilization VI






ゼルダの伝説 知恵の借り物









Stardew Valley



ポケットモンスター スカーレット








[][]Last Call BBS

変態パズルゲームメーカー(誉め言葉)で知られるZachtronicsの最終作『Last Call BBS』を全実績解除するまでやり尽くしたので感想を書く。


私にとって『Last Call BBS』は、3作目に遊んだZachtronicsゲームである

1作目は『Opus Magnum』、2作目は『SpaceChem』であった。

SpaceChemを全実績解除するまでプレイした時の感想こちら → https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20240315235948#




Last Call BBS』に収録されている各ゲーム難易度は、私にとってちょうど良かった。ギリギリクリアできる難易度のものが多かったから、当ゲーム開発者難易度調整にさぞ力を入れたことだろう。


Sawayama Solitaire



Dungeons & Diagrams


20th Century Food Court




Kabufuda Solitaire


おなじく運ゲーソリティアであるSawayama Solitaireは滅茶苦茶はまったのに対して、Kabufuda Solitaireにはあまりまらなかった。これは、カード操作戦略思考を持てるか否かの違いだろうか。

STEED FORCE Hobby Studio

ゲームというより作業シミュレーター? 無心になって、ニッパープチプチとパーツを外してパーツをはめ込むのは、禅の境地だろうか。

X’BPGH:The Forbidden Path

ゴアホラー雰囲気を漂わせたパズルゲームゴア表現は無い)。この雰囲気パズルゲーム? と思ったが、スライム状のオブジェクトを増殖して変化させるパズルは、ゴア雰囲気がふさわしい。プレイと共に雰囲気が好きになってきた。


ChipWizard Professional

PNPとNPNってどう違うんだっけ? ベースコレクタ・エミッタってなんだっけ? いまだによくわかっていないが、PNPとNPNを組み合わせて問題解決するのは楽しかった。特にしかったのは自己保持回路だ。どうすれば自己保持できるんだと悩んだが、試行錯誤の末に実現して動作を眺めるのが楽しかった。











Last Call BBS内のどのゲーム面白かったが、その中でも『20th Century Food Court』が一番良かった。次に『ChipWizard Professional』だ。

もう当分の間パズルゲームはやりたくないのでしばらくは他のジャンルゲームをするだろうが、何か月もすると禁断症状が出てまたパズルゲームをやりたくなるだろう。その時には『SHENZHEN I/O』をやろうと思う。


TM NETWORK史上最も重要Get Wild 10


ブコメに「そろそろ「史上最も重要なGetWild」と「史上最も重要Love Somebody」も知りたい。」とあったので書いた。


ほぼDigitalian新規ギリギリDive Into Your Bodyはオンタイムで知ってる)なので、リリース当時のことはそこまで詳しくないが。


選考基準独断偏見ではあるが、いちおうTM NETWORK史上への影響力を加味して書く。

楽曲としては基本的Get Wild Song Mafiaに収録されている。





Get Wild (1987年

言わずと知れたオリジナルGet Wildブレイク前夜だったTM NETWORK読売テレビ諏訪道彦が依頼して作られた。ピアノの印象的なイントロシティハンターエンディングの留め絵とぴったりとあったからこそ、後々まで話題パロディにされてるのだろう。彼らの特徴であるシンセシーケンス(いわゆるピコピコ音)が少なかったり、コーラスがサビのみだったりと、実はTMにとってはけっこう異端な曲であるとはいえこの曲でオリコン初登場10位を獲得しており、彼らのブレイクきっかけになったし、その後、彼らが若者向けのタイアップソングを作るきっかけにもなった名曲。ちなみに何度でも書くがこの曲のギター窪田晴男(確定ではないが、本人も録音を聞いてたぶん自分な気がするとサンレコ誌で語ってるので、ほぼ確定だろう)であり、B'zの松本ではない。

Get Wild ("FANKS CRY-MAX" Version) (1987年

TM NETWORKの初武道館公演 FANKS CRY-MAXの1曲目に披露されたバージョン。当時(今でもだが)のTMライブでは大幅にアレンジすることが多く、今回も原曲雰囲気は残しつつアレンジがかなり多い。導入がピアノ(本当は原曲ピアノではない)ではなくシンセという時点でちがう。特にイントロで「ジャージャージャジャ」というフレーズを何度も使って、そこにいわゆるゲワイボイスのサンプリングがのっかる構造がすさまじくかっこいい。ゲワイボイスに価値があると気づいた小室の慧眼。ある意味、後のライブ演奏の原型がここで完成している。あと、今では考えられないがB'zの松本がサビでフォーメーションダンスを踊らされてるというおもしろ動画でもある。

GET WILD '89 (1989年


Get Wild ("RHYTHM RED TMN TOUR" Version) (1990年

TMTMNに改名してハードロック路線唐突に始めた時のツアー RHYTHM REDツアーからライブ音源イントロが激しく古臭いアメリカンハードロックだが、まあこれ弾いてる葛城哲哉きもちいいだろうな。とはいえ、もともとがTM曲では割とロック度が高めなので全体のトーンはオリジナルバージョンに近いといえばそこそこ近い。イントロロッキーテーマフレーズが入るお遊びがあったり、どう聞いてもGet WildというよりもDon’t Let Me Cryみたいなイントロだったり、当時のTMが割とバンド志向が強かった時代の楽しさを求めている感じが出ている音源。実はライブ演奏としては割とファンの間では人気がある。珍しくライブでボイスサンプリングを使ってない演奏なのも特筆ポイント

Get Wild / DAVE RODGERS(1992年

ファンの間では嫌われているが、TM史というか小室史的に重要バージョンであるので。イタリアユーロビートプロデューサーDAVE RODGERSによるカバーイタリアのいわゆるハイエナジーサウンドカバーしてる。くそダサい。本当にダサい特に全編手加減なくシャウトしてるボーカルくそダサいとはいえ小室史的に重要なのはこの企画MAX松浦が持ち込んだことで、AVEX小室の親交が生まれ後のTKブームにつながってるわけで。そして、この出会いの中で生まれたのがいわゆる「消しゴム発言である

GET WILD '89 ("TMN final live LAST GROOVE" Version) (1994年

TMN期最後ライブとなった1994年東京ドームライブ演奏音源。はっきり言って音はよくないがこれの注目ポイント1989年CAROL TOUR FINAL CAMP FANKS!! '89以来の松本孝弘の参加。ギター葛城哲哉北島健二松本孝弘という日本ハードロックギタリストそろい踏みみたいなえらいことになってる。89と言ってるがイントロでFANKS CRYMAXみたいにしていたり、EXPO期に多用したボイスサンプリングをつかったりと長いイントロで盛大にお遊びをしている。初期TM NETWORK集大成のようなGet Wild


TM始動に合わせて作られた再録音バージョン宇都宮ボーカルをかなり低くしたり、歌詞をつけ足したりして色々やってるが正直、あまりよくない。第2期TMの迷走を象徴するようなバージョンTKブームCD販売が強かった時代なのもあって、Get Wild関連としての初動売り上げはこれが一番大きかったらしい。まあTKブームを振り返る意味重要バージョン

Get Wild 2015 (“30th FINALVersion) (2015年

第三期TM宇都宮の体調の問題もあり、1曲の時間を長めにする傾向にあった。そうした中でTKソロパートGet Wildをくっつけるパフォーマンスにするようになったことで、このGet Wild 2015はなんと30分近くの超ロングバージョンとなった。このバージョンでは導入部でSelf ControlDive Into Your Bodyのボイスサンプリングフレーズを次々に繰り出す形式にしながら、EDMっぽい展開のソロを続け最後にようやとGet Wildが始まるという展開。実はずっと裏テーマとして存在していたTMプログレッシブロック面を思い切り聞かせるバージョンしかし、これを現場で見た人たちは相当疲れたのでは(僕は行っていない)

Get Wild / B'z (2024年

TM NETWORK TRIBUTE ALBUM -40th CELEBRATION-収録。TMトリビュートアルバムが発売されると発表されたと同時に最も大きな話題となり、Twitterトレンドにもしっかりと入った「B’zのゲワイ」。まあトリビュートアルバムがあるなら参加してくれるといいなとFANKS全員が思っていたB'zの参加がかなっただけでも感涙ものだったのに、さらに曲がGet Wildなんて!! 蓋を開けてみたらトラック作りはネームドFANKSとして知名度の高い中田ヤスタカが行い、そこに松本ギター稲葉ボーカルが乗る形となった。聞いて笑ってしまったのは松本が前半はTMサポート時代まっちゃん)風にやりながら、途中から今のTAK MATSUMOTOになっていくところ。ほんと素晴らしい。

Get Wild Continual (2024年

ほんとはTributeの方が後のリリースだが、最後をやはりこの曲にしたかったので入れ替えさせてもらった。Netflixシティハンター実写化するにあたりGet Wildテーマとして起用されることになり、制作された新録バージョン。今までの大幅なアレンジバージョンではなく、原曲を活かしたアレンジにしているのが、ああTMもこういうのをやれるようになったのかと感心させられる。ちょうどTMの40周年イヤーと重なったこともあり、TM評価追い風にもなった。木根のアコースティックギターを大幅に取り入れてることもあり、木根は何もしていないという誤解を払しょくするバージョンでもあるw(もともとちゃんとバッキングはしているのだが)正直、近年のバージョンでは一番好きかもしれない。



個人的にはGet WildTMの曲では好きな曲としては5位くらいでそこまで思い入れはないです。


思ったよりもブクマが集まったので、若干文字校正をしたのと、ブコメGet Wildギター窪田晴男は確定ではないという指摘をいただいたので注釈を入れた。

ちなみにTM NETWORKで一番好きな曲は「永遠パスポート」です。



4.9K impressions on your posts in the last 7 days





『355』(スリファイブファイブ[4]、The 355)は、2022年アメリカ合衆国スパイ映画テレサ・レベックサイモン・キンバーグが共同で執筆した脚本を、サイモン・キンバーグが監督した。出演はジェシカ・チャステインペネロペ・クルスなど。タイトル及び作中のスパイチーム名の「355」とは18世紀アメリカ独立戦争時代実在したパトリオット側の女性スパイエージェント355(英語版)にちなむ[5]。








コードネーム U.N.C.L.E.アンクル)』(原題: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.)は、2015年英米合作スパイアクション映画




アメリカン・アサシン』(American Assassin)は、2017年アメリカ合衆国アクション映画監督マイケル・クエスタ、主演はディラン・オブライエンが務めた。本作はヴィンス・フリン2010年上梓した『American Assassin』を原作としている。




エンド・オブ・ホワイトハウス』 続編2本あり


ブリックレイヤー』(原題:The Bricklayer)は、2023年制作アメリカ合衆国アクション映画

元・FBIという経歴を持つ小説家ポールリンゼイが「ノア・ボイド」名義で発表した小説脅迫』(The Bricklayer)をレニー・ハーリン監督アーロン・エッカート主演で映画化[5]。

ラストスタンド』(原題: The Last Stand)は、キム・ジウン監督による2013年アメリカ合衆国アクション映画。『ターミネーター3』以来十年ぶりとなるアーノルド・シュワルツェネッガーの主演作品であり、韓国映画を今まで担当してきたキム・ジウンにとっては初めてのアメリカ映画でもある[4]。





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Click This Link To Get a $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off Bonus

Would you like to enhance your shopping experience on Temu? then, Temu coupon codes are the best way to improve your shopping. Temu offers a lot of coupon codes that you can use while shopping online and some of those coupon codes can be found on this article.

