I-Like-Rhymes - I agree it is pure conjecture on my part but Carroll did know and was friends with Holiday long before he commissioned him for the illustrations. Holiday was working in and around Oxford in the early 60s. http://lewiscarrollsociety.org.uk/pages/aboutcharlesdodgson/works/illustrators.html this refers to their early meeting and friendship but, tantalisingly, gives no precise dates.
Morag - It occurs to me that Christ Church, Carroll's college at Oxford, was known as 'the House' because its Latin name means 'house of Christ'. However, Sylvie and Bruno wasn't published until 1889, so I'm not sure Carroll would have been referring to Henry Holiday in 1861.
I-Like-Rhymes - I do not know Carroll's reasons but my conjectur is that this is possibly to stress his post as "Master of the House" and sub-librarian at Oxford and to reference Henry Holiday, the illustrator of Svlvie and Bruno. This fits in with his plays on words.
Morag - The three Liddell children were the ones to whom Dodson originally told the story of Alice in Wonderland. Reading down the first letters of the lines gives the three names.
Does anyone know why 'house' and 'holiday' are in capitals? There must be a reason.
Taya D. Hastings - I see that you asked this question YEARS ago, but for anyone else wondering the same thing - it's because he hid a copy of this poem into the pages of Catherine Sinclair's book "Holiday House" and gave it to the Liddell girls for Christmas. :-)
Flaming Rose - Very Strong piece of write. Encouraging read.
A lovely sense of home life during the holidays.
Remembering my childhood. The most peaceful time was during holidays and vacations. This Poet seems to capture the sense of why we take a break out of our daily working life to enjoy these times of the year. Lovely write
http://lewiscarrollsociety.org.uk/pages/aboutcharlesdodgson/works/illustrators.html this refers to their early meeting and friendship but, tantalisingly, gives no precise dates.
Does anyone know why 'house' and 'holiday' are in capitals? There must be a reason.