If you're a EXISTING-time user and looking for a Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off EXISTING time user (acu639380 ) then using this code will give you a flat $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off and a 30% discount on your Temu shopping.

Let's take a look at how you can get Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off and what are special Temu offers.

Temu Coupon Code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off: Get Flat 30% + 90% Off With Code

Use the latest Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off (acu639380 ) as an new or existing Temu user and get $100 coupon bundle + 50% off worth Temu coupon code. Apply the coupon code while shopping online and get discount on your purchases.

Here are the latest Temu coupon code for $100 coupon bundle + 50% off -

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What is Temu and How Temu Coupon Codes Work?

Temu is a popular shopping platform where users can buy and sell an item (more like marketplaces). Users can purchase items of different category at very discount price. And Temu coupon codes make it more affordable. You can use different Temu coupon code to shop online and get discount of up to $100 coupon bundle + 50% off on Temu.

Temu app offer different promotions so you can earn free gifts and make money with Temu affiliate program. Temu gives you latest deals like, Temu Pop-Up Sale, Temu Coupon Wheels, Temu End of the month sale, and Temu Black Deals.

Temu, the popular online marketplace, offers various ways to save money on your purchases. From coupon codes to special promotions, savvy shoppers can significantly reduce their spending. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Temu discounts in 2024.

With different program and Temu coupon codes you can earn and save money on your future shopping with Temu.

Temu Coupon Code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off For EXISTING Time Users

If you are who wish to join Temu, then you should use this exclusive Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off (acu639380 ) and get $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off on your purchase with Temu.

Our new Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off ((acu639380 )) will give you an exclusive $100 coupon bundle + 50% off coupon as an new user. Plus you will get 30% off on your EXISTING order with Temu. Make sure to apply Temu code on the app or during sign up.

Verified Temu Coupon Codes:

Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off - (acu639380 )

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30% Off Temu coupon code - (acu639380 )

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The best Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off is (acu639380 ) that can effectively gives you an $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Temu Coupon bundle while shopping. You can acquire different Temu coupon codes through subscribing Temu mail. Get exclusive deals, Incredible discounts, Latest promo codes and more on Temu.

This Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off for new users gives $100 coupon bundle + 50% off promotional discount on minimum purchases. You will get multiple Temu codes on this coupon bundle with new promotion deals and free shipping.

Can You Get a $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Temu Coupon Bundle?

Yes, Temu occasionally offers a $100 coupon bundle + 50% off coupon bundle, which is highly sought-after by shoppers. This bundle typically includes multiple coupons that add up to $100 coupon bundle + 50% off in total savings. For example:

One $50 off coupon

Two $20 off coupons

One $10 off coupon

These coupons can usually be applied to separate purchases, maximizing your savings across multiple orders.

How to Get the $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Temu Coupon Bundle

Watch for special promotions, especially during major shopping events and holidays.

Check for limited-time offers regularly.

New users may have a higher chance of accessing this bundle as part of a welcome offer.

Existing customers should regularly check their Temu account for personalized offers.

Strategies for Existing Customers

How Can Existing Customers Find $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off Temu Coupons?

While $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off coupons are often targeted at new users, existing customers can still benefit from significant discounts. Here are some strategies:

Check your email for exclusive offers sent to account holders.

Participate in Temu's referral program for substantial discounts.

Look out for seasonal sales and holiday promotions.

Use the Temu app regularly for app-exclusive offers.

Follow Temu on social media for flash sales and limited-time coupon codes.

Remember, you can often stack multiple smaller coupons to achieve similar savings to a single large coupon.

/*What's the Difference Between Temu Coupon Codes for New and Existing Customers?

New customer coupons are typically more generous, offering higher discount amounts or more flexible terms. Existing customer coupons, while potentially lower in value, are often more frequent and varied. They may include:

Percentage discounts on specific categories

Free shipping offers

Bundle deals on multiple items

Loyalty rewards for frequent shoppers

Both new and existing customers can benefit from referral codes, which offer discounts to both the referrer and the new user who signs up.

How Often Does Temu Release New Coupon Codes?

Temu frequently releases new coupon codes to keep customers engaged. You can generally expect:

Weekly deals and flash sales

Monthly promotional events

Seasonal campaigns (e.g., Back to School, Holiday Season)

Special occasion coupons (e.g., Temu's anniversary, major shopping holidays)

To stay informed, enable notifications on the Temu app, subscribe to their email newsletter, and follow their social media accounts.

Maximizing Your Savings

How to Use Temu Coupon Codes Effectively

Combine coupons with ongoing sales for double savings.

Check for stackable coupons that can be used together.

Pay attention to minimum purchase requirements.

Use the Temu app for exclusive mobile-only discounts.

Share your referral code with friends to earn additional coupons.

Time your purchases around major shopping events.

Create price alerts for items you want and apply promo codes when prices drop.

What to Do If a Temu Coupon Code Doesn't Work

If you encounter issues with a coupon code:

Double-check for typos or incorrect capitalization.

Verify that the code hasn't expired and is applicable to your purchase.

Ensure you meet any minimum purchase requirements.

Try clearing your browser cache or using a different device.

Contact Temu customer support for assistance if the problem persists.

Latest Temu Deals and Promotions

What is the Temu Pop-Up Sale?

The Temu Pop-Up Sale is a limited-time event featuring flash deals and significant discounts on select items. These sales often last for just a few hours or a day, encouraging quick purchases. To catch these sales:

Enable push notifications on the Temu app.

Check the app frequently, especially during weekends and holidays.

Act fast when you see a deal you like, as quantities are often limited.

Best Temu Coupon Codes for 2024

While specific coupon codes change frequently, some of the best types of Temu coupons to look out for in 2024 include:

New user welcome coupons (up to $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off)

Percentage-off coupons (e.g., 20% off your entire purchase)

Category-specific coupons (e.g., 30% off home goods)

Free shipping coupons

Referral bonuses

Temu Referral Code: Get $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Latest New User Temu Code

Below are the latest active Temu referral codes that users can use to earn Temu sign up bonus.

Temu referral code - acu639380

Temu referral code 2024 - acu639380

Temu referral code new users - acu639380

$100 coupon bundle + 50% off Temu referral code - acu639380

$100 coupon bundle + 50% off new user Temu code - acu639380

How To Use Temu Referral Code?

Obtain the Referral Code: Ensure you have the referral code {acu639380 } ready. This code is essential for unlocking the discount.

Visit Temu's Website: Navigate to Temu's official website or app and browse through their extensive range of products. Whether you're looking for electronics, fashion, home essentials, or beauty products, Temu has it all.

Add to Cart: Once you've found the items you wish to purchase, add them to your shopping cart.

Apply the Referral Code: During the checkout process, you'll find a designated field for entering referral codes. Input {acu639380} to activate the $100 coupon bundle + 50% off discount.

Complete Your Purchase: With the discount applied, proceed to complete your purchase. Enjoy the satisfaction of saving money while getting high-quality products delivered to your doorstep.

Where to Find the Latest Temu Coupon Codes for 2024?

To stay up-to-date with the latest Temu coupon codes in 2024, check these sources:

The official Temu website and mobile app

Temu's social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

Email newsletters for subscribers

Coupon aggregator websites (always verify codes on Temu's official platforms)

Seasonal promotional events and holiday sales

Temu's customer support for personalized offers

Word-of-mouth from other Temu users in online communities

FAQs About Temu Coupons and Deals

Q: Can I use multiple Temu coupons on one order? A: It depends on the specific coupons. Some coupons are stackable, while others can only be used individually. Always check the terms and conditions of each coupon.

Q: Do Temu coupons expire?

A: Yes, most Temu coupons have an expiration date. Always check the validity period of your coupons before attempting to use them.

Q: Are there any restrictions on using Temu coupons?

A: Yes, coupons may have restrictions such as minimum purchase amounts, specific product categories, or limitations on combining with other offers. Read the coupon terms carefully.

Q: How can I get notified about new Temu deals?

A: Enable push notifications on the Temu app, subscribe to their email newsletter, and follow their social media accounts for the latest updates.

Q: Can I share my Temu coupons with friends?

A: Some coupons are transferable, while others are linked to your specific account. Check the coupon details before sharing.


By staying informed about Temu's latest offers and using coupons strategically, you can save significantly on your purchases throughout 2024. Remember to check for new deals regularly, combine coupons with sales when possible, and don't hesitate to reach out to customer support if you have any questions. Happy shopping and saving on Temu!

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Temu Coupon Code 2024: Get Flat $100 OFF+ 30% Off…

Aman Shukla 1 month ago

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Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle ★acu639380★ + 50% off off special offers on Temu

Get an exclusive $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off HONEST REVIEW PLUS on your Temu purchase with this Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off (acu639380 ) as a EXISTING-time user. Apply this code and get flat $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off and a 30% discount on your EXISTING-time purchase with Temu. This valid coupon code is for both new and existing Temu users.

Click This Link To Get a $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off Bonus

Would you like to enhance your shopping experience on Temu? then, Temu coupon codes are the best way to improve your shopping. Temu offers a lot of coupon codes that you can use while shopping online and some of those coupon codes can be found on this article.

If you're a EXISTING-time user and looking for a Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off EXISTING time user (acu639380 ) then using this code will give you a flat $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off and a 30% discount on your Temu shopping.

Let's take a look at how you can get Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off and what are special Temu offers.

Temu Coupon Code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off: Get Flat 30% + 90% Off With Code

Use the latest Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off (acu639380 ) as an new or existing Temu user and get $100 coupon bundle + 50% off worth Temu coupon code. Apply the coupon code while shopping online and get discount on your purchases.

Here are the latest Temu coupon code for $100 coupon bundle + 50% off -

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30% off EXISTING order Temu code - acu639380

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Temu EXISTING time user coupon code - (acu639380 )

What is Temu and How Temu Coupon Codes Work?

Temu is a popular shopping platform where users can buy and sell an item (more like marketplaces). Users can purchase items of different category at very discount price. And Temu coupon codes make it more affordable. You can use different Temu coupon code to shop online and get discount of up to $100 coupon bundle + 50% off on Temu.

Temu app offer different promotions so you can earn free gifts and make money with Temu affiliate program. Temu gives you latest deals like, Temu Pop-Up Sale, Temu Coupon Wheels, Temu End of the month sale, and Temu Black Deals.

Temu, the popular online marketplace, offers various ways to save money on your purchases. From coupon codes to special promotions, savvy shoppers can significantly reduce their spending. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Temu discounts in 2024.

With different program and Temu coupon codes you can earn and save money on your future shopping with Temu.

Temu Coupon Code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off For EXISTING Time Users

If you are who wish to join Temu, then you should use this exclusive Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off (acu639380 ) and get $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off on your purchase with Temu.

Our new Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off ((acu639380 )) will give you an exclusive $100 coupon bundle + 50% off coupon as an new user. Plus you will get 30% off on your EXISTING order with Temu. Make sure to apply Temu code on the app or during sign up.

Verified Temu Coupon Codes:

Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off - (acu639380 )

$100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off Temu Coupon code - acu639380

30% Off Temu coupon code - (acu639380 )

Flat 40 Off Temu exclusive code - (acu639380 )

What is The Best Temu Coupon Code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off?

The best Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off is (acu639380 ) that can effectively gives you an $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Temu Coupon bundle while shopping. You can acquire different Temu coupon codes through subscribing Temu mail. Get exclusive deals, Incredible discounts, Latest promo codes and more on Temu.

This Temu coupon code $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off for new users gives $100 coupon bundle + 50% off promotional discount on minimum purchases. You will get multiple Temu codes on this coupon bundle with new promotion deals and free shipping.

Can You Get a $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Temu Coupon Bundle?

Yes, Temu occasionally offers a $100 coupon bundle + 50% off coupon bundle, which is highly sought-after by shoppers. This bundle typically includes multiple coupons that add up to $100 coupon bundle + 50% off in total savings. For example:

One $50 off coupon

Two $20 off coupons

One $10 off coupon

These coupons can usually be applied to separate purchases, maximizing your savings across multiple orders.

How to Get the $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Temu Coupon Bundle

Watch for special promotions, especially during major shopping events and holidays.

Check for limited-time offers regularly.

New users may have a higher chance of accessing this bundle as part of a welcome offer.

Existing customers should regularly check their Temu account for personalized offers.

Strategies for Existing Customers

How Can Existing Customers Find $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off Temu Coupons?

While $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off coupons are often targeted at new users, existing customers can still benefit from significant discounts. Here are some strategies:

Check your email for exclusive offers sent to account holders.

Participate in Temu's referral program for substantial discounts.

Look out for seasonal sales and holiday promotions.

Use the Temu app regularly for app-exclusive offers.

Follow Temu on social media for flash sales and limited-time coupon codes.

Remember, you can often stack multiple smaller coupons to achieve similar savings to a single large coupon.

/*What's the Difference Between Temu Coupon Codes for New and Existing Customers?

New customer coupons are typically more generous, offering higher discount amounts or more flexible terms. Existing customer coupons, while potentially lower in value, are often more frequent and varied. They may include:

Percentage discounts on specific categories

Free shipping offers

Bundle deals on multiple items

Loyalty rewards for frequent shoppers

Both new and existing customers can benefit from referral codes, which offer discounts to both the referrer and the new user who signs up.

How Often Does Temu Release New Coupon Codes?

Temu frequently releases new coupon codes to keep customers engaged. You can generally expect:

Weekly deals and flash sales

Monthly promotional events

Seasonal campaigns (e.g., Back to School, Holiday Season)

Special occasion coupons (e.g., Temu's anniversary, major shopping holidays)

To stay informed, enable notifications on the Temu app, subscribe to their email newsletter, and follow their social media accounts.

Maximizing Your Savings

How to Use Temu Coupon Codes Effectively

Combine coupons with ongoing sales for double savings.

Check for stackable coupons that can be used together.

Pay attention to minimum purchase requirements.

Use the Temu app for exclusive mobile-only discounts.

Share your referral code with friends to earn additional coupons.

Time your purchases around major shopping events.

Create price alerts for items you want and apply promo codes when prices drop.

What to Do If a Temu Coupon Code Doesn't Work

If you encounter issues with a coupon code:

Double-check for typos or incorrect capitalization.

Verify that the code hasn't expired and is applicable to your purchase.

Ensure you meet any minimum purchase requirements.

Try clearing your browser cache or using a different device.

Contact Temu customer support for assistance if the problem persists.

Latest Temu Deals and Promotions

What is the Temu Pop-Up Sale?

The Temu Pop-Up Sale is a limited-time event featuring flash deals and significant discounts on select items. These sales often last for just a few hours or a day, encouraging quick purchases. To catch these sales:

Enable push notifications on the Temu app.

Check the app frequently, especially during weekends and holidays.

Act fast when you see a deal you like, as quantities are often limited.

Best Temu Coupon Codes for 2024

While specific coupon codes change frequently, some of the best types of Temu coupons to look out for in 2024 include:

New user welcome coupons (up to $100 coupon bundle + 50% off off)

Percentage-off coupons (e.g., 20% off your entire purchase)

Category-specific coupons (e.g., 30% off home goods)

Free shipping coupons

Referral bonuses

Temu Referral Code: Get $100 coupon bundle + 50% off Latest New User Temu Code

Below are the latest active Temu referral codes that users can use to earn Temu sign up bonus.

Temu referral code - acu639380

Temu referral code 2024 - acu639380

Temu referral code new users - acu639380

$100 coupon bundle + 50% off Temu referral code - acu639380

$100 coupon bundle + 50% off new user Temu code - acu639380

How To Use Temu Referral Code?

Obtain the Referral Code: Ensure you have the referral code {acu639380 } ready. This code is essential for unlocking the discount.

Visit Temu's Website: Navigate to Temu's official website or app and browse through their extensive range of products. Whether you're looking for electronics, fashion, home essentials, or beauty products, Temu has it all.

Add to Cart: Once you've found the items you wish to purchase, add them to your shopping cart.

Apply the Referral Code: During the checkout process, you'll find a designated field for entering referral codes. Input {acu639380} to activate the $100 coupon bundle + 50% off discount.

Complete Your Purchase: With the discount applied, proceed to complete your purchase. Enjoy the satisfaction of saving money while getting high-quality products delivered to your doorstep.

Where to Find the Latest Temu Coupon Codes for 2024?

To stay up-to-date with the latest Temu coupon codes in 2024, check these sources:

The official Temu website and mobile app

Temu's social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

Email newsletters for subscribers

Coupon aggregator websites (always verify codes on Temu's official platforms)

Seasonal promotional events and holiday sales

Temu's customer support for personalized offers

Word-of-mouth from other Temu users in online communities

FAQs About Temu Coupons and Deals

Q: Can I use multiple Temu coupons on one order? A: It depends on the specific coupons. Some coupons are stackable, while others can only be used individually. Always check the terms and conditions of each coupon.

Q: Do Temu coupons expire?

A: Yes, most Temu coupons have an expiration date. Always check the validity period of your coupons before attempting to use them.

Q: Are there any restrictions on using Temu coupons?

A: Yes, coupons may have restrictions such as minimum purchase amounts, specific product categories, or limitations on combining with other offers. Read the coupon terms carefully.

Q: How can I get notified about new Temu deals?

A: Enable push notifications on the Temu app, subscribe to their email newsletter, and follow their social media accounts for the latest updates.

Q: Can I share my Temu coupons with friends?

A: Some coupons are transferable, while others are linked to your specific account. Check the coupon details before sharing.


By staying informed about Temu's latest offers and using coupons strategically, you can save significantly on your purchases throughout 2024. Remember to check for new deals regularly, combine coupons with sales when possible, and don't hesitate to reach out to customer support if you have any questions. Happy shopping and saving on Temu!

Temu Coupon Code: Unlocking Exclusive Discounts, Temu Coupon Code ⇒ [acu639380 ] EXISTING-Time User, Temu has quickly become a popular online shopping destination, offering a wide array of products from fashion to electronics at competitive prices. To make shopping even more enticing, Temu offers a variety of Coupon Codes that can be used for discounts and special offers. In this article, we'll explore the best Temu Coupon Codes available in , including exclusive codes like [acu639380 ] . We'll also delve into specific offers for EXISTING-time users, EXISTING orders, free shipping, and discounts for existing users, Amazing $50 Off on Your EXISTING Temu Order| with Code [acu639380 ] and [acu639380 ] .

Temu ➲50% Off➲ Coupon Code Colombia 【acu639380 】or*【acu639380 】*⇒ [october 2024]

Temu Coupon Code ⇨ [acu639380 ] ╰┈➤ EXISTING-time Users, Temu Coupon Codes in the , ╰┈➤ Temu Discount Codes ➤,,,[acu639380 ] ⇨ for Shoppers ᐊ Get Up to £100 coupon bundle + 50% off Off, In the , the Temu Coupon Code "acu639380 " provides an excellent opportunity for both new and existing customers to save $100 coupon bundle + 50% off on their purchases. This versatile code can be applied during checkout to enjoy significant discounts across a wide range of products on the Temu platform. By entering "acu639380 ," shoppers can access exclusive deals and maximize their savings, making it a great time to explore what Temu has to offer, Temu Coupon Code : (acu639380 ) or (acu639380 ) |Get $50 Off at Temu|.

⇦ Exclusive Temu Coupon Codes ,,,acu639380 ,,,,, ➤ Offers → . Discounts, Student Deals & More

╰┈➤ Best Temu Discount Codes➤ "acu639380 "⇨ ➥ Up to 50% Off

Unlock Savings with Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } – Your Ultimate Discount Guide!

How to Use Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } for Maximum Discounts – 2024 Guide

Exclusive Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 }: How to Save Big on Your Next Purchase

Latest Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } Offers – Don’t Miss Out on Big Savings!

Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } – Everything You Need to Know for the Best Deals

Save Big with Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } – Top Discounts and Promo Offers

Get More for Less: Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } Explained

🛍 Why Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } is Trending in 2024 – How to Get Yours 🛍

Maximize Your Savings with Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } – Updated for August 2024

Top 5 Reasons to Use Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } for Your Next Shopping Spree

Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } – Unlock Exclusive Discounts Today!

🥳 Is Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } the Best Discount for 2024? Find Out Now 🥳

Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } – How to Find and Apply It for Instant Savings

Discover the Hidden Benefits of Using Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 }

Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 }: The Secret to Affordable Shopping in 2024

Everything You Need to Know About Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } in 2024

How to Redeem Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } for the Best Discounts Available

Save More with Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } – Expert Tips and Tricks

2024 Shopping Hack: Use Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 } for Incredible Savings

Temu Coupon Code {acu639380 }: Your Gateway to Big Discounts – Here’s How

Temu Coupon Code .

The Temu Coupon Code "acu639380 " offers significant savings for . workers in the . When using this code, you can get up to 90% off on your purchases on the Temu shopping platform, plus an additional 30% discount on your EXISTING order. The code also provides a £100 coupon bundle + 50% off discount, making it an excellent opportunity for . staff to save money on their online shopping

Recommended by LinkedIn

Temu Coupon Code 2024: Get Flat $100 OFF+ 30% Off…

Aman Shukla 1 month ago

Temu Coupon Coupon Code [acq977991] 2024: Permalink | 記事への反応(0) | 03:11

How To Use Temu Coupon Code 50 Off? acu639380

Are you in the mood for some amazing shopping deals? Well, we have some great news that's bound to make your day brighter!

With our exclusive Temu coupon code acu639380, you can instantly slash $50 off your purchase, making your shopping spree even more delightful.

Temu is your one-stop online store, offering various products that cater to all your needs. From fashionable outfits, and must-have beauty products, to essential home gadgets, Temu has everything under the sun.

The best part? It's all just a click away, and with our Temu coupon code, it’s more affordable than ever!

How To Use Temu Coupon Code 50 Off?

Here's How to Use the Temu Coupon Code acu639380:

Visit Temu: Start by going to the Temu website or app by using the Temu Promo Code Link.

Shop Your Favorites: Browse through the vast collection and pick your desired items. From new arrivals to trending products, choose what you love.

Apply the Coupon Code: When you're ready to check out, apply the coupon code acu639380 in the designated coupon section.

Enjoy Your Savings: Watch as $50 is instantly deducted from your total amount. Yes, it's that simple!

Checkout: Proceed to finalize your purchase. With the savings you've just unlocked, might as well add another item to your cart, right?

Temu Coupons 50% Off october 2024 Promo Codes

Here are latest Temu Coupon Codes To Save money:

30% Off Your Order with Temu Coupon - acu639380

Temu Promo: 10% Off Your Order - acu639380

Temu Discount Code: Get 30% Off Your Order - acu639380

Temu Coupon: Save 30% on Orders $39+ - acu639380

90% Off Temu Blowout Sale - acu639380

Temu Promo: 75% Off Home Sale - acu639380

Temu Discount Code: 30% Off Your Order - acu639380

Temu Coupon Code: $25 Off Your First App Order - acu639380

Get 30% Off Your First Order $39+ - acu639380

Temu Discount Code: Save 30% Orders $39+ - acu639380

30% Off Your Purchase with Temu Promo Code - acu639380

Why Choose Temu?

Vast Selection: Whatever you're looking for, Temu likely has it. Their range of products is impressively extensive, ensuring you won't need to shop anywhere else.

Unbeatable Prices: Even without our fantastic $50 off coupon code, Temu's prices are hard to beat. It's truly a bargain hunter's paradise.

Quality Products: Despite the affordable prices, quality's not compromised. Each product is selected to meet your expectations.

Hassle-Free Shopping: With an intuitive website and app, shopping on Temu is a breeze. Plus, their customer service is always there to help.

Conclusion: Ready to save big?

Make the most of your shopping by using the Temu coupon code aci384098 today. With $50 off your purchase, there's no reason not to treat yourself. Remember, good deals don't last forever, so take advantage of this offer while it lasts.

Happy shopping, and enjoy the incredible savings with Temu!

FAQs On Temu Coupon Code 50% OFF

Are there any current Temu coupons today?

Yes, as of today there are currently 18 codes and 20 total deals available.

How many Temu promo codes are confirmed to work for May of 2024?

Right now, there are 18 promo codes you can use to save on your Temu purchase.

What is the top verified promo code for Temu right now?

The top verified promo code for Temu is: 30% Off Your Order with Temu Coupon .

Is there a special offer when I use Temu’s mobile app?

Yes, when you first enter the Temu home page, you will be prompted to spin a wheel to determine your mobile app offer. You can get up to a $100 discount.

Do I get a special Temu discount code when I subscribe to their texts?

Yes, you can get a 20% discount when you sign up for Temu’s text.

Does Temu offer free shipping?

Yes, you can get free standard shipping on all Temu orders.

Can I get a special Temu student discount?

Temu has a discounted section for students. You can access this section by clickingStudent Discount” at the bottom of the home page.

Where can I find more discounted Temu items?

Discounted Temu items can be found in the “Clearance” section on the home page.

Does Temu have a payment plan?

Yes, you can split your payment through Klarna or AfterPay.

When I sign up for Temu’s email newsletter, do I get a special offer?

You can get exclusive offers and promotions when you sign up for Temu’s newsletter.

Does Temu Have an Affiliate Program?

Yes, Temu's affiliate program offers a 20% commission for new referrals and $5 for each new referred user download.

Redeeming a Temu Promo Code

Browse for items on temu.com. When you find an item that you like, clickAdd to Carton its product page.

Choose “Checkouton the panel that appears from the right.

Enter your Temu coupon code in the input box.

Click the “Apply” button to enjoy your discount.

What To Do if Your Temu Promo Code Isn't Working

Verify that you have correctly entered your Temu coupon code.

Ensure your cart meets the minimum purchase amount or any additional requirements.

Make certain the coupon code which you selected is still valid and has not yet expired.

If you are still having any trouble, try a different Temu promo code from CouponFollow instead.

Stacking Temu Promo Codes

We have observed that you cannot apply two or more Temu coupon codes per order. If you try to apply another code, Temu will give you an error message. Make sure you are applying the best Temu promo code to your order.

Key Tips for Temu Shoppers

Temu Savings Tips

Check out the “Lightning Deals” for limited-time offers that can be up to an 80% discount.

Temu offers free standard shipping on every order. To get free express shipping, you need to spend $129 or more.

You can sign up for a Temu account and then visit the "Coupons and Offers" tab to see your exclusive offers. You'll unlock coupons as you shop. Note that you have to make a first purchase to start receiving offers.

Sign up for text message updates to get a 20% Temu coupon code for your first order with no minimum purchase.

New Temu shoppers sometimes receive special offers, such as the opportunity to spin a wheel and win a prize. Currently, you can spin the wheel to get up to a $100 discount on your mobile app order.

College students can access a special section of discounted items. To get this student discount, you will need to provide your school's email address and graduation date.

Follow Temu on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest to keep track of their latest sales and promotions.

Saving Money With Temu’s Holiday Sales

In our research, we have observed that Temu offers discounts on some holidays and seasons. In the past, these holidays included Black Friday, Labor Day, and Summer. These promotions can typically be found on the homepage, so make sure you frequent the site during these promotional periods.

Additional Information for Temu Shoppers

What Is Temu’s Return Policy?

Temu accepts returns for unused products within 90 days. You can return almost everything except free gifts and products listed as non-returnable. Contact Temu to request your refund. Once you initiate a return, you can track your refund through the "My Orders" section of your profile.

How Can You Contact Temu Support?

To contact their support team, request a phone call online or email [email protected]. While Temu does not publish a phone number, they accept requests for return phone calls from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. EST. You can also send a letter to their address at Suite 355, 31 St. James Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02116, USA. For fast answers, check out their FAQ section.

How to get $20 off on Temu?

To get $20 off on Temu, sign up using the referral code acu639380and make your first purchase of $100 or more. This will activate the coupon bundle that includes a $20 off discount.

What is the Temu $100 off code?

The Temu $100 off code is taa85211. Use this code when signing up or during checkout to unlock the $100 coupon bundle for new and existing users.

How to get the most discounts on Temu?

To get the most discounts on Temu, use the referral code acu639380to sign up and get access to the $100 coupon bundle. This bundle includes multiple discounts like $100 off, 50% off, buy 3 get $99 off, and more that you can stack for maximum savings.

Is Temu $100 coupon legit?

Yes, the Temu $100 coupon is legit. Many users have successfully used the code acu639380 to get $100 off their Temu purchases as a new user bonus or by unlocking the $100 coupon bundle.

How To Use Temu Coupon Code 50 Off? acu639380

Are you in the mood for some amazing shopping deals? Well, we have some great news that's bound to make your day brighter!

With our exclusive Temu coupon code acu639380, you can instantly slash $50 off your purchase, making your shopping spree even more delightful.

Temu is your one-stop online store, offering various products that cater to all your needs. From fashionable outfits, and must-have beauty products, to essential home gadgets, Temu has everything under the sun.

The best part? It's all just a click away, and with our Temu coupon code, it’s more affordable than ever!

How To Use Temu Coupon Code 50 Off?

Here's How to Use the Temu Coupon Code acu639380:

Visit Temu: Start by going to the Temu website or app by using the Temu Promo Code Link.

Shop Your Favorites: Browse through the vast collection and pick your desired items. From new arrivals to trending products, choose what you love.

Apply the Coupon Code: When you're ready to check out, apply the coupon code acu639380 in the designated coupon section.

Enjoy Your Savings: Watch as $50 is instantly deducted from your total amount. Yes, it's that simple!

Checkout: Proceed to finalize your purchase. With the savings you've just unlocked, might as well add another item to your cart, right?

Temu Coupons 50% Off october 2024 Promo Codes

Here are latest Temu Coupon Codes To Save money:

30% Off Your Order with Temu Coupon - acu639380

Temu Promo: 10% Off Your Order - acu639380

Temu Discount Code: Get 30% Off Your Order - acu639380

Temu Coupon: Save 30% on Orders $39+ - acu639380

90% Off Temu Blowout Sale - acu639380

Temu Promo: 75% Off Home Sale - acu639380

Temu Discount Code: 30% Off Your Order - acu639380

Temu Coupon Code: $25 Off Your First App Order - acu639380

Get 30% Off Your First Order $39+ - acu639380

Temu Discount Code: Save 30% Orders $39+ - acu639380

30% Off Your Purchase with Temu Promo Code - acu639380

Why Choose Temu?

Vast Selection: Whatever you're looking for, Temu likely has it. Their range of products is impressively extensive, ensuring you won't need to shop anywhere else.

Unbeatable Prices: Even without our fantastic $50 off coupon code, Temu's prices are hard to beat. It's truly a bargain hunter's paradise.

Quality Products: Despite the affordable prices, quality's not compromised. Each product is selected to meet your expectations.

Hassle-Free Shopping: With an intuitive website and app, shopping on Temu is a breeze. Plus, their customer service is always there to help.

Conclusion: Ready to save big?

Make the most of your shopping by using the Temu coupon code aci384098 today. With $50 off your purchase, there's no reason not to treat yourself. Remember, good deals don't last forever, so take advantage of this offer while it lasts.

Happy shopping, and enjoy the incredible savings with Temu!

FAQs On Temu Coupon Code 50% OFF

Are there any current Temu coupons today?

Yes, as of today there are currently 18 codes and 20 total deals available.

How many Temu promo codes are confirmed to work for May of 2024?

Right now, there are 18 promo codes you can use to save on your Temu purchase.

What is the top verified promo code for Temu right now?

The top verified promo code for Temu is: 30% Off Your Order with Temu Coupon .

Is there a special offer when I use Temu’s mobile app?

Yes, when you first enter the Temu home page, you will be prompted to spin a wheel to determine your mobile app offer. You can get up to a $100 discount.

Do I get a special Temu discount code when I subscribe to their texts?

Yes, you can get a 20% discount when you sign up for Temu’s text.

Does Temu offer free shipping?

Yes, you can get free standard shipping on all Temu orders.

Can I get a special Temu student discount?

Temu has a discounted section for students. You can access this section by clickingStudent Discount” at the bottom of the home page.

Where can I find more discounted Temu items?

Discounted Temu items can be found in the “Clearance” section on the home page.

Does Temu have a payment plan?

Yes, you can split your payment through Klarna or AfterPay.

When I sign up for Temu’s email newsletter, do I get a special offer?

You can get exclusive offers and promotions when you sign up for Temu’s newsletter.

Does Temu Have an Affiliate Program?

Yes, Temu's affiliate program offers a 20% commission for new referrals and $5 for each new referred user download.

Redeeming a Temu Promo Code

Browse for items on temu.com. When you find an item that you like, clickAdd to Carton its product page.

Choose “Checkouton the panel that appears from the right.

Enter your Temu coupon code in the input box.

Click the “Apply” button to enjoy your discount.

What To Do if Your Temu Promo Code Isn't Working

Verify that you have correctly entered your Temu coupon code.

Ensure your cart meets the minimum purchase amount or any additional requirements.

Make certain the coupon code which you selected is still valid and has not yet expired.

If you are still having any trouble, try a different Temu promo code from CouponFollow instead.

Stacking Temu Promo Codes

We have observed that you cannot apply two or more Temu coupon codes per order. If you try to apply another code, Temu will give you an error message. Make sure you are applying the best Temu promo code to your order.

Key Tips for Temu Shoppers

Temu Savings Tips

Check out the “Lightning Deals” for limited-time offers that can be up to an 80% discount.

Temu offers free standard shipping on every order. To get free express shipping, you need to spend $129 or more.

You can sign up for a Temu account and then visit the "Coupons and Offers" tab to see your exclusive offers. You'll unlock coupons as you shop. Note that you have to make a first purchase to start receiving offers.

Sign up for text message updates to get a 20% Temu coupon code for your first order with no minimum purchase.

New Temu shoppers sometimes receive special offers, such as the opportunity to spin a wheel and win a prize. Currently, you can spin the wheel to get up to a $100 discount on your mobile app order.

College students can access a special section of discounted items. To get this student discount, you will need to provide your school's email address and graduation date.

Follow Temu on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest to keep track of their latest sales and promotions.

Saving Money With Temu’s Holiday Sales

In our research, we have observed that Temu offers discounts on some holidays and seasons. In the past, these holidays included Black Friday, Labor Day, and Summer. These promotions can typically be found on the homepage, so make sure you frequent the site during these promotional periods.

Additional Information for Temu Shoppers

What Is Temu’s Return Policy?

Temu accepts returns for unused products within 90 days. You can return almost everything except free gifts and products listed as non-returnable. Contact Temu to request your refund. Once you initiate a return, you can track your refund through the "My Orders" section of your profile.

How Can You Contact Temu Support?

To contact their support team, request a phone call online or email [email protected]. While Temu does not publish a phone number, they accept requests for return phone calls from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. EST. You can also send a letter to their address at Suite 355, 31 St. James Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02116, USA. For fast answers, check out their FAQ section.

How to get $20 off on Temu?

To get $20 off on Temu, sign up using the referral code acu639380and make your first purchase of $100 or more. This will activate the coupon bundle that includes a $20 off discount.

What is the Temu $100 off code?

The Temu $100 off code is taa85211. Use this code when signing up or during checkout to unlock the $100 coupon bundle for new and existing users.

How to get the most discounts on Temu?

To get the most discounts on Temu, use the referral code acu639380to sign up and get access to the $100 coupon bundle. This bundle includes multiple discounts like $100 off, 50% off, buy 3 get $99 off, and more that you can stack for maximum savings.

Is Temu $100 coupon legit?

Yes, the Temu $100 coupon is legit. Many users have successfully used the code acu639380 to get $100 off their Temu purchases as a new user bonus or by unlocking the $100 coupon bundle.


Temu Coupon Code $100 Off [acp856709]: New And Existing Customers In September 2024

We've rounded up the latest and greatest Temu coupon code $100 off deals for September 2024, covering both new and existing customers. Whether you're a seasoned Temu shopper or just discovering this online treasure trove, we've got coupon codes like act200019 and acp856709 to help you maximize your savings.

With our handpicked selection of Temu coupons, you can score incredible discounts on everything from fashion and electronics to home goods and beauty products. Just use our coupon code in the Temu app during checkout and watch your total plummet.

We'll now uncover deals for new and existing customers, explain how to redeem your coupons, and highlight the benefits of using these codes. Get ready to shop smarter and save bigger with Temu!

Get $100 OFF On The Temu APP >>>

Temu Coupon Code $100 Off In 2024: Get Flat $100 OFF + 30% Discount

Are you looking for a Temu $100 coupon code? We've got the latest deals to help you save big on your next Temu purchase. Right now, you can redeem a Temu coupon for $100 off plus an extra 30% discount on top of that. It's the perfect time to stock up on all your favorite items.

Here's the deal! New customers can score a flat $100 off the first order, PLUS an extra 30% discount. That's potentially 70% off your total! Existing customers can still get 40% off your next Temu haul.

Here are five exclusive Temu coupon codes for $100 off:

ACT200019: Get $100 off on your first order or as an existing customer.

ACP856709: New customers can save up to 70%.

ACU395411: Existing customers can get 40% off.

ACU934948: Another option for new customers to save up to 70%.

ACL921207: Existing customers can enjoy 40% off with this code.

Each code offers unique savings, from flat discounts to free shipping. The ACT200019 code is especially valuable, giving you a whopping $100 off when you spend $200 or more. That's like getting half your order for free!

Don't miss out on these amazing deals. Temu's prices are already low, and with these coupons, you'll stretch your dollar even further. Whether you're shopping for clothes, home goods, or electronics, there's a code to unlock up to a $100 discount on Temu.

Temu $100 off coupon code for new and existing users.

Temu Coupon Code For New Users: $100 Coupon + Up To 90% OFF In September 2024

Are you new to Temu? You're about to score big with exclusive Temu $100 coupon codes for new customers this September! Enjoy a flat $100 off coupon for first-time buyers, plus up to 90% off on select items. That means your first order could be almost free! It's the perfect time to stock up on all your favorite items.

Here are the top Temu discount codes for new customers available now:

ACU395411: A classic $100 off for new customers.

ACU934948: Unlock the 90% discount on specific items.

ACT200019: Another chance to grab that $100 off your first purchase.

ACP856709: Explore massive savings with this 90% off code.

ACL921207: One more opportunity to claim your $100 discount.

The ACP856709 code is a game-changer, giving you a full $100 off when you spend $200 or more. That's like getting half your first order for free! These deals make your first Temu experience even more exciting.

Temu Coupon Codes For Existing Users: $100 Coupon Bundle + 40% Price Slash

Already a Temu fan? Awesome! You haven't been forgotten. Enjoy a Temu $100 coupon code for existing customers and slash prices by a whopping 40%! Just enter the code for existing customers at checkout and watch your savings stack up.

We've got a whole bunch of Temu codes to keep you shopping. Check out these amazing deals:

ACP856709: Your ticket to a $100 discount on your next Temu haul.

ACL921207: An extra code to grab that sweet $100 off.

ACT200019: Another chance for existing customers to save big.

ACU934948: Unlock 40% off your purchase with this code.

ACU395411: One more code to enjoy a generous 40% discount.

These codes might not last forever, so use them while you can to make the most of your Temu shopping spree! Whether you're restocking essentials or trying something new, there's a discount waiting for you.

Temu Coupon Code For 40% Off: For Both New And Existing Customers

There are some amazing Temu coupons that work for both new and existing customers! No need to hunt for separate codes. Just apply one of these at checkout and enjoy your discount.

Check out these five Temu $100 discount codes:

ACU395411: Save 40% on your next order, no matter if you're new or returning.

ACT200019: Another easy way to grab that 40% off discount.

ACU934948: Yet another opportunity to take advantage of the 40% savings.

ACP856709: A fourth option to get that fantastic 40% discount.

ACL921207: One more code to ensure everyone can enjoy 40% off their Temu purchase.

The ACU395411 code is a standout, giving you 40% off your entire purchase with no strings attached. Pair it with other Temu $100 discount codes for maximum savings.

These deals make Temu's already low prices even more attractive. Whether you're shopping for clothes, home goods, or gadgets, you'll find incredible discounts.

Enjoy $100 Off + 30% discount On Temu >>>

What Are The $100 off Temu Coupon Codes For Different Countries/Regions?

Temu offers great deals worldwide! You can find a Temu coupon code for 100 dollar off in various countries. Here's a quick look at some region-specific codes to help you save big.

Check out these international Temu deals:

ACT200019: For USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South America.

ACP856709: For USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South America.

ACU934948: For USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South America.

ACU395411: For the Middle East (UAE, Abu Dhabi, Qatar), UK, Europe, and Africa.

ACL921207: For UK, Europe, Middle East (UAE, Saudi Arab, Oman), and Africa.

Use our region-specific Temu code during checkout to get additional discounts on top of Temu's already low prices. Each code is tailored to its specific country or region, ensuring you get the best local deal.

Whether you're shopping in dollars, pounds, or euros, Temu has a great discount waiting for you. Start filling your cart and watch the savings add up!

Temu Coupon $100 OFF For Existing Users.

Temu Coupon Bundle: Flat $100 Off + Up To 70% Discount For Any Order Value For First Time Buyers

Temu's coupon bundles offer a flat $100 off PLUS up to 70% off on top of that, regardless of your order value! This is a fantastic way to maximize your savings.

Here are five codes to get you started with the fantastic $100 couple bundle on Temu:

ACT200019: Get a flat $100 discount on your order.

ACL921207: Enjoy up to 70% off as a new customer.

ACP856709: Existing customers can get 40% off.

ACU395411: Score up to 90% off on select flash sale items.

ACU934948: Get an extra 50% off when you buy bundled items.

Remember, any promotional code available on Temu has some specific terms and conditions. Make sure to read the fine print before applying. Some codes might not stack, while others could have expiration dates or category restrictions.

This bundle deal makes Temu's low prices even more attractive. Whether you're buying one item or filling your cart, you're guaranteed to save.

Free Temu Coupons For First-Time Users: Unlock Unlimited Savings As A New Customer!

As a new customer, Temu welcomes you with a variety of free coupons like ACT200019 and ACP856709 to make your first purchase at Temu unforgettable. These coupons can include free shipping, percentage discounts, and even a dollar amount off your order.

You can unlock discounts up to 90% off, score free shipping, and even get cash back on your order. These deals are designed to give you a taste of Temu's amazing prices and vast product range.

Don't forget to check the app to get the best deals for all your purchases with Temu. You might find extra discounts or free gifts with your first purchase at Temu.

Temu Discount Code For Existing User

There are plenty of ways for existing users to keep saving. You can still score a significant discount on your next purchase with our exclusive dollar 100 coupon code for Temu.

Temu rewards loyal customers with special codes such as ACU395411 and ACU934948. Keep an eye out for the dollar 100 off Temu code for existing customers in 2024. This offer pops up regularly and can save you big on larger orders.

Don't forget to check for seasonal sales, flash deals, and app-exclusive offers. Temu often runs promotions where you can stack discounts for maximum savings. If you're a student, look into the Temu student discount program for extra savings year-round.

Sign up for Temu's newsletter to get a dollar 100 coupon bundle sent straight to your inbox. You can also earn points through their loyalty program, which you can redeem for discounts on future purchases.

How To Redeem Temu Coupon Codes In September 2024?

Ready to use your Temu coupon code? It's easy! Here's how to redeem your Temu $100 coupon codes and enjoy amazing savings:

Download the Temu app or visit the Temu website.

Sign up for a Temu account if you haven't already done so.

Browse Temu's wide selection of products and add your favorites to your cart.

Proceed to checkout and review your order.

Look for the "Coupon Code" field to use the coupon code shared by us.

Enter the coupon code you want to use, such as ACT200019 and ACP856709.

Click "Apply" to see your discount reflected in the order total.

Complete your first purchase and enjoy your savings!

Remember, always read the conditions associated with each coupon to ensure you're eligible for the discount. Some codes may have expiration dates or minimum purchase requirements.

Claim flat $100 discount on the Temu app >>>

5 Benefits of Using Temu Coupon Codes For September 2024

Using Temu coupon codes in September 2024 comes with fantastic perks! With our exclusive codes, you're getting the most out of your shopping experience.

Here are 5 key benefits of applying the best Temu coupon code available this month:

Instant Savings: Applying the latest Temu code at checkout gives you an immediate discount, slashing the price of your purchase right away. No waiting for rebates or cashback – the savings are yours instantly!

No Minimum Purchase: Many Temu coupons don't require a minimum purchase. This means you can enjoy the savings even on smaller orders, making every shopping trip a bargain.

Easy to Use: It's incredibly simple to redeem your Temu coupon during checkout. Just enter the code in the designated field and watch your total drop!

Variety of Discounts: Temu offers a wide range of coupon codes, from percentage-based discounts to flat dollar amounts off.

More for Your Money: With Temu coupon codes, you can afford to treat yourself to more items or splurge on higher-quality products that you might not have considered otherwise.

Remember, using a Temu coupon is simple, and the rewards are immediate. Just enter the best Temu coupon code available in September 2024 at checkout and watch your total drop.

Temu $100 Off Coupon For New Users.

Final Note: Unlock Temu Offers As New and Existing Users

With these Temu $100 off promo codes, you're all set to save big on your next shopping on Temu. Remember to check the terms and conditions for each code to make the most of your discounts. Whether you're after a flat $100 off or a percentage discount, there's a deal that's perfect for you.

For new Temu users, this is your chance to explore the platform's vast range of products at unbeatable prices. Don't forget to download the app for exclusive offers and easy shopping on the go. Existing customers, your loyalty pays off with special codes just for you. Keep an eye out for seasonal sales and flash deals to stack your savings. Happy shopping!

Temu Coupon Code FAQs

What is the $300 coupon on Temu?

Temu's $300 coupon is often a bundle of smaller discounts, not a single $300 off. It's designed to encourage new customers to explore Temu's wide range of products at a significant discount.

Can I use multiple Temu coupons on a single purchase?

Temu generally allows only one coupon code per purchase. However, you can often combine a coupon code with other discounts, such as free shipping or special promotions.

How To Contact Temu Customer Service?

You can easily reach Temu customer service through their app or website. Look for the "Contact Us" or "Help" section, where you'll find options for live chat, email, or phone support.

What Can You Buy with Your Temu Coupon?

Your Temu coupon can be used on a wide variety of items, including clothing, electronics, home goods, beauty products, and more. Check the coupon details for any restrictions on specific categories or items.

Temu Coupon Code 40% Off [ACP856709]: New User Free Gift + Free Shipping

Are you looking for amazing Temu deals? We've got the best Temu coupons just for you! Use our new Temu coupon code 40% off for September 2024, like "acp856709" and "act200019," to get a flat 40% discount. Whether you're a first-time shopper or a loyal customer, Temu has something special in store.

Temu is known for its low prices on a wide range of products. From trendy fashion to must-have home goods, you'll find it all here. And with these Temu 40% off coupon codes, you're getting even more savings.

The Glam Look team is always on the lookout for new offers of Temu to share with you. Remember to check back often, as deals can change quickly. Be sure to read the fine print on each code to make the most of your savings. Let's dive into the best Temu deals for September 2024!

>>>Claim 40% Extra Off On Temu<<<

Temu Coupon Code 40% Off: Unlock Exclusive Temu Deals In September 2024

We're excited to share the latest Temu deals with you! If you are looking for a Temu coupon code 40% off, you are in the right place! We've got exclusive Temu coupon codes that'll help you maximize your savings this September 2024.

Temu is offering some amazing discounts designed to give new customers a significant discount on total purchase value.

You can claim a flat 40% off on the Temu app by using the exclusive coupon codes ACP856709 or ACT200019.

Here are five codes you can use right now:

ACP856709: Get 40% off your next order.

ACT200019: Enjoy a 40% discount on the Temu app.

ACP934948: 40% extra off + free shipping on all orders.

ACU395411: 40% off summer collection items.

ACL921207: Receive a free gift with purchases over $100 + 40% off.

These Temu coupons are perfect for both new and returning customers. You'll save big on Temu's wide range of products, from fashion to home goods. The Temu 40% off code is especially great for first-time shoppers.

Use Temu coupon code 40% off "ACP856709" on the Temu app.

Temu Coupon Code 40 Percent Off For First-Time Users

Are you ready to start your Temu adventure? We've got great news for you! The Temu coupon code 40% off is here, and it's part of an amazing Temu new users promotion.

You can enjoy an extra 40% off on the Temu app as a first-time user by using the latest Temu codes ACP856709 and ACT200019.

This deal is one of the most fantastic Temu offers we've seen. Here's a rundown of the exclusive Temu offers available now:

ACT200019: Grab 40% extra off your first purchase.

ACP856709: Get 40% off when you spend $50 or more.

ACU395411: Enjoy free shipping on any order + 40% off.

ACP934948: Take an extra 40% off sale items.

ACL921207: Receive a surprise gift with orders over $75 + 40% extra off.

These Temu codes are perfect for trying out Temu's vast product range. You'll find everything from trendy clothes to cool gadgets. The Temu 40% discount is a game-changer, letting you stock up on more for less.

So, don't wait to use these codes. They're available for the entire month of September 2024. Whether you're shopping for yourself or for gifts, these Temu deals will help you save big.

How To Get Free Shipping Of Your First Order On Temu?

Want to save some more on your first Temu order? We'll show you how to get free shipping! Temu often offers free shipping deals, giving new customers a significant discount on their first purchase.

You can enjoy free shipping on your first order through the Temu app by using our verified coupon codes ACT200019 and ACP856709 in September 2024.

It's that simple! But remember to check the terms and conditions. Although our Temu discount codes don't have any minimum order value, some codes might have minimum purchase requirements. Usually, there's no catch – Temu wants to welcome you as a new customer. Here's how you can get free shipping:

Download the Temu app from the App Store or Play Store.

Sign up for a new Temu account.

Search our exclusive Temu free shipping code ACT200019 or ACP856709 on the app.

Add your desired items to your cart.

Enter the "ACP856709" or "ACT200019" Temu 40% off coupon code at checkout.

Enjoy free shipping on your order.

Free shipping can really cut down on shipping costs, especially for larger orders. It's a great way to try out Temu's products without extra fees. You'll get more value from your first Temu order by using these free shipping deals.

Keep in mind that free shipping offers may change. Also, some items might be excluded from free shipping due to size or weight.

>>>Enjoy 40% Discount On Temu<<<

Temu Coupon Code For 40 Percent Off: Promo Codes For Existing Users In September 2024

We have good news for loyal Temu shoppers! While the Temu coupon 40% off is often for new users, existing users can enjoy great deals, too. We've got some promo codes that'll make your Temu shopping experience even better.

You can use the exclusive Temu coupon code "ACP856709" to get an extra 40% off as an existing user.

Here are the five best codes existing users can enjoy this September:

ACP856709: Get 40% off select items as a "thank you" for your loyalty.

ACT200019: Enjoy 40% off summer essentials.

ACL921207: 40% off + free shipping on orders over $50.

ACP934948: Extra 40% off during flash sale events.

ACU395411: Get an additional 40% off when you order through the Temu app.

These codes help you save on your favorite Temu products. The 40% off code is especially great for big purchases. You can also use our Temu coupon code for $100 off to get a flat $100 discount on your first purchase.

Using the Temu coupons for existing users is easy. Just enter the code at checkout. You can use them on a wide range of items, from fashion to home goods.

Temu values its regular customers. These codes are their way of saying thanks for your continued support. Keep an eye on this article for more deals – Temu often releases new codes for their loyal shoppers.

Use Temu 40% off coupon code "ACT200019" as a new user.

How To Use Temu 40% Coupon Code: Redeem And Unlock New Ways To Save

Are you ready to use the latest Temu coupon code for 40% off? We'll show you how! For all the new and existing shoppers, it's easy to save big on your next Temu order. Here are the steps to redeem your code.

Redeem on the Temu app (both iOS and Android):

Download and open the Temu app.

Add items to your cart.

Tap the cart icon.

Look for "Coupon Code" at the checkout page.

Enter the Temu 40% off code "ACP856709."

Tap "Apply" and see your savings!

Redeem on the Temu website:

Open any browser and go to Temu.com.

Fill your cart with great finds or upgrade your tech stack.

Click on your cart.

Find the "Coupon Code" box at checkout.

Type in the exclusive 40% off code "ACP856709."

Click "Apply" and watch your total drop.

It's that simple! The discount will apply right away. You'll see the savings on your order summary. Remember, our exclusive codes are valid throughout September 2024. Check if there's a minimum spend or if certain items are excluded.

So, are you ready to shop? Start your next haul with code ACP856709 (or the other latest code we've shared).

>>>Claim Extra 40% OFF As A Temu New User<<<

Can You Pay Through A Gift Card To Unlock The Temu 40% Off Deal In Your First Order?

Do you want to use a gift card and still get the Temu 40% off deal? Yes, you can use both on your first order. The 40% off code is usually a limited-time offer for new Temu customers using code ACT200019.

You can apply this discount code first at checkout. Then, you can use your gift card to pay for the remaining balance. This means you get a big discount on top of the value of your gift card. It's like double savings! Steps to use both:

Add items to your cart on the Temu app.

Go to the checkout page.

Enter the Temu 40% off code "ACP856709" or "ACT200019."

Apply your gift card to the remaining amount.

You'll enjoy significant savings on your first Temu order by combining the two. It's a smart way to stretch your gift card further. Remember, offers can change. Always read Temu's current terms. Some exclusions might apply to certain products.

Using both your gift card and the whopping 40% off code lets you get more for less. It's a great way to try out Temu's wide range of products.

Use the Temu coupon 40% discount "ACP856709" as an existing user.

Temu 40% Off Coupons For Different Countries

The Temu coupon code 40% off isn't just for one country. Temu offers significant savings to shoppers around the world. These codes help you save big no matter where you live. The 40% off deal is especially great for trying out Temu's wide range of products. Let's look at some exclusive offers for different countries.

Here are five international Temu codes that you can use this September 2024:

ACP856709: For USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, & South America.

ACT200019: For USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, & South America.

ACU934948: For USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, & South America.

ACU395411: For Middle East (UAE, Abu Dhabi, Qatar), UK, Europe, Africa.

ACL921207: For UK, Europe, Middle East (UAE, Saudi Arab, Oman), Africa.

Temu adjusts offers based on local markets. You might find slight differences in discounts between countries. But the goal is always to give you the best deal possible.

These codes are a fantastic coupon for loyal Temu shoppers, too. Even if you're not a first-time buyer, keep an eye out for returning customer deals in your country. Use these codes to save on your next Temu order, wherever you are!

Temu Coupon Code 40% Off Europe: Best Deals For the UK

Here is great news for UK shoppers! The Temu 40% off coupon code has landed in Europe as well, and we've got the best deals for you. Temu's bringing its amazing online shopping experience to the UK with some fantastic offers.

Use our verified Temu coupon code "ACP856709" or "ACT200019" to get an extra 40% off in the UK and Europe.

Here are five great codes for UK Temu shoppers:

ACP856709: Get 40% off your first order as a new UK customer.

ACT200019: Save 40% on home decor items, perfect for sprucing up your space.

ACU395411: Enjoy 25% off clothing and accessories.

ACL921207: Free shipping on all UK orders, no minimum spend.

ACU934948: Extra 5% off when you shop through the Temu app.

These codes help you save on Temu's wide range of products. The 40% off deal is an even better deal for trying out Temu's offerings. Remember, Temu often updates its deals. These codes give you a taste of what's available. You'll find everything from trendy fashion to cool gadgets and home goods.

To use these codes, just enter them at checkout. It's that easy to save big on your Temu order. Use these codes to get more for less on Temu UK.

>>>Claim 40% Extra Off On The UK & Europe<<<

Benefits Of Temu Coupon Code 40% Off For The First Order

Temu's 40% off coupon for your first order is a game-changer! It offers incredible savings and a chance to explore Temu's wide range of products without breaking the bank. Here are five key benefits of using this coupon:

Huge savings: The 40% discount lets you slash prices significantly. You can buy more items or save money on big-ticket purchases.

Try new products: With such a big discount, you can experiment with products you might not usually buy. It's a risk-free way to discover new favorites.

Quality for less: Temu offers quality items at already competitive prices. The 40% off makes these deals even sweeter.

Gift-giving made easy: Use the discount to buy gifts for others. You can get more impressive presents while staying within your budget.

Explore Temu's variety: The coupon works on most items, letting you sample different categories. From fashion to home goods, you can try a bit of everything Temu offers.

Remember, Temu often sends promos through promotional emails, so sign up to stay informed. This 40% off deal is just the start of your savings journey with Temu.

Don't miss out on this chance to shop smart and save big. Use the code on your first order and see why so many people love shopping on Temu!

Use Temu discount code 40% off "ACT200019" and "ACP856709" in September 2024.

What Is Temu?

Temu is a legitimate online marketplace that's taking the e-commerce world by storm. Launched in 2022, it's a part of PDD Holdings, the company behind the popular Pinduoduo platform in China.

Temu offers a huge range of products at competitive prices. You'll find everything from fashion to home goods, electronics to beauty products. By using our Temu coupon, you can save even more on these great deals.

What sets Temu apart is its direct-from-manufacturer model. This approach helps keep prices low while offering quality items. Temu often has a special promotional offer for new users, like the Temu 40% off first-order deal.

Temu is an online marketplace whose mission is to get the best products to consumers at unbeatable prices. With its user-friendly app and website, Temu makes online shopping easy and fun for everyone.

Final Note: Download The Temu App And Get 40% Off

With these amazing Temu coupon code 40% off deals, you're all set to save big on your next shopping spree. Temu offers special discounts for both new and returning customers, making it easy for everyone to enjoy great prices on quality products.

Don't forget to use the "ACP856709" and "ACT200019" Temu coupon codes at checkout to maximize your savings.

Remember, our newest Temu code offers substantial savings, but they won't last forever. Keep checking back for the latest deals and promotions. Whether you're shopping for yourself or looking for the perfect gift, Temu has you covered. Shop with confidence, knowing you're getting the best prices on a wide range of products. Happy shopping!


Is The Temu Coupon Code 40% Off Legit?

Yes, the Temu coupon code 40% off, such as ACP856709 or ACT200019, is absolutely legit. New users can use ACT200019, and existing users can use the ACP856709 coupon code to claim a flat 40% discount sitewide.

Which Are The Verified Temu 40% Off Coupon Codes For New Customers?

Our exclusive codes "ACT200019" and "ACU934948" are the verified Temu 40% off coupons. New customers can download the Temu app and use our coupon code to enjoy 40% off on their first order.

Which Are The Verified Temu 40% Off Discount Codes For Existing Customers?

Our latest codes "ACP856709" and "ACU395411" are the verified Temu discount codes to clam a flat 40% off as an existing users. You can use these codes to purchase any item from the Temu app.

Does The Temu 40% Off Deal Available Worldwide?

Yes, the Temu 40% off deal is currently available in 67 countries worldwide. You can use our exclusive Temu coupon codes in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, UAE, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, and many other countries.

Temu Coupon Code $100 Off {acu639380} + 30% Discount Code For Existing Customers

Get an exclusive $100 Off on your Temu purchase with this Temu coupon code $100 Off (acu639380) as a first-time user. Apply this code and get flat $100 Off and a 30% discount on your first-time purchase with Temu. This valid coupon code is for both new and existing Temu users.

Would you like to enhance your shopping experience on Temu? then, Temu coupon codes are the best way to improve your shopping. Temu offers a lot of coupon codes that you can use while shopping online and some of those coupon codes can be found on this article.

If you're a first-time user and looking for a Temu coupon code $100 first time user (acu639380) then using this code will give you a flat $100 Off and a 30% discount on your Temu shopping.

Let's take a look at how you can get Temu coupon code $100 off and what are special Temu offers.

Temu Coupon Code $100 Off: Get Flat 30% + 90% Off With Code

Use the latest Temu coupon code $100 off (acu639380) as an new or existing Temu user and get $100 worth Temu coupon code. Apply the coupon code while shopping online and get discount on your purchases.

Here are the latest Temu coupon codes for $100 -

(acu639380)- Temu coupon code $100

Temu coupon $100 off - (acu639380)

30% off First order Temu code - acu747070

Temu free gift code - acu747070

Flat $100 Off Temu coupon code - (acu639380)

Exclusive Temu $100+30% Off Code - (acu639380)

Discount of $100 Coupon Code - (acu639380)

Temu first time user coupon code - (acu639380)

How to Use the $100 Off Coupon Code

Using the $100 off coupon code is easy! Just follow these steps:

Sign Up or Log In to Your Temu Account: Before applying the coupon, make sure you’re signed in to your account.

Add Items to Your Cart: Browse through Temu’s vast selection of products and add your desired items to your shopping cart.

Apply the Coupon Code: At checkout, youll see a section where you can enter a coupon code. Enter the code "acu639380" to receive $100 off your total purchase.

Enjoy Your Savings: Complete your purchase and enjoy the significant discount you’ve just received!

What is Temu and How Temu Coupon Codes Work?

Temu is a popular shopping platform where users can buy and sell an item (more like marketplaces). Users can purchase items of different category at very discount price. And Temu coupon codes make it more affordable. You can use different Temu coupon code to shop online and get discount of up to $100 on Temu.

Temu app offer different promotions so you can earn free gifts and make money with Temu affiliate program. Temu gives you latest deals like, Temu Pop-Up Sale, Temu Coupon Wheels, Temu End of the month sale, and Temu Black Friday Deals.

Temu, the popular online marketplace, offers various ways to save money on your purchases. From coupon codes to special promotions, savvy shoppers can significantly reduce their spending. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Temu discounts in 2024.

With different program and Temu coupon codes you can earn and save money on your future shopping with Temu.

Temu Coupon Code $100 Off For First Time Users

If you are who wish to join Temu, then you should use this exclusive Temu coupon code $100 off (acu639380) and get $100 off on your purchase with Temu.

Our new Temu coupon code $100 off ((acu639380)) will give you an exclusive $100 coupon as an new user. Plus you will get 30% off on your first order with Temu. Make sure to apply Temu code on the app or during sign up.

Verified Temu Coupon Codes:

Temu coupon code $100 off - (acu639380)

$100 Off Temu Coupon code - acu639380

30% Off Temu coupon code - (acu639380)

Flat 40 Off Temu exclusive code - (acu639380)

What is The Best Temu Coupon Code $100 Off?

The best Temu coupon codes $100 off is (acu639380) which can effectively give you an $100 Temu Coupon bundle while shopping. You can acquire different Temu coupon codes by subscribing to Temu mail. Get exclusive deals, Incredible discounts, Latest promo codes, and more on Temu.

This Temu coupon code $100 off for new users gives $100 promotional discount on minimum purchases. You will get multiple Temu codes on this coupon bundle with new promotion deals and free shipping.

Why You Should Use the Coupon Code "acu639380"

The coupon code "acu639380" is a fantastic way to save money on Temu. Whether you're shopping for essentials or splurging on something special, this code gives you $100 off, allowing you to get more value out of your purchase.

Can You Get a $100 Temu Coupon Bundle?

Yes, Temu occasionally offers a $100 coupon bundle, which is highly sought-after by shoppers. This bundle typically includes multiple coupons that add up to $100 in total savings. For example:

One $50 off coupon

Two $20 off coupons

One $10 off coupon

These coupons can usually be applied to separate purchases, maximizing your savings across multiple orders.

How to Get the $100 Temu Coupon Bundle

Watch for special promotions, especially during major shopping events and holidays.

Check for limited-time offers regularly.

New users may have a higher chance of accessing this bundle as part of a welcome offer.

Existing customers should regularly check their Temu account for personalized offers.

Strategies for Existing Customers

How Can Existing Customers Find $100 Off Temu Coupons?

While $100 off coupons are often targeted at new users, existing customers can still benefit from significant discounts. Here are some strategies:

Check your email for exclusive offers sent to account holders.

Participate in Temu's referral program for substantial discounts.

Look out for seasonal sales and holiday promotions.

Use the Temu app regularly for app-exclusive offers.

Follow Temu on social media for flash sales and limited-time coupon codes.

Remember, you can often stack multiple smaller coupons to achieve similar savings to a single large coupon.

What's the Difference Between Temu Coupon Codes for New and Existing Customers?

New customer coupons are typically more generous, offering higher discount amounts or more flexible terms. Existing customer coupons, while potentially lower in value, are often more frequent and varied. They may include:

Percentage discounts on specific categories

Free shipping offers

Bundle deals on multiple items

Loyalty rewards for frequent shoppers

Both new and existing customers can benefit from referral codes, which offer discounts to both the referrer and the new user who signs up.

How Often Does Temu Release New Coupon Codes?

Temu frequently releases new coupon codes to keep customers engaged. You can generally expect:

Weekly deals and flash sales

Monthly promotional events

Seasonal campaigns (e.g., Back to School, Holiday Season)

Special occasion coupons (e.g., temu's anniversary, major shopping holidays)

To stay informed, enable notifications on the Temu app, subscribe to their email newsletter, and follow their social media accounts.

Maximizing Your Savings

How to Use Temu Coupon Codes Effectively

Combine coupons with ongoing sales for double savings.

Check for stackable coupons that can be used together.

Pay attention to minimum purchase requirements.

Use the Temu app for exclusive mobile-only discounts.

Share your referral code with friends to earn additional coupons.

Time your purchases around major shopping events.

Create price alerts for items you want and apply promo codes when prices drop.

What to Do If a Temu Coupon Code Doesn't Work

If you encounter issues with a coupon code:

Double-check for typos or incorrect capitalization.

Verify that the code hasn't expired and is applicable to your purchase.

Ensure you meet any minimum purchase requirements.

Try clearing your browser cache or using a different device.

Contact Temu customer support for assistance if the problem persists.

Latest Temu Deals and Promotions

What is the Temu Pop-Up Sale?

The Temu Pop-Up Sale is a limited-time event featuring flash deals and significant discounts on select items. These sales often last for just a few hours or a day, encouraging quick purchases. To catch these sales:

Enable push notifications on the Temu app.

Check the app frequently, especially during weekends and holidays.

Act fast when you see a deal you like, as quantities are often limited.

Best Temu Coupon Codes for 2024

While specific coupon codes change frequently, some of the best types of Temu coupons to look out for in 2024 include:

New user welcome coupons (up to $100 off)

Percentage-off coupons (e.g., 20% off your entire purchase)

Category-specific coupons (e.g., 30% off home goods)

Free shipping coupons

Referral bonuses

Temu Referral Code: Get $100 Latest New User Temu Code

Below are the latest active Temu referral codes that users can use to earn Temu sign up bonus.

Temu referral code - acu639380

Temu referral code 2024 - acu639380

Temu referral code new users - acu639380

$100 Temu referral code - acu639380

$100 new user Temu code - acu639380

How To Use Temu Referral Code?

Obtain the Referral Code: Ensure you have the referral code {acu639380} ready. This code is essential for unlocking the discount.

Visit Temu's Website: Navigate to Temu's official website or app and browse through their extensive range of products. Whether you're looking for electronics, fashion, home essentials, or beauty products, Temu has it all.

Add to Cart: Once you've found the items you wish to purchase, add them to your shopping cart.

Apply the Referral Code: During the checkout process, you'll find a designated field for entering referral codes. Input {acu639380} to activate the $100 discount.

Complete Your Purchase: With the discount applied, proceed to complete your purchase. Enjoy the satisfaction of saving money while getting high-quality products delivered to your doorstep.

Where to Find the Latest Temu Coupon Codes for 2024?

To stay up-to-date with the latest Temu coupon codes in 2024, check these sources:

The official Temu website and mobile app

Temu's social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)

Email newsletters for subscribers

Coupon aggregator websites (always verify codes on Temu's official platforms)

Seasonal promotional events and holiday sales

Temu's customer support for personalized offers

Word-of-mouth from other Temu users in online communities

FAQs About Temu Coupons and Deals

Q: Can I use multiple Temu coupons on one order? A: It depends on the specific coupons. Some coupons are stackable, while others can only be used individually. Always check the terms and conditions of each coupon.

Q: Do Temu coupons expire? A: Yes, most Temu coupons have an expiration date. Always check the validity period of your coupons before attempting to use them.

Q: Are there any restrictions on using Temu coupons? A: Yes, coupons may have restrictions such as minimum purchase amounts, specific product categories, or limitations on combining with other offers. Read the coupon terms carefully.

Q: How can I get notified about new Temu deals? A: Enable push notifications on the Temu app, subscribe to their email newsletter, and follow their social media accounts for the latest updates.

Q: Can I share my Temu coupons with friends? A: Some coupons are transferable, while others are linked to your specific account. Check the coupon details before sharing.


By staying informed about Temu's latest offers and using coupons strategically, you can save significantly on your purchases throughout 2024. Remember to check for new deals regularly, combine coupons with sales when possible, and don't hesitate to reach out to customer support if you have any questions. Happy shopping and saving on Temu!

Temu Coupon Code $100 Off {acu639380} + 30% Discount Code For Existing Customers

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Sunken Chinese submarine was a new hybrid nuclear-conventional attack boat, U.S. says


By Bill Gertz - The Washington Times - Monday, September 30, 2024

Defense analysts at the Pentagon assess the new Zhou-class attack submarine that sank near Wuhan is “a new class of nuclear submarine that is similar in size to PLAN conventionally powered submarines, but with a small nuclear reactor,” a U.S. defense official said, speaking on background.




The new Zhou-class submarine was confirmed by the Pentagon last week after one of the boats was seen in satellite images partially submerged beside the pier as the result of an unknown mishap.

「partially submerged beside the pier」な衛星画像はない、存在するのは艀船の写った写真だけ


As such, we do not know if the submarine reactor was fueled at the time of incident, or if it is going to be relocated to a known nuclear-certified facility for its initial fueling, such as Huludao shipyard, which has built all previous PLA] navy nuclear submarine classes,” the official said.



本当にU.S. defense officialなの?

What reports got wrong about China’s ‘sunken nuclear submarine’


By J. Michael Dahm and Peter W. Singer - October 2, 2024 02:04 PM ET

The ICBM test reminds us of a similar media frenzy sparked by a dubious claim earlier this year. In January, Western media aired claims by unnamed U.S. officials that corrupt PLA officers had filled their missiles with water.

The reporting seemed to be unaware that the Chinese term 灌水 (guànshuǐ), which does mean “to pour water into” but also references unscrupulous butchers adding water to meat to increase its weight and price, used metaphorically to refer to corruption.

Yes, the PLA Rocket Force has experienced a crisis of corruption. No, they do not fill their missiles with water to cover up that corruption.



ミサイルに燃料ではなく水注入? 汚職疑惑中国ロケット軍 米報道」って

This story also underlines a larger problem in Western media reporting on China’s military in recent years: too often, it swings between two extremes that portray the PLA as either comically inept or ten feet tall.












パルワールド/Palworld 公式



Last edited

6:03 PM · Sep 19, 2024





昔のきょくでsowelulast foreverという曲がありサビが

「どこまでも続く みかん星の地図を」





賞金総額93億円のEsports World CupEWC)が7/3からサウジアラビアで開催中。


今、最後の出場権をかけた最終予選(Last Chance Qualifier:LCQ)がサウジアラビアで行われている。












既に本戦出場を決めているプロゲーマーのOil King選手

Join for the EWC LCQ this time is free, and then I saw that many "well-known" good players were not shown up(DQ).I am really tired of this kind of thing. If you know very early that you can't participate , why not tell the organizer, this makes the bracket very unfair, I hate it

(今回のEWC LCQは無料で参加できるのに、「有名な」上手いプレイヤーがたくさん出てこないのを見て(DQ)、こういうのは本当にうんざりです。参加できないことがかなり早い段階でわかっている場合は、主催者に伝えてみてはいかがでしょうか。これではブラケットが非常に不公平になります。私はそれが嫌いです。)
























LastWeekTonight - S11 E18: The West Bank, JD Vance & Kamala Harris: 7/28/24: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (43:51)






TOEIC700点さん。もともとnot for meってのは「私の選択」を表現する言葉責任所在押し付けられないよ。


Aくん:How did you feel about the movie that we watched last night?


Bさん:Hmm, to be honest, it wasn’t for me.











ヤスケの仕事一族権力を守ることでした』(信長の首を守護し息子に届ける) の根拠はそれぞれそれなりに気になる


African samurai: The enduring legacy of a black warrior in feudal JapanCNN

When feudal Japan’s most powerful warlord Nobunaga Oda met Yasuke, a black slave-turned-retainer, in 1581, he believed the man was a god.

Oda had never seen an African before. And like the locals in Japan’s then-capital of Kyoto, he was awed by Yasuke’s height, build and skin tone, according to Thomas Lockley, the author of “African Samurai: The True Story of Yasuke, a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan.”

“When Yasuke got to Kyoto (with Jesuit missionaries), there was a massive riot. People wanted to see him and be in his presence,” says Lockley, who spent nine years researching and writing the book, which was published last month.

Oda believed Yasuke to be either a guardian demon or “Daikokuten,” a god of prosperity usually represented by black statues in temples. He tried to rub the pigment from Yasuke’s skin, believing it was black ink. Once convinced Yasuke was real, he immediately threw a feast in his honor, says Lockley.










Black Samurai 信長に仕えたアフリカン侍・弥助 |NHK BS












ちなみ 群馬県文書館レファレンス事例紹介コーナーによると『くろほう』について下記の回答があるね

12 群馬県文書館所蔵の古文書に、黒人と思われる「くろほう」という記述があるとききました。それは事実でしょうか。


 栗間家文書(P00101)のNo1「年未詳加藤清正書状」(下川左衛門ほか宛)には、豊臣秀吉朝鮮出兵に関連する記述の中で「くろほう」という言葉が出てきます。そして2021年3月30日NHK BS4Kで放送された「Black Samurai 信長に仕えたアフリカン侍・弥助」の中で、日本大学准教授ロックリートーマス氏がこの文書に出てくる「くろほう」こそ、織田信長に仕えた黒人武将弥助の後身ではないかと、述べられています。まず文書館内では、この「くろほう」をこれまで全く黒人として認識しておらず、トーマス氏のご指摘に驚いています。実は、この「くろほう」が弥助かどうかはともかく、黒人推定する見解は以前からありました(中島楽章氏「16世紀九州末ー東南アジア貿易」『史学雑誌』118-8号ほか)。 ただし現時点では、この文書の1カ所にしか出てこないため、断定は難しいと思われます。例えば、『源氏物語』にも「くろほう」という言葉が出てきますが、これは「黒芳」(練り香)の意味で、日本古典で頻出しているようです。また、当館文書を読むと、人間ではなく、物を指す記述と見た方が自然ではないか、という意見も係内で出ています。以上より、現時点では「くろほう」を直ちに黒人即断するのは難しいのではないか、というのが当館古文書係の見解です。




















歴史改竄でどうこうはアサクリより前からやっている。坂上田村麻呂黒人に始まり、ネトフリでYASUKEアニメ化の時も SHOGUN の時も増田でやってたでしょ



Why do Afro-centrists claim that the first samurai warrior was a black African? - Quora





The original answer and your comment are both wrong. It is very easy to prove Yasuke was a samurai, you just have to check a Japanese dictionary. I searched for 侍・士 (samurai) on the Japanese online encyclopedia コトバンク (Kotobank), which produced a result from 精選版 日本国語大辞典 (Carefully Selected Edition of the Nihon Kokugo Daijiten, aka Shogakukan’s Japanese Dictionary). I’ll post the link at the bottom, but here is the relevant section in Japanese and my translation in English.




(3) In the Kamakura Shogunate (1185 - 1333 AD), samurai were professional warriors who had servants and were qualified to ride on horseback, and their status was strictly differentiated from ordinary subordinates such as roju. However, from the middle of the Kamakura Shogunate onwards, its scope gradually expanded, and from the Sengoku Period (1467 - 1615 AD) onwards, vassals of feudal lords in various provinces came to be widely referred to as samurai, and it came to be used as a general term for professional warriors.


Now we have to ask three questions to see whether Yasuke met this definition:


Q: When did Yasuke work for the feudal lord Oda Nobunaga?


A: From April 1581 to June 1582. We know this from multiple eyewitness accounts, which I also mention below.


Q: Was Yasuke a vassal of Oda Nobunaga?


A: Yes, as evidenced by the fact that he was given a stipend, a house, and a job as spear-bearer (a type of bodyguard for the leader of a samurai family). He was also given a short sword called a koshigatana, which was worn as a status symbol and weapon for self-defense at all times by high status samurai. This we know from the Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga, written by Oda Nobunaga’s vassal Ota Gyuichi.


Q: Was Yasuke a warrior fighting for Oda Nobunaga?


A: Yes, as evidenced by the fact that he fought in three important conflicts. One, Yasuke fought in the Second Tensho Iga War in September 1581. This we can infer because the Jesuits said Oda Nobunaga took Yasuke everywhere with him and he led his own troops into this war. Two, Yasuke fought in the Koshu Conquest from February to March 1582. This we know from the Diary of Ietada, written by Matsudaira Ietada, a vassal of Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was himself a vassal of Oda Nobunaga. Three, Yasuke fought in the Honno-ji Incident of June 1582, in which he tried but failed to save the lives of both Oda Nobunaga and his son Oda Nobutada until Yasuke was the last Oda man standing and surrendered to the traitor Akechi Mitsuhide, who spared his life and returned him to the Jesuits. This we know from letters written by the Jesuits, who were glad to have Yasuke back. According to the Oda family today, Nobunaga’s final order was for Yasuke to help him commit seppuku (ritual suicide by stomach cutting) by decapitating him and bring his head to a courier that returned it to the Oda family, so it could not be used as evidence of victory by Akechi Mitsuhide.


So there you have it. Yasuke was a vassal and a warrior for the most powerful feudal lord in all of Japan, during the Sengoku Period. He even assisted his lord’s suicide, a role strictly reserved for samurai. Therefore, he was a samurai. Below is a link to the definition of samurai on Kotobank.




"For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood "




Where Are The Black People in 'Shogun'? | LEVEL




"For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood" is an old Japanese proverb. What do they mean with that? : r/AskHistorians











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151, Out Of Control Army/Lilith

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